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Aflenzbach, Weißenbach
Water code AT : HZB 2-220-234-345 (424); STM 3271,4515
location Windische Bühel ; Styria
Drain over Mur  → Drava  → Danube  → Black Sea
River basin district Mur
origin at Kranachberg
46 ° 43 ′ 13.2 ″  N , 15 ° 29 ′ 12.2 ″  E
Source height approx.  420  m above sea level A.
muzzle at Ehrenhausen
46 ° 43 '42.2 "  N , 15 ° 34" 49.1 "  E
Mouth height approx.  254  m above sea level A.
Height difference approx. 166 m
Bottom slope approx. 14 ‰
length approx. 11.5 km
Catchment area 14.22 km²
Communities Gamlitz , Heimschuh , Leibnitz , Wagna , Ehrenhausen on the Weinstrasse
; Name Retzneibach also for a tributary fromRettenbach( origin , confluence ), so to the mouth of the Mur Ehrenhausen 6.9 km; Weissenbach 6.7 km; Torrent No. 10/024

The Retzneibach , also Aflenzbach on the lower course, and Weißenbach (Weissenbach) on the upper course , is a right tributary of the Mur in the Windischen Büheln .

The stream rises on the western slope of the Kranachberg  ( 496  m above sea level ) at around 420  m , in the municipality of Gamlitz . The north-eastward upper reaches and the Weissenbachtal then belong partly to Gamlitz, the village of Kranach , partly to Heimschuh , the village of Unterfahrenbach with the Steusiedlung Sauberg left on the Riedel. Then the brook, turning east, reaches Oberlupitscheni , which belongs to the city of Leibnitz . To the north lies the Edlmannskogel ridge  ( 383  m above sea level ), and to the south of Labitschberg and Brennerstock. The brook passes Aflenz , which in and of itself lies on the Sulm, but on the Aflenzer Kogel  ( 346  m above sea level ) extends over a saddle to the Retzneibach and separates Oberlupitscheni from Unterlupitscheni . Aflenz belongs to the Wagna community , Unterlupitscheni already to Ehrenhausen on the Weinstrasse . Lupitscheni is the old room name of the Talung (wine-growing region). The name Aflenzbach is also used here , which also denotes the 1.2 km long stream to the left of Rettenbach west of the Aflenzer Kogel.

To the southeast, the stream reaches the village of Retznei and enters the Mur plain . To the north of the village lies the extension of the Aflenzerkogel as a hill spur between Retznei and Sulm, the Rosenberg , an old site of a fortified tower and today a limestone quarry . From the Retznei cement works (Lafarge Perlmooser), the Retzneistraße (L672) follows the stream that flows into the Mur at Ehrenhausen after about 12 kilometers .

In 2014 , a flood retention basin with a retention volume of 180,000 m³ was built on the creek, which is classified as a torrent . The 9 m high earth dam ( location ) has a dam crest length of 95 m.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Austrian map ; also catchment areas and kilometers in the WIS Steiermark , GIS-Steiermark , topic waters and water information (accessed November 18, 2019).
  2. a b c Retzneibach . Styrian water register, (accessed November 18, 2019).
  3. a b c Weissenbach (1) . Styrian water register, (accessed November 18, 2019).
  4. BMLFUW (ed.) : List of areas of the Austrian river basins: Mur area. In: Contributions to Austria's Hydrography Issue No. 60, Vienna 2011, p. 105. PDF download , accessed on July 6, 2018.
  5. a b c Ordinance of the Governor of Styria of July 11, 1995, with which the catchment areas of torrents and avalanches in Styria are determined. LGBl. No. 63/1995 Item 16, Annex 1 Wildbach Directory (as amended online, ris.bka ).
  6. a b Friedrich Klementschitz: Wine history of Lupitscheni and Retznei. In: steiermarkwein 13 (3/2013), pp. 101–103 ( whole issue, pdf ( memento of the original from August 2, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and Archive link according to instructions and then remove this note. , @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. Retzneibach flood protection measure., undated (2014).