Adam Joseph Oestreich

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Adam Joseph Oestreich (* after January 4, 1799 in Oberbimbach ; † July 5, 1843 there ) was a German organ builder who worked in the Fulda area .


Adam Joseph Oestreich was the eldest of three sons of the organ builder Johann Georg Oestreich (born February 2, 1770 in Oberbimbach; † February 28, 1858 ibid) from his marriage to Margarete, born in 1798. Fist. All three sons also became organ builders and were thus members of the fourth of five generations of organ builders in the Oestreich family .

From his marriage to Margarete geb. Gärtner (1805–1857) from Malkes had the children Monika (* 1829), Emil Michael (* 1832), Maximilian (* 1834), Maurus (* 1836), Mathilde (* 1838) and Damian (* 1843). After Adam Joseph Oestreich's death in 1843, his widow married his younger brother Augustin (1807 – after 1855), who emigrated to the USA in 1855 with two of his four step-sons, Maximilian and Maurus, and settled there in Ashland, founded in 1850 and incorporated in 1857 Pennsylvania and operated an organ and wood construction workshop in neighboring Pottsville . Damian Oestreich also followed to Ashland in 1859.


Adam Joseph Oestreich learned from his father and worked in his father's workshop in Oberbimbach. He and his two brothers, Michael (1802–1838) and Augustin, were involved in the construction of the organ in the church of St. Laurentius in Großkrotzenburg through their father from 1826–1828 . In addition to many organ repairs, Adam Joseph also carried out new constructions whose sound could already be assigned to the Romantic period . A handful are still preserved today. His first independently built organ was that of 1826 in Hattenhof.

List of works (selection)

year place church image Manuals register Remarks
1826 Hattenhof Church of St. Kosmas and St. Damian not received
1832-1834 Fritzlar Katharinenkirche in the Ursuline Convent I / P 11 receive. The organ was sold when the monastery was closed due to the Kulturkampf in 1877, stood in the then desecrated church of Großenenglis until 1973 , remained unused in the warehouse of organ builder Bruno Döring in Neukirchen (Knüll) for 22 years and has been in St. Michael's Church since 1995 in Kleinenglis
1835 Medebach Protestant church not received; In 1960 it was replaced by an electronic organ as part of the church renovation at that time
1836 Grossauheim Catholic parish church of St. James receive
1838 Ulmbach Catholic parish church Mariae Himmelfahrt receive
1839 Oberrodenbach Catholic parish church of St. Peter and Paul receive
1843 Oberbimbach Catholic parish church II 24 Get prospectus; Completed by his brother Augustin in 1844, only a prospectus has been preserved since 1928


  • Gottfried Rehm : The organ builder family Oestreich. In: Acta Organologica . Vol. 7, 1973, pp. 37-66.
  • Gottfried Rehm: Contributions to the history of the organ building family Oestreich. In: Acta Organologica . Vol. 21, 1990, pp. 55-99.
  • Gottfried Rehm: Musikantenleben. Contributions to the music history of Fulda and the Rhön in the 18th and 19th centuries. Parzeller, Fulda 1997, ISBN 3-7900-0282-8 (= publication of the Fulda History Association ).

Web links

  • Gottfried Rehm: The organ builder family Oestreich. In: The Johann-Markus-Oestreich-Organ (I / 10, 1799) in the Evangelical Church of Fraurombach. Restoration documentation, created by Orgelbau Andreas Schmidt, 2014, p. 4–10 (here p. 7).


  1. Today a borough in Schuylkill County .
  2. ^ The organ portrait (52): The Oestreich organ in the Ev. Parish church, Kleinenglis
  3. ^ The organ portrait (34): The Oestreich organ in the Catholic parish church of St. Jakobus, Großauheim
  4. ^ The organ portrait (102): The Oestreich organ in the Catholic parish church Mariae Himmelfahrt, Ulmbach
  5. The organ portrait (66): The Oestreich organ of the Catholic parish church St. Peter and Paul, Oberrodenbach
  6. ^ Grossenlüder-Bimbach (Oberbimbach): Catholic parish church