Alexei Ivanovich Nekrasov

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Alexei Ivanovich Nekrasov ( Russian Алексей Иванович Некрасов ; born March 7 . Jul / 19th March  1885 greg. In Moscow ; † 25. September 1950 in Wengerowo ) was a Russian art historian and university lecturer .


Nekrasov studied from 1904 at the historical - philological faculty of Moscow University (MGU) in which literary scholar Alexander Sergeyevich Orlov and the historian Vladimir Malmberg with completion in 1909. In 1913 he defended at the University of St. Petersburg his Magister - thesis and in 1914 graduated Magister and appointed private lecturer .

After the October Revolution , Nekrasov taught at the Department of History and Theory of Arts at MGU. In 1921 he defended his candidate dissertation on the woodcut ornament of the first printed Moscow books. He gave lectures on the history of Byzantine art and the ancient Russian art that it shaped, as well as on folk art . In the curriculum of art historians, he introduced excursions to art monuments and museums outside Moscow. He was the head of the ethnographic - archaeological museum. From October 1922 he headed the Department of Archeology and Art of the Faculty of Social Sciences . In 1925 he was appointed professor. From October 1925 he headed the art history department at the Faculty of Ethnology . From 1930 he was Vice Chairman of the Department of Art Theory and Science of the Faculty of Literature and Art. In the 1930s he continued regular excursions to the cities and villages of central Russia to study architectural monuments . He gave lectures on the history of art and the history of architecture in various educational institutions. He participated in the work of the Society for the Study of Russian Mansions . Many of his specialist articles have been translated and published abroad. 1930-1936 he worked in the Tretyakov Gallery . From 1934 he worked at the All-Russian Academy of Architecture, where he received his doctorate in art studies in 1936 .

In April 1938 Nekrasov was arrested and sentenced under Article 58 of the RSFSR Criminal Code to 10 years in a camp , which he spent in the Vorkuta labor camp . In the 1940s he conducted an architecture course for construction workers under the camp conditions there and worked on books on architecture theory and Moscow architecture.

In 1948 Nekrasov was released from prison. He now lived in Alexandrov and explored the monuments of the city and the surrounding area. In February 1949 he was arrested again and exiled to Novosibirsk Oblast .

In 1956, Nekrassov's criminal proceedings at that time were reviewed and discontinued due to lack of evidence.

The physicist Alexander Ivanovich Nekrasov was Nekrasov's older brother.

Individual evidence

  1. Chuvash Encyclopedia: НЕКРАСОВ Алексей Иванович (accessed January 9, 2019).
  2. a b c d e f MGU: Некрасов Алексей Иванович (accessed January 9, 2019).
  3. a b c d e Большая российская энциклопедия: НЕКРА́СОВ Алексей Иванович (accessed January 9, 2019).
  4. Алексахин И. П .: Это хранит память: О профессоре Некрасове . In: Наука и жизнь . No. 7 , 1990 ( [accessed January 9, 2019]).