Alfred Csallner

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Alfred Csallner (born April 1895 in Bistritz , Kingdom of Hungary , Austria-Hungary , † May 1992 in Altenmarkt) was a German Protestant pastor , population statistician and eugenicist and author in Transylvania .


Alfred Csallner was born as the son of Ludwig Csallner and his wife Frieda. He studied history, geography and theology in Budapest , Vienna and Berlin . From 1918 to 1922 he was a high school teacher in Bistrița, then until 1923 seminar professor at the teacher training institute in Sighișoara ( German  Schäßburg ). In 1923 he worked as a pastor in Ruja (German Roseln), in 1929 in Slimnic (Stolzenburg) and in 1932 in Șura Mică (German small scrub ).

In 1936 he was employed as the full-time head of the regional office for statistics, population policy and clan affairs in the German People's Council for Romania . His salary was paid by the Association for Germanness Abroad (VDA), which was captured by the National Socialists . The state office carried out extensive statistical surveys among the Romanian Germans, especially among the Transylvanian Saxons , among other things with the aim of creating a “hereditary health and inheritance archive”. This activity aroused the suspicion of the Romanian state authorities, so that Csallner was temporarily arrested and interrogated in 1938. In 1943, the “ ethnic group leader ” of the German ethnic group in Romania , Andreas Schmidt , ordered the dissolution of the regional office and the destruction of the preparatory work on the card index.

After the royal coup in Romania in August 1944, Csallner was arrested and taken to the Tirgu Jiu internment camp . After his release in 1946 he worked again as a pastor in the Evangelical Church of Transylvania . He now also wrote novels and short stories. After two arrests and a series of interrogations and house searches, he was given permission to travel to West Germany in 1974 .

In 1975 Csallner took part in a conference of the Working Group for Southeast German Folk and Local Research in the Munich House of the German East , at which, in addition to the organizer Friedrich "Fritz" Cloos, numerous other former Nazi officials from Romania such as Alfred Bonfert , Wolfram Bruckner , Kaspar Hügel , Josef "Sepp" Schmidt , Michael Stocker and Heinrich Zillich came together.

1982 Csallner received the cultural award of the Landsmannschaft of the Transylvanian Saxons .


  • Tudor Georgescu: In pursuit of a purged eugenic fortress: Alfred Csallner and the Transylvanian Saxon Eugenic Discourse in Interwar Romania . In: Marius Turda, Sevasti Trubeta, Christian Promnitzer: Hygiene, Health and Eugenics in Southeast Europe to 1945. Central European University Press, Budapest 2011, ISBN 978-963-9776-82-1 , pp. 351-384.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Siebenbürgische Zeitung, volume 10 of June 20, 1992, p. 19, paid content .
  2. Alfred Csallner: The folk-biological research among the Transylvanian Saxons and its effect on the life of this ethnic group. Hirzel, Leipzig 1940, p. 77
  3. Ernst Wagner : Laudation to Alfred Csallner on the occasion of the presentation of the Transylvanian-Saxon Culture Prize 1982. In: Zeitschrift für Transylvania Regional Studies 6, 1983, p. 126.
  4. ^ Hans Wolfram Hockl : A memorable conference. About the meeting of the "Working Group for Southeast German Folk and Local Research" on February 5 and 16, 1975 in the House of the German East , Munich. In: Half-yearly publication for Southeast European history, literature and politics.
  5. Ernst Wagner: Laudation to Alfred Csallner on the occasion of the presentation of the Transylvanian-Saxon Culture Prize 1982. In: Journal for Transylvania Regional Studies 6, 1983, pp. 125–128.