Adolfo Franci

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Adolfo Franci (born November 27, 1895 in Florence , Tuscany , † January 31, 1954 in Rome , Latium ) was an Italian screenwriter who was nominated once for the Oscar for the best original screenplay and once the Nastro d'Argento des Sindacato Nazionale Giornalisti Cinematografici Italiani (SNGCI) won.


Franci worked as a screenwriter for the first time with Vittorio De Sica in 1942 , on his comedy Un garibaldino al convento with Leonardo Cortese , María Mercader and Carla Del Poggio . Until 1953 he wrote the scripts for thirteen films.

At the Academy Awards in 1948 he was nominated together with Sergio Amidei , Cesare Giulio Viola and Cesare Zavattini for the Oscar for the best original screenplay for the feature film Schuhputzer (Sciuscià, 1946), also directed by De Sica , in which Franco Interlenghi , Rinaldo Smordoni and Emilio Cigoli played the main roles.

In 1949 Franci, together with Cesare Zavattini, Vittorio De Sica, Suso Cecchi D'Amico , Oreste Biancoli and Gerardo Guerrieri, won the Silver Ribbon awarded by the Sindacato Nazionale Giornalisti Cinematografici Italiani (SNGCI) for the best screenplay ( Nastro d'Argento alla migliore sceneggi d'Argento alla migliore ) for the neorealistic film Bicycle Thieves (Ladri di biciclette, 1948) with Lamberto Maggiorani , Enzo Staiola and Lianella Carell, again directed by De Sica .


Filmography (selection)

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