13. San Marine Cabinet

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The 13th cabinet consisted of the Partito Democratico Cristiano Sammarinese (PDCS) and Partito Socialista Democratico Indipendente Sammarinese (PSDIS) and ruled San Marino from October 29, 1964 to November 9, 1966. The PDCS and PSDIS each provided five ministers.

After the parliamentary elections on September 13, 1964 - the first in which women had the right to vote - in which the Christian Democrats narrowly missed an absolute majority with 29 seats, the formation of the new government proved difficult. After six weeks it came and, like the PDCS and PSDIS, which had formed the government together since the clashes in Rovereta in 1957, again formed a coalition. In the course of 1966 there were disputes between the governing parties. The main cause was the leftists' criticism of the 1959 electoral law, in which San Marines who lived in non-European countries were given the option of postal voting. On November 9, 1966, a new cabinet was elected, which was again provided by PDCS and PSDIS.

List of ministers

The San Marinese constitution has no head of government; in the diplomatic protocol, the foreign minister takes on the role of head of government.

Office minister Political party Term of office
Foreign Federico Bigi PDCS October 29, 1964 - November 9, 1966
Interior Gian Luigi Berti PDCS October 29, 1964 - November 9, 1966
Finances Pietro Giancecchi PSDIS October 29, 1964 - November 9, 1966
Public Works Marino Benedetto Belluzzi PDCS October 29, 1964 - November 9, 1966
health Domenico Forcellini PSDIS October 29, 1964 - November 9, 1966
Agriculture Emilio Della Balda PSDIS October 29, 1964 - November 9, 1966
communication Stelio Montironi PSDIS October 29, 1964 - November 9, 1966
Education and justice Giuseppe Micheloni PSDIS October 29, 1964 - November 9, 1966
tourism Luigi Lonfernini PDCS October 29, 1964 - November 9, 1966
job Ferruccio Piva PDCS October 29, 1964 - November 9, 1966


  1. ^ Segretario di Stato per gli Affari Esteri e Politici e Deputato per l'Industria
  2. ^ Segretario di Stato per gli Affari Interni e Deputato per il Commercio e l'Artigianato
  3. ^ Vice Segretario di Stato per gli Affari Interni e Finanze
  4. ^ Deputato per i Lavori Pubblici
  5. ^ Deputato per la Previdenza, l'Assistenta, la Sicurezza Sociale, l'Igiene e la Sanità
  6. ^ Deputato per l'Agricultura
  7. ^ Deputato per le Communicazioni
  8. ^ Deputato per la Pubblica Istruzione, la Giustizia e il Culto
  9. ^ Deputato per il Turismo, lo Sport e lo Spettacolo
  10. ^ Deputato per il Lavoro


  • Domenico Gasperoni: I Governi di San Marino. Storia e personaggi. AIEP Editore, Serravalle 2015, ISBN 978-88-6086-118-4 , pp. 188-199.

Individual evidence

  1. Election law of December 23, 1958. (PDF (93.4 kB)) Retrieved January 15, 2017 (Italian).