Eckart Mensching

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Eckart Heinrich Mensching (born December 1, 1936 in Hameln ; † July 21, 2007 in Berlin ) was a German classical philologist and science historian .


After graduating from the Max Planck High School in Göttingen , Mensching studied Classical Philology, Archeology and Ancient History at the Universities of Göttingen , Basel and Bern from 1956 to 1961 . After completing his doctorate with Willy Theiler (1961, with an annotated edition of the fragments of Arelate's Favorinus ), he passed the state examination in 1962 and went to the University of Göttingen as an assistant in 1963, where he completed his habilitation one year after his habilitation in Bern (1968) was promoted to senior assistant. In 1970 he accepted the chair for Classical Philology II ( Latin Studies ) at the TU Berlin , where he taught and researched until his retirement.

Mensching dealt intensively with Caesar 's De bello Gallico and its reception. In addition to numerous articles, he published the monographs Caesar and the Germanic Peoples in the 20th Century (1980) and Caesar's Bellum Gallicum: An Introduction (1988). Another focus of his research was the history and biography of prominent Berlin experts of the 19th and 20th centuries. His individual studies first appeared in various journals until Mensching decided to publish them again in book form: his series Nugae on the history of philology , which he initially self-published and from the second part onwards in the publishing house of the TU Berlin, appeared from 1987 to 2004 in regular succession. From 1980 to 2005, Mensching was the editor of the Mitteilungsblatt Latin and Greek in Berlin (since 1993: Latin and Greek in Berlin and Brandenburg ).

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