Adventure series

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The Adventure Series ( English adventure series ) of the British children's author Enid Blyton is their first globally successful children's book series. All volumes and the dust jackets were illustrated by Stuart Tresilian.

Episode overview

The individual episodes in the order in which the original editions appeared:

The Island of Adventure (1950), The Island of Adventure (1944)

During the summer holidays, Philipp Mannering meets the orphan siblings Jack and Lucy Trent and their talkative parrot Kiki in a tutoring boarding school. When Jack and Lucy's uncle fell ill and they couldn't see him, Philipp invited both of them to his aunt Polly and his uncle Jocelyn in the house "Felseneck" on the coast, where they also met his sister Dina. Joe (in an earlier version still Jojo), the aunt's creepy servant, spins adventurous stories about the nearby island of the dead, of which the children find a map at Uncle Jocelyn's. During a foray on the coast they get to know the stranger "Bill Smugs". In an abandoned copper mine on the island they find the printing workshop of counterfeiters and are captured by them. To their amazement, Bill Smugs is locked with them too. At the last second, they escape the mine that was blown up by the counterfeiters and is now flooded by the sea. They learn that Bill is a cop, last name is Cunningham, and that he tracked down the bad guys here. Joe was the gang's accomplice on the mainland.

The Castle of Adventure (1950), The Castle of Adventure (1946)

The four children and Philipps and Dina's mother (called Aunt Allie by Jack and Lucy) rent a small farmhouse for the holidays. Bill is “by chance” in the next town. On their walks, the children meet a gypsy girl with whom they explore an old castle. Jack stays in the castle at night to watch an eagle's nest. In doing so, he comes across a gang of criminals who have taken up residence in the basement of the castle. They spy on military installations. The children are locked up by the criminals, but Jack escapes to the farmhouse, where he meets Bill, who came to visit them and is now waiting for Allie and the children to return. Together they can free the children and capture the criminals. Next to Kiki (Jack's parrot) a little fox makes its appearance.

The Valley of Adventure (1951), The Valley of Adventure (1947)

Bill offers Allie to take the children with him for a few days. He wants to fly her there in a company plane. The children get on the wrong plane and land in an uninhabited Austrian mountain valley. During the war, art treasures were hidden there, which the gang of criminals with whom the children flew with them want to find and fly abroad. The children compete with the criminals to find the treasure, which is guarded in a cave by an old couple who have only one hen to keep them company. The criminals include the children and the couple there. Philipp manages to escape. He flies back to England as a stowaway and reports to the police. Bill can save the children and take the gang into custody.

The Sea of ​​Adventure (1951), The Sea of ​​Adventure (1948)

Bill has to hide from a gang he's been following for a long time. The children are supposed to recover from measles. They decide to do this together on the islands off the west coast of Scotland. Allie, who has measles herself, stays at home. After a train ride to Scotland, during which Bill accompanies the children in disguise, they rent a boat and go out to the islands. Jack and Philipp enjoy the bird paradise. Two Lunde ( puffins ) (Schnarr and Schnauf - in new editions: Schnauf and Prust) join Philipp. When they watch seaplanes, Bill becomes suspicious and wants to send a report to his superiors. Then he is caught by the criminals and their boat is made unusable. The children left behind receive a visit from an ornithologist Stelzlein, whose boat they steal. They use it to pursue the criminals and find out that they are arms smugglers. They free Bill, who can get help just in time.

The Mountain of Adventure (1952), The Mountain of Adventure (1949)

The children want to spend their holidays in Wales with Bill and Allie. Allie is injured shortly before a trip to a butterfly valley, which Bill uses to stay alone with her. During the ride, the children get lost in the thick fog and come across a gang that is testing aircraft in a mountain. Bill can of course free them.

The Ship of Adventure (1952), The Ship of Adventure (1950)

The children take Allie on a cruise to the Mediterranean. Lucy buys a ship in a bottle as a present for Philipp. Among the passengers is a rich Greek named "Eppy" with his nephew Lucius. The Greeks undertake archaeological digs. The children discover a treasure map in the ship in a bottle. Allie is called back to England because Aunt Polly is ill. Bill takes care of the children. Together with Bill they explore Treasure Island, where the Greek gets in their way. Nevertheless, they manage to find the treasure. Eventually, Allie and Bill decide to get married. In fact, Enid Blyton had already ended the series here.

Due to the success of the series, she added the following volumes:

The Circus of Adventure (1953), The Circus of Adventure (1952)

During the holidays, Bill brings a strange boy with him who turns out to be the crown prince of a Balkan state. The boy and the children are kidnapped by a rival party in his home country. Jack escapes capture and can fly on the same plane as a stowaway. He is looking for shelter at a circus. With the help of some artists, the children are liberated. In the meantime, Bill shows up and they can just prevent a coup. (This adventure is in the tradition of the "Ruritania" novels that are widespread in the English-speaking world , such as the prisoner of Zenda .)

The River of Adventure (1956), The River of Adventure (1955)

The whole family can go on a river boat trip in the Middle East. The river is located near the Syrian border. On the side, Bill pursues a criminal who wants to sell art treasures illegally. You pass a city that was built only to make a film. A “native” boy, whom the children save from being beaten by his uncle, joins them because he sees Philip as his master and wants to serve him. The criminal sets a trap for Bill, invites him to eat and kidnaps him and his wife. The children manage to escape with the criminal's boat. You follow the river to a waterfall and get into a cave. Looking for an exit, they come to an old, buried temple in which the criminal is looking for treasure. With the help of an apparently poisonous snake, the children can deceive the criminal who believes he has been fatally bitten. You get out into the open, the captured parents are released, and the criminal is arrested.

main characters

  • Philipp Mannering (English: Philip ) is an animal lover who always carries a few specimens with him in his clothes. He also has an indomitable tuft of hair that sometimes gives him the nickname "tuft".
  • Dina Mannering (English Dinah ) is Philip's sister. She hates the animals that Philip carries with him. She is impulsive and often argues with Philipp, but forgets her anger just as quickly as it came.
  • Jack Trent is an orphan, covered in freckles, and an avid bird lover. Therefore he would like to become an ornithologist later on. Because he has so many freckles, he has been nicknamed "Sprossel".
  • Lucy Trent (Engl. Lucy-Ann ) also has a lot of freckles, is Jack's little sister and loves him more than anything. She is a little scared when she senses that the four of them are slipping into another adventure.
  • Kiki is the parrot (in the English original a cockatoo ) from Jack and is always fun with his sayings. With his resolute screaming and demeanor, he often helps the children out of dangerous situations. Kiki's favorite sayings are “Poor Polly”, “Get the doctor”, “Don't sniff”, “Open the kettle” and “Close the door”. In the German version, unlike in the English original, Kiki is a male .
  • Bill Cunningham ( aka Bill Smugs ) is something of a father substitute for the children. He is also a police officer and makes sure that adventures always end well. He can be recognized by his balding head.
  • Allison Mannering (aka Allie ) is the widowed mother of Philipp and Dina. She plays more of a secondary role. Your main task is to protect the children from new adventures. Over the course of the series, she developed a friendly relationship with Bill and later married him. Jack and Lucy treats and loves them as much as they do their own children.

Filming and setting to music

Television series

The British-New Zealand co-production Die Enid Blyton Abenteuer (Orig .: The Enid Blyton Adventure Series ) was created between 1995 and 1996 .

Radio plays

The series and individual episodes were set to music by various radio play publishers. Fontana brought out six radio plays between 1966 and 1978 ( The Valley of Adventure and The River of Adventure were not set to music ), a new edition was made by Philips (Sonic Series). Europa and Karussell each brought out a series with all eight episodes of the novel series, whereby Karussell published original radio plays of the TV films. Since 2010, Europe has been releasing these Enid Blyton classics as MP3 downloads.



In addition: Christian Rode , Rüdiger Schulzki, Lutz Mackensy , Utz Richter , Eckart Dux , Eric Vaessen , Günther Flesch, Jochen Sehrndt , Horst Stark , Annemarie Marks-Rocke , Peter Faerber , Edgar Bessen , Willem Fricke , Henry Kielmann , Ferdinand Dux , Andreas vd Meden , Carlo Beddies, Peter Lakenmacher , Oliver Rohrbeck , Jens Wawrczeck and Karl-Walter Diess .


  • Philipp: Karel Meirowitz
  • Dina: Sibylle Sannwald
  • Lucy: Carola Bücklers
  • Bill: Josef Dahmen


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Five friends