Adolph Christian Ulrich von Bassewitz

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Adolph Christian Ulrich Graf v. Bassewitz

Adolph Christian Ulrich Graf von Bassewitz (born July 27, 1787 in Schwerin , † May 2, 1841 in Prebberede ) was canon of Lübeck , Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Württemberg chamberlain .


He came from the old Mecklenburg family von Bassewitz . His parents were Bernhard Friedrich Graf von Bassewitz and Charlotte von Koppelow . He was married to Luise von Levetzow and had six sons including Henning Graf von Bassewitz and two daughters. One grandson was Carl Graf von Bassewitz-Levetzow . He increased the inherited property considerably and finally owned the Mecklenburg estates Prebberede, Jahmen, Grieve, Dalwitz , Stierow, Stechow, Poggelow , Schwiessel , Gr. and Kl. Bützin, Neu Heinde, Wohrenstorf, Vietow, Horst and Weitendorf . The manor complex in Prebberede , the palace of which his grandfather Carl Friedrich Graf von Bassewitz had commissioned, he completed with the construction of a few other buildings and the layout of the park.

At the age of eight he received a prebend at Lübeck Cathedral in 1795, who was resigned to him by his father, and thus became a canon .

After finishing school, he worked as a chamberlain and stable master at the court in Württemberg until he began his studies . He then studied together with his brother Carl Christoph initially in Göttingen and Heidelberg and together with him became a member of the Corps Vandalia Göttingen and Vandalia I Heidelberg . In Göttingen he lived with Prince Anton Paul Sulkoski between 1802 and 1805 in the so-called Prinzenhaus on Prinzenstrasse. At the end of their studies in Rostock in 1808, he and his brother founded the Corps Vandalia Rostock with other corps students .

In the wars of freedom he took part in the rank of major as adjutant Friedrich Ludwig zu Mecklenburg . In Prebberede he ran a stud farm under the stable master Zinkeisen, which was known throughout Germany, but was closed due to inheritance after his death. He had also set up Spanish and merino sheep farms here and on other of his estates . He was a holder of the Royal Prussian Order of St. John and the golden Mecklenburg Military Merit Medal as well as Mecklenburg-Schwerin Chamberlain.


  • Friedrich Brüssow: Adolph Christian Graf von Bassewitz. New Nekrolog der Deutschen 19 / I (1841) Weimar: Voigt 1843, pp. 502–503 digitized .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ General German Real Encyclopedia for the educated classes , Brockhaus Leipzig 1851, Volume 2, p. 339.
  2. Eduard Maria Oettinger: Moniteur des dates: contenant un million de renseignements biographiques ... 1869, p. 62 digitized
  3. a b c d Adolph Graf von Bassewitz: From the life of Count Henning Friedrich von Bassewitz with some news about the Bassewitz family of the Wendish line. o. O., 1859, pp. 56, 57
  4. ^ Helmut Sieber : Castles and manors in Mecklenburg. Frankfurt, 1960, p. 80
  5. ^ Wolfgang Prange : Directory of the Canon. In: Ders .: Bishop and cathedral chapter of Lübeck: Hochstift, principality and part of the country 1160-1937. Lübeck: Schmidt-Römhild 2014, ISBN 978-3-7950-5215-7 , p. 421 No. 424
  6. a b Friedrich August Schmidt u. a .: New Nekrolog der Deutschen Vol. 11, 1841, p. 502
  7. Friedrich August Schmidt a. a .: New Nekrolog der Deutschen ... Part 2, 1837, p. 987.
  8. ^ Imm. As "Megapolitanus" April 16, 1804
  9. Friedrich August Schmidt a. a .: New necrology; Imm. In Heidelberg on February 6, 1805 with the addition "Has already studied Cameralia in Göttingen"
  10. Kösener corps lists 1910, 122/3.
  11. ^ Hermann Thiersch: Ludwig I von Bayern and Georgia Augusta, Hamburg 2010 (reprint from 1924), page 11
  12. Kösener corps lists 1910, 185/5; his matriculation in Rostock cannot be proven for 1808 in the lists there.
  13. ^ W. Zinkeisen: The preparation and activity of the young horses destined for the racecourse according to the method of the English. Or the elementary school of the horse. Berlin: AW Hayn 1834
  14. cf. z. B. Gustav Hempel: Geographical-statistical-historical manual of the Meklenburger country. Volume 2, p. 277
  15. Festival gift to celebrate the XXII: Assembly of German Agriculture and Forestry. Schwerin 1861, p. 97
  16. Friedrich August Schmidt a. a .: New Nekrolog der Deutschen Volume 11, 1841, page 503