Alfons Kurfess

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Alfons Kurfess (born June 22, 1889 in Unterriffingen , Oberamt Rottweil ; † September 17, 1965 in Hildesheim ) was a German classical philologist and grammar school director. He is best known as a Sallust researcher.


Alfons Kurfess, the son of the elementary school teacher Anton Kurfess in Göllsdorf near Rottweil , attended the Royal High School in Rottweil and studied classical philology at Berlin University from October 28, 1908 to July 22, 1912 after graduating from the school on July 1, 1908 . On December 9 and 10, 1912, he passed the teaching examination in Latin, Greek and Hebrew. In 1913 he was promoted to Dr. phil. PhD . He then completed the preparatory service for the higher teaching post: the seminar year from April 1, 1913 to March 31, 1914 at the Royal Evangelical Gymnasium in Glogau and the probationary year from April 1, 1914 at the Royal Gymnasium in Wohlau . When the First World War broke out , he was deferred and later called up on April 1, 1915.

After his return, Kurfess was given a permanent position as a teacher at the Kaiserin-Augusta-Gymnasium in Berlin-Charlottenburg on April 1, 1919 , where he worked for ten years. In addition to his school service, he continued his research work and published school editions by Latin writers. Together with Hans Schaal and Paul Sparmberg, he published the series of Latin and Greek reading books, in which he also had several books published himself.

On April 1, 1928, Kurfess moved to the state high school in Sigmaringen in Württemberg as headmaster (director of studies) . On April 1, 1932, he moved to the state high school in Münstereifel , and on December 1, 1933 to the high school in Linz am Rhein . After the end of the Second World War he was retired and moved to Neu-Ölsburg near Peine ( Lower Saxony ), later (before 1961) to Hildesheim , where he died on September 17, 1965 at the age of 76.

Kurfess has dealt with the writings of the Roman historian Sallust since his studies . His first work concerned some smaller writings that are ascribed to this author and which Kurfess summarized under the name Appendix Sallustiana . He published critical editions of the individual writings for the first time in the 1920s. In the time after the Second World War he revised these editions and summarized them under the title Appendix Sallustiana ; He also published the larger, historical writings of Sallust in a critical edition. Kurfess' two-part Sallust edition was reprinted several times (most recently in 1991) and remained authoritative for a long time. It was replaced in 1991 by the critical edition by L. D. Reynolds .

Other research focuses were the Roman poets and the church fathers. Kurfess wrote several essays in this area as well as articles for Paulys Realenzyklopädie der classical antiquity (RE) and for the Reallexikon für Antiquity and Christianity (RAC).

Fonts (selection)

  • De Sallustii in Ciceronem et invicem invectivis . Berlin 1913 (dissertation)
  • Sallustii In Ciceronem et invicem invectivae. Recensuit Alphonsus Kurfess . Leipzig 1914
  • The invective poetry of the Sulla-Caesarian, Augustan and Post-Augustan times. A contribution to the history of the invective . Wohlau 1915 (school program) urn : nbn: de: hbz: 061: 1-419135 }
  • C. Sallusti Crispi Epistulae ad Caesarem senem de re publica . Leipzig 1921
  • Sallust's Invective against Cicero. A pamphlet from 54 BC Chr. Text with selected critical apparatus, numerous parallel passages and German translation . Berlin-Charlottenburg 1927
  • C. Sallusti Crispi Epistulae ad Caesarem senem de re publica . Leipzig 1930
  • Festgabe, Privy Councilor Professor Dr. Peter Meyer, former director of the St. Michael-Gymnasium in Muenstereifel on his 80th birthday on February 7, 1933 . Münstereifel 1933
  • Sibylline prophecies. Urtext and translation . Munich 1951
  • C. Sallusti Crispi Catilina, Iugurtha, fragmenta ampliora. Post AW Ahlberg edited Alphonsus Kurfess . 2nd edition, Leipzig 1954. 3rd edition 1957. Numerous reprints until 1991
  • Appendix Sallustiana . Two parts, Leipzig 1950–1970
    • Fasciculus 1: Epistulae ad Caesarem senem de re publica . 3rd edition 1950. 4th edition 1955. 5th edition 1962. 7th, unchanged edition 1970
    • Fasciculus 2: (Sallusti) in Ciceronem et invicem invectivae . 2nd edition 1950. 3rd edition 1958. 4th edition 1962. 5th, unchanged edition 1970
School expenses
  • Selection from Augustin's Confessiones . Leipzig / Berlin 1921. 2nd, improved edition, Leipzig 1924. 3rd, improved and increased edition 1926. 4th, improved edition 1929
  • Selection from Augustine's State of God . Leipzig 1925. 2nd edition 1929
  • Latin poems of the Middle Ages . Leipzig 1923. 2nd, increased edition 1925. 3rd, changed edition 1927. 3rd, little changed edition 1927. 5th, improved edition 1932 ( Ecloga Graecolatina 6)
  • Early Christian literature of the West . Leipzig 1926. Reprint 1928 ( Ecloga Graecolatina 17)
  • Sancti Aureli Augustini De beata vita liber . Bielefeld 1926
  • C. Valerius Catullus. Selected poems . Bielefeld 1926
  • Emperor Augustus and his time. Sources on the life of Augustus and an understanding of the Augustan ages . Bielefeld 1926
  • Emperor Tiberius. From Tacitus' Annals 1–6, Suetonius, Velleius Paterculus and other sources . Bielefeld 1926. Reprint 1933
  • Emperor Augustus. Monumentum Ancyranum and Suetons Vita in selection and other sources . Bielefeld 1927
  • Selected poems by P. Ovidius Naso . Bielefeld 1927
  • Selection from Virgil's Georgica and Aeneid . Bielefeld 1927
  • Cicero: Speech for Quintus Ligarius . Bielefeld 1928
  • Sallust: Conspiracy of the Katilina. Cicero: Speeches against Katilina . Bielefeld 1928
  • God and creation. From the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas . Leipzig 1928 ( Philosophical Source Booklets 9)
  • Roman poetry. Katullus, Horace, Tibullus, Properz, Ovid, Martial, Ausonius, a selection of early Christian poetry . Bielefeld 1929
  • The final battle for the Roman Free State. Cicero's seventh Philippica with some letters . Bielefeld / Leipzig 1931


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. So Kürschner's Deutscher Gelehrtenkalender , 11th edition (1970), p. 3425. Eckart Mensching names a different year of death (1977): Nugae zur Philologie-Geschichte . Volume XIV, Berlin 2004, p. 109.