35th Bayerische Theatertage Hof 2017

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The 35th Bavarian Theater Days took place from April 29th to May 14th 2017 under the motto shift change (subject area work and power ) in Hof . The Bavarian State Association of the German Stage Association awarded the event to Theater Hof in December 2014 . For the third time since 1995 and 2003, the city hosted the largest Bavarian theater festival .


A total of 33 different ensembles from all over Bavaria (as well as the Czech West Bohemian Theater Eger) performed a total of 55 productions of all kinds as part of the 35th Bavarian Theater Days 2017. One focus here was children's and youth theater. The main venues were the big house and the studio, but also various schools. The theater days ended on May 14, 2017. However, three more performances were shown on May 15, 2017 under the motto overtime . Unlike in previous years, no prizes were awarded.

Stages and plays

  1. Residenztheater Munich
  2. Theater yard
  3. Ansbach theater
    • April 30, 2017: Stalin (Big House)
  4. Franconian Theater Maßbach Castle
    • 0May 1, 2017: Hunting scenes from Lower Bavaria (large house)
    • 0May 2, 2017: Coming Out! Or: The art of peeling an apple (Classroom Staatliche Realschule Naila)
  5. Theater Puddle Nuremberg
    • 0May 2, 2017: The visit (studio)
  6. Regensburg Theater
    • 0May 2, 2017: Lehman Brothers (Big House)
  7. Theater Erlangen
    • 0May 3, 2017: 100 meters (Schiller-Gymnasium Hof ​​@ Jahnsporthalle)
    • 0May 5, 2017: Odyssey - A Visitation (Big House)
  8. Coburg State Theater
    • 0May 3, 2017: Ms. Müller has to go (studio)
  9. ETA Hoffmann Theater Bamberg
    • 0May 3, 2017: Submission (Big House)
  10. TiG - Theater in the gardening district of Bamberg
    • 0May 4, 2017: Like me (Aula Johann-Georg-August-Wirth-Realschule Hof)
  11. City Theater Fürth
    • 0May 4, 2017: Simplicius Simplicissimus - The smartest person on Facebook (Studio)
  12. Mainfranken Theater Würzburg
    • 0May 4, 2017: The Popess: the Ballet (Great House)
  13. Akademietheater Regensburg
    • 0May 5, 2017: Nothing. What is important in life (studio)
  14. Bavarian State Opera Munich
    • 0May 6, 2017: Momo. The little circus boy (studio)
  15. Bavarian State Ballet II (Junior Company) Munich
    • 0May 6, 2017: Polychrome Dances, Pictures at an Exhibition, La Ventana, 3 Preludes (Big House)
  16. State Theater at Gärtnerplatz Munich
    • 0May 7, 2017: Gold! (Studio)
  17. Schauburg - Theater am Elisabethplatz Munich
  18. Young Theater Augsburg
    • 0May 8, 2017: Little Red Riding Hood on the run (classroom Sophiengrundschule Hof)
  19. young // dogs, Theater an der Rott Eggenfelden
    • 0May 8, 2017: The grandiose adventures of the brave Johanna // wooden sword (studio)
  20. Volkstheater Munich
    • 0May 8, 2017: Medea (Big House)
  21. Gostner Court Theater Nuremberg
    • 0May 8, 2017: Name: Sophie Scholl (classroom Geschwister-Scholl-Mittelschule, Schwarzenbach an der Saale)
  22. State Theater Nuremberg
    • 0May 9, 2017: And then came Mirna (studio)
  23. Chapeau Claque Children's and Youth Theater Bamberg
    • May 10, 2017: Schnickschnack & Schnuck - On the hunt for love (Aula Sophiengrundschule Hof)
  24. Theater in Kempten
    • May 10, 2017: Malala - girl with book (Aula Markgraf Friedrich Schule Rehau)
  25. Ingolstadt City Theater
    • May 10, 2017: Somewhere, Sometime (Big House)
    • May 11, 2017: My monster (Theater Eichendorff Primary School Hof)
  26. Theater Mummpitz Nuremberg
  27. Theater an der Rott Eggenfelden
  28. Kammerspiele Munich
    • May 12, 2017: She he me (Studio)
  29. August Everding Theater Academy
    • May 12, 2017: The Unruly (Big House)
    • May 15, 2017: The Whole Truths (Studio)
    • May 15, 2017: The Consistency of Reality (Studio)
  30. The sea in between GbR
    • May 13, 2017: You and I and the sea in between (Studio)
  31. Wasserburg theater
  32. State Theater Swabia Memmingen
    • May 14, 2017: I am the people (Studio)
  33. Theater Augsburg
    • May 14, 2017: Faust (Big House)
  34. West Bohemian Theater Eger
    • May 15, 2017: Brandzeichen (Cejch) (Big House)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 30 stages under one roof , article in the Frankenpost of March 6, 2017, accessed on June 19, 2017