395 BC Chr.

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| 5th century BC Chr. | 4th century BC Chr. | 3rd century BC Chr. |
410 BC Chr.400s BC Chr.390 BC Chr.380s BC Chr. | 370 BC Chr. |
◄◄398 BC Chr.397 BC Chr.396 BC Chr.395 BC Chr. | 394 BC Chr. | 393 BC Chr. | 392 BC Chr. | | ►►

395 BC Chr.
Coin of Tissaphernes
After a defeat against Sparta , the satrap Tissaphernes is executed by the Persian great king Artaxerxes II .
395 BC Chr. In other calendars
Buddhist calendar 149/150 (southern Buddhism); 148/149 (alternative calculation according to Buddha's Parinirvana )
Chinese calendar 38th (39th) cycle , year of the fire dog丙戌 ( at the beginning of the year wood rooster 乙酉)
Greek calendar 1./2. Year of the 96th Olympiad
Jewish calendar 3366/67
Roman calendar from urbe condita CCCLIX (359)


Western Mediterranean

Eastern Mediterranean

  • Spring: The Spartan King Agesilaos II invades Persian Lydia with his army . The capital of Sardis is conquered. The defeated satrap Tissaphernes is executed by Artaxerxes II .
  • In view of the poor military situation in the Spartan-Persian war , Satrap Pharnabazos has an ambassador, Timocrates of Rhodes, sent to the major Greek cities to promote a military alliance against the Spartans. Thebes , disappointed in his former ally, provided the occasion for war: instead of starting the fighting themselves, they persuaded the allied region of Lokris to collect taxes in an area claimed by both Lokris and Phocis , an ally of Sparta .
  • In response to Lokris' renewed territorial claims, the Phokers begin the invasion of the neighboring region. This quickly calls the two protecting powers Sparta and Thebes (supported by Athens ) on the scene.
  • Battle of Haliartus : Two Spartan armies , one under Lysander , one under King Pausanias , approach the Boeotian city of Haliartus . Since Pausanias is a few days' march back, Lysander decides to attack the city alone. He is not aware of any major Theban force awaiting him near the city. Surrounded by the city's defenders and the Thebes, the Spartans lose the battle and Lysander loses his life. The Spartan army under Pausanias, which Lysander should have waited for, arrives shortly afterwards, picks up the dead and retreats to Sparta, as the city-state does not have the strength to fight on two fronts at the same time. At home, however, the opposing party has gained the upper hand during his absence and through the shock of Lysandros' death, and Pausanias is charged with deliberately delaying his arrival at Haliartus and not avenging Lysandros death. Pausanias goes into exile in Tegea without waiting for the outcome of his trial. He is sentenced to death in Sparta and therefore seeks refuge in the sanctuary of Athena Alea . In his place his son Agesipolis I becomes king. Since he and his younger brother Cleombrotos are still children, Aristodemus , their closest relative, takes over the guardianship.
  • The allied cities of Thebes and Athens win the support of Argos and Corinth . A council of war is set up in Corinth. The conflict between the allied cities and Sparta is subsequently known as the Corinthian War . The Spartan King Agesilaus II has to return with his troops from Asia Minor.


  • Lysander , Spartan statesman and general