Alexander Anatoljewitsch Dorofejew

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Alexander Dorofejew (2010)

Alexander Anatoljewitsch Dorofejew ( Russian Александр Анатольевич Дорофеев ; born  July 4, 1946 in Tapiau (today Gwardeisk ), Kaliningrad Oblast , northwestern Russia ) is a Russian major general .


Alexander Anatoljewitsch Dorofejew was born on July 4, 1946 in Tapiau ( renamed Gwardeisk in September 1946 ) in the Kaliningrad Oblast. Since the "Koenigsberg Oblast" was renamed "Kaliningrad Oblast" on July 4, 1946 and Alexander Dorofejew was born at 12:01 am, he is considered the first citizen to be born in Kaliningrad Oblast. His father, Colonel Anatolij Dorofejew (1920-2000) was honored in 1995 as a Hero of the Russian Federation .

On August 11, 1964, Dorofejew joined the Soviet Army . Since 1968 he served in the group of the Soviet armed forces in Germany with the motorized rifle troops of the 8th Guards Army . From August to November 1968 he was involved with the 1st Armored Guard Army in the invasion of Czechoslovakia ( Prague Spring ).

Brigadier General John E. Rogers of the Berlin Brigade with Lieutenant Colonel Dorofejew in Berlin (1981)

On May 9, 1983 he was promoted to colonel and served in the 20th Guard Army (stationed in Bernau near Berlin ). On June 5, 1991, he was promoted to major general and commanded the garrison of Maikop . From January to April 1995 he was involved in the search for the wounded, killed and prisoners in the First Chechnya War . He was awarded the Order of Bravery for his commitment .

On March 1, 1999, he was released from active service and retired. He lives in Maikop in southern Russia .

In 1999 he ran for parliamentary and local regional elections and was also an adviser to the head of the Russian Republic of Adygea , Aslan Tchakuschinow .

Dorofejew is married and has two children.



Web links

Commons : Alexander Dorofeev  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Указ Президиума ВС CCCP от 04.07.1946 о переименовании города Кенигсберга ... и Кенигсбергской области в Калининградскую область , (Russian)
  2. Губернатор Николай Цуканов поздравил с днём рождения первого жителя Калининградской (Russian, July 5, 2014 области) , области , July 5, 2014
  3. Указ Президента РФ от 06.07.1995 N 679 "О награждении государственными наградами Российской Федерации ативных участников Великой Отечественной Войны 1941- 1945 годов , (Russian)
  4. Дорофеев Анатолий Васильевич , (Russian)
  5. Заместитель командующего войсками Северо-Кавказского военного округа Генерал-майор Дорофеев Александр Анатольевич , (Russian)
  6. Дорофеев Александр Анатольевич, генерал-майор , (Russian)
  7. Постановление окризбиркома РА от 28.10.1999 N 26 "О регистрации кандидата в депутаты Государственной Думы Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации третьего созыва по Адыгейскому одномандатному избирательному округу N 1 Дорофеева А.А." , (Russian)
  8. Депутат Государственного Совета-Хасэ Республики Адыгея Дорофеев Александр Анатольевич , (Russian)
  9. Дорофеев Александр Анатольевич , (Russian)
  10. Дорофеев Александр Анатольевич , (Russian)