281 BC Chr.

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| 4th century BC Chr. | 3rd century BC Chr. | 2nd century BC Chr. |
300s BC Chr.290 BC Chr.280s BC Chr.270 BC Chr. | 260s BC Chr. |
◄◄284 BC Chr.283 BC Chr.282 BC Chr.281 BC Chr. | 280 BC Chr. | 279 BC Chr. | 278 BC Chr. | | ►►

Heads of state

281 BC Chr.
Diadoch Wars
The plain of Kurupedion
In the battle of Kurupedion Seleucus I defeated the Thracian-Macedonian king Lysimachus .
281 BC In other calendars
Buddhist calendar 263/264 (southern Buddhism); 262/263 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana )
Chinese calendar 40th (41st) cycle , year of the metal dragon庚辰 ( at the beginning of the year Earth-Rabbit 己卯)
Greek calendar 3rd / 4th Year of the 124th Olympiad
Jewish calendar 3480/81
Roman calendar from urbe condita CDLXXIII (473)
Seleucid era Babylon: 30/31 (turn of the year April); Syria: 31/32 (turn of the year October)


Eastern Mediterranean

  • February: Seleucus I defeats the Thracian-Macedonian king Lysimachus in the battle of Kurupedion in Asia Minor. Lysimachus falls in battle. Seleucus then moved across the Hellespont to incorporate not only Asia Minor but also Thrace into his empire. But he is stopped by Ptolemy Keraunos , who succeeded Lysimachus in Macedonia , whose widow Arsinoë II married, and who now (in August or September) has Seleucus killed. In the Seleucid Empire , Seleucus' son Antiochus I Soter takes over the rule. In Macedonia and Thrace Ptolemy Keraunus wins the rule. These events are usually viewed as the end of the Diadoch period.
  • After the death of Lysimachus, Philetairos led Pergamon to independence and founded the Attalid dynasty . Formally, Pergamon still belongs to the Seleucid Empire for the time being.
  • Mithridates I , ruler of Pontus , accepts the title of king.
  • Celts appear for the first time in Thrace ; the Greeks call them Galatians . They are led by Kambaules.
  • Ptolemy II , King of Egypt , orders the release of all Jews held as slaves in his kingdom .

Western Mediterranean

  • Pyrrhic War : After the attack on their fleet last year, the Romans send an embassy to Taranto to demand satisfaction. Since this is treated disparagingly by the Tarentines, the Romans react with a counterattack on Tarentine territory, which is sacked by troops under Lucius Aemilius Barbula . Taranto calls on the king of Epirus , Pyrrhus , to help. In autumn he sent the first troops (3,000 men) under the command of Milon to Italy.


Web links

Commons : 281 BC Chr.  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files