Alexei Nikolaevich Savitsch

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Alexei Nikolaevich Savitsch

Alexei Nikolajewitsch Sawitsch ( Russian Алексей Николаевич Савич ; * March 9th July / March 21st,  1810 greg. In Pushkarewka near Sumy ; † August 15, July / August 27,  1883 greg. In the Tula governorate ) was a Russian astronomer and university professor .


Sawitsch studied at Moscow University with a degree in 1829. With his dissertation on various methods of determining latitude and longitude , he received his doctorate in 1833 as a master of astronomy . He was then sent to the professors' institute at the University of Dorpat for university teacher training . At FGW von Struve he gained extensive knowledge of practical astronomy through excellent observations.

In 1836, Sawitsch was sent to the Caucasus to level the area between the Caspian and Black Seas (879 km ). He found that the Caspian Sea is more than 20 m deeper than the Black Sea. He used the results of his work in 1839 for his German doctoral dissertation on the height of the Caspian Sea, etc. , which also gave formulas for calculating the refraction of light in the earth's atmosphere . He was then appointed to the chair of astronomy and geodesy by the University of St. Petersburg . In 1846 he received the Demidow Prize for Astronomy. In 1857 he published the article Application of Probability Theory to the Evaluation of Observations . His specialist articles have appeared in national and international journals, such as Mélanges mathématiques et astronomiques tirées du Bulletin de l'Académie Impériale , Mémoires de l'Académie Impériale , Astronomical Journal and Astronomical News . He published the content of his lectures as books. The University of St. Petersburg owes him a small astronomical observatory .

Savitsch was buried in St. Petersburg in the Smolensky Lutheran Cemetery.

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Individual evidence

  1. Brockhaus-Efron : Савич, Алексей Николаевич.
  2. Article Sawitsch Alexei Nikolajewitsch in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D037448~2a%3DSavich%20Alexei%20Nikolajewitsch~2b%3DSavich%20Alexei%20Nikolajewitsch
  3. Колчинский И.Г., Корсунь А.А., Родригес М.Г .: Астрономы: Биографический справочник . 2nd Edition. Наукова думка, Kiev 1986.
  4. Aleksei Nikolaevich Savich: Outline of practical astronomy: excellent in its application to geographic location determination, Volume 1 . Adamant Media Corporation, 1850, ISBN 0-543-89253-0 .