427 BC Chr.

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| 6th century BC Chr. | 5th century BC Chr. | 4th century BC Chr. |
440 BC Chr.430s BC Chr.420 BC Chr.410 BC Chr. | 400s BC Chr. |
◄◄430 BC Chr.429 BC Chr.428 BC Chr.427 BC Chr. | 426 BC Chr. | 425 BC Chr. | 424 BC Chr. | | ►►

s 427 BC In other calendars | -! Buddhist calendar | 117/118 (southern Buddhism); 116/117 (alternative calculation according to Buddha's Parinirvana ) | -! Chinese calendar | 37th (38th) cycle , year of the wood tiger甲寅 ( at the beginning of the year water buffalo 癸丑) | -! Greek calendar | 1./2. Year of the 88th Olympiad | -! Jewish calendar | 3334/35 | -! Roman calendar | ab urbe condita CCCXXVII (327) |}


Politics and world events


  • Early June: The Spartans invade Attica for the fourth time and devastate the area around Marathon .
  • End of June / beginning of July: Mytilene, besieged by the Athenians, surrenders on Lesbos . Since the fleet commanded by Alkidas did not arrive, the Mytilenians armed the common people, who then demanded a fairer distribution of food. Only a week before the arrival of the Alkidas, the oligarchs prefer to lay down their arms. Kleon takes tough action and has those responsible for the revolt executed (originally he even wanted to have the entire population of Mytilenes killed) and the city walls razed. Furthermore, Mytilene has to surrender his fleet to the Athenians and the island of Lesbos is colonized by clergy , with the exception of Methymna , who was loyal to Athens.
  • July: With the assassination of the democratic politician Peithias , a civil war begins in Kerkyra between democrats and aristocrats, which ends with a victory for the pro-Athenian democrats. Attempts at meddling by both Athens and Sparta were unsuccessful
  • August: massacre on Kerkyra.
  • Summer:
  • End of September: First naval expedition of Athens to Sicily in order to come to the aid of Leontinoi and Rhegion (427/424 BC) and with which Athens intends to stop Sparta's supply of Sicilian grain. The trigger is the attack by Syracuse on Leontinoi. Syracuse is allied with other Doric cities in Sicily and Lokroi Epizephyroi ( Kamarina is an exception) and is supported by Sparta. Leontinoi is allied with Chalcidian-Ionian cities (such as Rhegion) and with Catania . The sophist Gorgias von Leontinoi had gone to Athens to warn of the ambitious plans of the Syracusans and to ask for support for his city. After his successful application, he stayed in Athens to teach rhetoric - with the focus on natural law, which is based on the law of the strong.
  • The release expedition led by Laches and Charöades cannot achieve much in the interests of Athens, which is why Laches is later accused by Kleon.
  • In Sparta, Archidamos II from the Eurypontid dynasty hands over the royal dignity to his son Agis II.
  • In Athens, because of the Peloponnesian War, there is a dispute between Kleon, the leader of the Democrats, and Nikias , the advocate of the Conservatives, as Kleon wants to charge the Athenians with an additional payment of 200 talents ( Eisphora ) to continue financing the war . An expedition sent to Caria to collect the tribute payments met with resistance and suffered heavy losses.
  • In Athens, Diotimos and Eucles hold the office of archon .

Roman Republic




