282 BC Chr.

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| 4th century BC Chr. | 3rd century BC Chr. | 2nd century BC Chr. |
300s BC Chr.290 BC Chr.280s BC Chr.270 BC Chr. | 260s BC Chr. |
◄◄285 BC Chr.284 BC Chr.283 BC Chr.282 BC Chr. | 281 BC Chr. | 280 BC Chr. | 279 BC Chr. | | ►►

Heads of state

282 BC Chr.
282 BC In other calendars
Buddhist calendar 262/263 (southern Buddhism); 261/262 (alternative calculation according to Buddha's Parinirvana )
Chinese calendar 40th (41st) cycle , year of the earth-hare己卯 ( at the beginning of the year earth-tiger 戊寅)
Greek calendar 2nd / 3rd Year of the 124th Olympiad
Jewish calendar 3479/80
Roman calendar ab urbe condita CDLXXII (472)
Seleucid era Babylon: 29/30 (turn of April); Syria: 30/31 (turn of the year October)


Politics and world events

Western Mediterranean

  • 283/282 BC BC: The Roman Empire defeats the Etruscans and the Gauls ( Senones and Boier ) in the battle of the Vadimonian Sea . The Romans then occupied the Senonian area and founded the colony Sena Gallica .
  • Victory of the Romans over the Etruscans at Populonia . The Etruscans are committed to army succession.
  • After ending the fighting with the Gauls and Etruscans, the Romans the city come Thurioi to help and defeat near under their consul Gaius Fabricius Luscinus the Lucanians whose commander Statius Statilius captured. Rome relocates garrisons to the Greek cities of Lokri , Kroton , Thurii and Rhegion .
  • Autumn - A Roman fleet of ten ships passes the port of Taranto , although according to a Roman-Tarantine treaty dating from 303 BC it was BC the Romans were forbidden to send ships into the Gulf of Taranto. The Tarentines then destroy the Roman ships and conquer Thurii in winter 282/81, whose Roman garrison is expelled. Beginning of the Pyrrhic War .

Eastern Mediterranean

Coin with the portrait of Philetaire

Culture and sport
