Alexander Petrovich Jasykov

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Alexander Petrovich Yazykovs ( Russian Александр Петрович Языков ; born May 6, jul. / 18th May  1802 greg. , † February 15 jul. / 27. February  1878 greg. In Villedaigne ) one was Russian lieutenant general and director of the law school in St. Petersburg .


Origin and family

Alexander was a son of the Russian major general Peter Grigorjewitsch Jasykow (1756–1826 / 1827) and Alexandra Wassiljewna geb. Baroness von Mengden from the Altenwoga family. His marriage to Alexandra Ivanova Gagarin remained without children.


Jasykow joined the Imperial Russian Army and in 1823 was an ensign in the " Life Guard " regiment. He took part in the Turkish War from 1828 to 1829. In 1831 he had distinguished himself in the November Uprising in front of Warsaw and was awarded the Order of St. George IV Class. Already with the rank of captain , he was seriously wounded in the storming of Warsaw, whereupon the emperor granted him a recovery bonus of 4,000 rubles and an annual pension of 750 rubles. In 1832 he was back with his regiment and in 1837 was promoted to colonel . He was appointed Riga Police Chief in late 1838 . In 1847 he rose to major general. In 1848 he became the deputy for General Alexander Karlowitsch Lieven (1801-1880) in command of Taganrog and in 1849 he was finally appointed director of the St. Petersburg law school. He was promoted to lieutenant general in 1856. Marked by his war injuries and rheumatic attacks, he died on a convalescent trip in France .

He was the holder of the Virtuti Militari IV Class (1831), the Order of St. Stanislaus I Class (1851), the Order of St. Anne I Class (1853), the Order of St. Vladimir II Class (1858) and of the Order of the White Eagle (1865). In addition, since 1860 he was a corresponding member of the Society for History and Archeology of the Baltic Provinces of Russia .


Jasykow has written various relevant writings according to his life, his multilingualism and his historical interest. Including treatises on the state of the Baltic provinces (1846), on the port conversion in Taganrog (1848), on the colors of the Russian state flag (1858), on the Grusino estate of Count Araktscheev (1866; 1869), on the history of the battalion of the Grand Duchess Katharina Pawlowna , Duchess of Oldenburg (1868), about the Russian Church in Potsdam from 1718 to 1815 (1875) and among others about the stay of Peter the Great in Zaanstad and Amsterdam in 1697 and 1717.

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Individual evidence

  1. Meeting reports of the Society for the History and Archeology of the Baltic Sea Provinces of Russia , Riga 1874, p. 92.