Allan Robert Phillips

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Allan Robert Phillips (born October 25, 1914 in New York City , † January 26, 1996 in San Nicolás de los Garza ) was an American ornithologist .

Live and act

His father Robert W. Phillips (1891-1943) was a businessman in New York. In 1913 he married Alma Josephi, a concert pianist who was very active in the city's cultural scene. In addition to Allan, the marriage resulted in two other children. His brother was called George (1918-), his sister Ruth (1922-). The marriage ended in divorce and the mother married the first violinist of the New York Symphony Orchestra, William X. Foster. From this marriage he had a half-sister named Marjorie (1929-).

Philipps attended the Horace Mann School from 1920 to 1931. In 1932 he enrolled at Cornell University , moved to the University of Arizona from 1933 to 1934 before returning to Cornell and finally graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in February 1936 . How much he was valued from a young age was shown by the fact that, despite his undergraduated status, Arthur Augustus Allen (1885–1964) invited him to a meeting with graduated students. He returned to Tuscon in 1936 to do his Master of Science degree at the University of Arizona in June 1939. His master's thesis was entitled The Faunal Areas of Arizona Based on Bird Distribution .

In 1940 he went back to Cornell University, where he obtained his Ph.D. in September 1946 despite his military service during World War II. acquired. His dissertation was titled The Birds of Arizona .

In 1957 he bought a house in the Colonia Las Águilas district in western Mexico City. Here the housekeeper Juana Farfan Bautista was recommended to him, who moved in with him as the mother of four children named Nilo, Alejandro, Mela and Anita. Phillips married her and on November 12, 1961 his first son Robert was born. It was followed on August 19, 1963 by the son Edward and finally on October 28, 1968 by the son Edward. The widow, his stepchildren and his sons survived the father.

Ornithological career

The summers of his early teens spent time on family estate near Jackman , Maine . Here his mother introduced him to the bird and animal world. As a 5-year-old he was so fascinated by it that he began to keep lists of what he had seen. At the age of 16 he was sent to Fresnal Ranch School in the Baboquivari Mountains because of his asthma . Here he met Randolph Jenks (1912–2011), who inspired him to learn about the avifauna of the southwestern United States.

From 1942 to 1945 he served in the army. After insulting an officer, he was tried before a military tribunal. He lost his rank as a non-commissioned officer and ended up in prison. Here he only wrote the first part of his doctoral thesis from memory. At first he left blank the places that he could not remember. He sent the manuscript to his mother, who typed it with the help of Lyndon Lane Hagrave (1896–1978). The draft already comprised 392 pages and so he was able to fill the gaps with library material within a year after his return to Cornell. During his military service he was also in contact with Cornell students such as the ornithologist Ralph Simon Palmer (1914-2003), who photographed him on June 8, 1944 at Omaha Beach , or Frank Cassell in Okinawa Prefecture .

He kept a catalog of the birds in his own collection, which he abandoned when he donated his hides to the Museum of Northern Arizona . The list of his collectors or taxidermists reads like Who is Who? the ornithologists from Cornell, the American Southwest, and later Mexico. In addition to Gale Wendell Monson (1912–2012), Adriaan Joseph van Rossem (1892–1949), Kenneth Carroll Parkes (1922–2007), there are also many other luminaries . The ornithologist and illustrator George Miksch Sutton (1898–1982) was z. B. Taken on June 10, 1940, because he made his drawings from a research trip for his book The Birds of Arizona available.

In August 1963, Amadeo Michael Rea (* 1939), a former Franciscan , came to teach at St. John's Indian School on the Gila River Indian Reservation . He collected hides there and was advised to contact Phillips about them. Three of the specimens were immediately included in The Birds of Arizona and a lifelong friendship developed between the two. Rea was undoubtedly considered his worthy successor in many ways.

From April 20 to May 7, 1947, he went on his first foray through Mexico with van Rossem. Further trips to Sonora followed in 1951, 1952 and 1953. His first long excursion took him to Nayarit with his friend Lewis D. Jaeger from November 5 to December 2, 1952 .

When Dwain Willard Warner (1917–2005) invited him to Mexico City in March 1954 after a visit to his home in Tuscon , he gratefully accepted the invitation. Between May 11th and July 5th, both of them went on a trip to western and central Mexico.

One of his most important encounters was that with the Mexican mammologist Bernardo Villa Ramírez (1911–2006). He worked at the Instituto de Biología of the National Autonomous University of Mexico and invited Phillips to continue his academic career at the institute. He finally decided to move there. The collection he brought with him was larger than the institute's own. He worked at the institute from 1957 to 1974. When the situation at the institute worsened for political reasons and he also had to deal with the cold and air pollution in Mexico City, he moved to San Nicolás de los Garza, where he got in touch with the Universidad in 1973 Autónoma de Nuevo León and the local ornithologist Salvador Contreras-Balderas (1936–2009) came. He also taught at the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo . Other important friends from this time were the businessman and environmentalist Andrés Marcelo Sada Zambrano (* 1930) and Aldegundo Garza de León (* 1939), the founder of the Bird Museum in Saltillo .

Phillips was considered a relatively independent researcher with little support from other resources. Between 1933 and 1945 he published 195 articles and 4 books. 1964 appeared The Birds of Arizona , a book he published with Joe Truesdell Marshall, Jr. (1918-2015) and Monson. Sutton contributed the illustrations and Eliot Furness Porter (1901–1990) the photographs. He also worked with Monson on the 1981 Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Arizona . The first volume of The known birds of North and Middle America appeared in 1986 and the second volume in 1991 . In his publications he described 160 new scientific names. Phillips was a typical alpha taxonomist ; H. His focus was on the description of new species and their preliminary grouping into collective genera, but also dealt with the immediate ramifications, such as loss of habitat and biodiversity .

Dedication names

In 1974, John Patrick Hubbard and Richard Stanley Crossin dedicated a subspecies of the rust- wood hammer ( Aimophila ruficeps phillipsi ), Adriaan Joseph van Rossem 1947 a subspecies of the bridle tit ( Baeolophus wollweberi phillipsi ), Mario Alberto Ramos Olmos 1991 a subspecies of the Cayenneralle ( vanrossemianeus ), dwarf throttle ( Catharus ustulatus phillipsi ), Robert William Dickerman 1973 a subspecies of Kahn's beak ( cochlearius cochlearius phillipsi ) Fat man and Dwain Willard Warner in 1962 a subspecies of Gartentrupials ( jaundice spurius phillipsi ), Marvin Ralph Browning 1993 a subspecies of Diademhähers ( Cyanocitta stelleri phillipsi ) and 1994 a subspecies of gold warbler ( Setophaga petechia phillipsi ), Gary Russell Graves and John Seddon Weske 1987 Siratangare ( Tangara phillipsi ), Philip Unitt and Amadeo Michael Rea 1997, a subspecies of the Andean tree runner ( Certhia americana phillipsi ), Kenneth Carroll park 1991 a subspecies of the Gray Cape penvireos ( Hylophilus decurtatus phillipsi ) and 1997 a subspecies of the red cardinal ( Cardinalis cardinalis phillipsi ).

His name can also be found in the fossils Rhynchopsitta phillipsi Rea , 1997 and Rallus phillipsi Wetmore , 1957.

His wife was honored in a subspecies of the spotted owl ( Strix occidentalis juanaphillipsae Dickerman , 1997).

First descriptions by Allan Robert Phillips

Phillips has described numerous species or subspecies that were new to science. The species and subspecies include chronological and a .:



  • Kiefernschnäppertyrann ( Empidonax affinis vigensis Phillips, AR , 1942)
  • Botteriammer ( Peucaea botterii goldmani ( Phillips, AR , 1943))
  • Botteriammer ( Peucaea botterii texana ( Phillips, AR , 1943))
  • Bind Laufhühnchen ( Turnix suscitator okinavensis Phillips, AR , 1947)
  • Thicket Warbler ( Geothlypis tolmiei monticola ( Phillips, AR , 1947))
  • Willowcatcher ( Empidonax traillii extimus Phillips, AR , 1948)
  • Great-tailed grackle ( Quiscalus mexicanus Monsoni ( Phillips, AR , 1950))
  • Songammer ( Melospiza melodia villai Phillips, AR & Dickerman , 1957)
  • Song Sparrow ( Melospiza melodia Yuriria Phillips, AR & Dickerman , 1957)
  • Helmet quail ( Callipepla gambelii stephensi Phillips, AR , 1959)
  • Arizona Warbler ( Setophaga graciae yaegeri ( Phillips, AR & Webster , 1961))
  • Mexico shadow hummingbird ( Phaëthornis mexicanus griseoventer Phillips, AR , 1962)
  • Black- chin ground hammer ( Kieneria aberti vorhiesi ( Phillips, AR , 1962))
  • Yellow-shouldered trupial ( Icterus prosthemelas praecox Phillips, AR & Dickerman , 1965)
  • Drip-breasted muse thrush ( Catharus dryas harrisoni Phillips, AR & Rook , 1965)
  • Diademed Jay ( Cyanocitta stelleri restricta Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Jackdaw rackel ( Quiscalus mexicanus loweryi ( Dickerman & Phillips, AR , 1966))
  • Hermit wren ( Henicorhina leucophrys minuscula Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Finkenbuschtangare ( Chlorospingus flavopectus persimilis Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Yellow-bellied snapper tyrant ( Mitrephanes phaeocercus burleighi Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Yellow Thrush ( Turdus grayi linnaei Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Gray abdominal Segler ( Chaetura vauxi warneri Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Gray-water blackbird ( Cinclus mexicanus dickermani Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Green jay ( Cyanocorax luxuosus confusus Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Huttonvireo ( Vireo huttoni pacificus Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Long-tailed quail ( Dendrortyx macroura inesperatus Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Montezuma quail ( Cyrtonyx montezumae rowleyi Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Orange-breasted snapper tyrant ( Empidonax fulvifrons brodkorbi Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Ridgway pygmy owl ( Glaucidium ridgwayi intermedium Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Stainless apex bunting ( Aimophila ruficeps Extima Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Stainless apex bunting ( Aimophila ruficeps pallidissima Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • European red-throated nymph ( Lampornis amethystinus circumventus ( Phillips, AR , 1966))
  • Red-headed masked tyrant ( Myiozetetes similis hesperis Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Canyon wren ( Catherpes mexicanus cantator Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Swallow organist ( Euphonia hirundinacea caribbaea Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Swallow organist ( Euphonia hirundinacea suttoni Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Black-throated troupial ( Icterus gularis flavescens Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Black- backed beech ( Pachyramphus major matudai Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Desert mockingbird ( Toxostoma lecontei macmillanorum Phillips, AR , 1966)
  • Yucatan skullcap ( Myiarchus yucatanensis lanyoni Parkes & Phillips, AR , 1967)
  • Mountain musk thrush ( Catharus frantzii chiapensis Phillips, AR , 1969)
  • Mountain musk thrush ( Catharus frantzii waldroni Phillips, AR , 1969)
  • Mountain musk thrush ( Catharus frantzii wetmorei Phillips, AR , 1969)
  • Larkbird ( Sturnella magna saundersi Dickerman & Phillips, AR , 1970)
  • Ear lark ( Eremophila alpestris lactea Phillips, AR , 1970)
  • Barn owl ( Tyto alba bondi Parkes & Phillips, AR , 1978)
  • Crossbill ( Loxia curvirostra reai Phillips, AR , 1981)
  • Busch Wren ( Thryomanes bewickii pulichi Phillips, AR , 1986)
  • Busch Wren ( Thryomanes bewickii Sadai Phillips, AR , 1986)
  • Busch Wren ( Thryophilus rufalbus skutchi Phillips, AR , 1986)
  • Busch Wren ( Thryophilus rufalbus sylvus Phillips, AR , 1986)
  • Cabanis wren ( Cantorchilus modestus vanrossemi Phillips, AR , 1986)
  • Bald-fronted swallow ( Petrochelidon pyrrhonota ganieri ( Phillips, AR , 1986))
  • Goldköpfchen ( Auriparus flaviceps hidalgensis Phillips, AR , 1986)
  • Goldköpfchen ( Auriparus flaviceps sinaloae Phillips, AR , 1986)
  • Gray- breasted swallow ( Progne chalybea warneri Phillips, AR , 1986)
  • Gray edge Meise ( Poecile sclateri garzai Phillips, AR , 1986)
  • Gray-throated swallow ( Stelgidopteryx serripennis burleighi Phillips, AR , 1986)
  • Red-necked wren ( Campylorhynchus rufinucha nicoyae Phillips , AR, 1986)
  • Canyon wren ( Catherpes mexicanus croizati Phillips, AR , 1986)
  • Canyon wren ( Catherpes mexicanus pallidior Phillips, AR , 1986)
  • Southern house wren ( Troglodytes musculus pallidipes Phillips, AR , 1986)
  • Drops Mockingbird ( Toxostoma ocellatum villai Phillips, AR , 1986)
  • White-bellied wren ( Uropsila leucogastra centralis Phillips, AR , 1986)
  • White-bellied wren ( Uropsila leucogastra restricta Phillips, AR , 1986)
  • Dwarf nuthatch ( Sitta pygmaea elii Phillips, AR , 1986)
  • Aztec thrush ( Ridgwayia pinicola maternalis Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • Blue-throated slender ( Sialia mexicana jacoti Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • Blue-throated slut warbler ( Sialia mexicana nelsoni Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • Blue gnat catcher ( Polioptila caerulea perplexa Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • Brown cap vireo ( Vireo leucophrys dubius Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • Brown cap vireo ( Vireo leucophrys palmeri Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • Brustbandvireo ( Vireolanius melitophrys Crossini Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • Yellow Thrush ( Turdus grayi yucatanensis Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • Varied thrush ( Ixoreus naevius godfreii ( Phillips, AR , 1991))
  • Varied thrush ( Ixoreus naevius carlottae ( Phillips, AR , 1991))
  • Mangrovevireo ( Vireo pallens wetmorei Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • Rust-browed vireo ( Cyclarhis gujanensis septentrionalis Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • European red-throated warbler ( Sialia sialis nidificans Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • Red- coated thrush ( Turdus rufopalliatus interior Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • Warbling vireo ( Vireo gilvus sympatricus Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • Black-headed musk thrush ( Catharus mexicanus carrikeri Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • Black- headed muse thrush ( Catharus mexicanus yaegeri Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • Black-tailed sword beak ( Ramphocaenus rufiventris panamensis Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • Emerald Vireo ( Vireolanius pulchellus ramosi Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • White-eyed Vireo ( Vireo griseus marshalli Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • White-throated Thrush ( Turdus assimilis benti Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • White-throated Thrush ( Turdus assimilis campanicola Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • White-throated Thrush ( Turdus assimilis croizati Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • White-throated Thrush ( Turdus assimilis hondurensis Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • White- fronted vireo ( Vireo plumbeus gravis Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • Yukatanvireo ( Vireo magister decoloratus ( Phillips, AR , 1991))
  • Yukatanvireo ( Vireo magister stilesi ( Phillips, AR , 1991))
  • Lemon flank vireo ( Vireo flavoviridis perplexus Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • Lemon flank vireo ( Vireo flavoviridis vanrossemi ( Phillips, AR , 1991)
  • Golden oriole ( Icterus pustulatus dickermani Phillips, AR , 1995)
  • Golden Oriole ( Icterus pustulatus interior Phillips, AR , 1995)
  • Golden Oriole ( Icterus pustulatus yaegeri Phillips, AR , 1995)
  • Northern pale tyrant ( Camptostoma imberbe thyellophilum ) Parkes & Phillips, AR , 1999)

Fonts (selection)

  • The Type of Empidonax Wrightii Baird . In: The Auk . tape 56 , no. 3 , 1939, pp. 311–312 (English, [PDF; 85 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • The Races of Empidonax Affinis . In: The Auk . tape 59 , no. 3 , 1942, pp. 424–428 (English, [PDF; 248 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • Critical Notes on Two Southwestern Sparrows . In: The Auk . tape 60 , no. 2 , 1943, p. 242–248 (English, [PDF; 374 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • The Button Quails and Tree Sparrows of the Riu Kiu Islands . In: The Auk . tape 64 , no. 1 , 1947, p. 126–127 (English, [PDF; 139 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • The Races of Macgillivray's Warbler . In: The Auk . tape 64 , no. 2 , 1947, p. 296–300 (English, [PDF; 260 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • Geographic variation in Empidonax Traillii . In: The Auk . tape 65 , no. 4 , 1948, pp. 507-514 (English, [PDF; 442 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • The Great-Tailed Grackles of the Southwest . In: The Condor . tape 52 , no. 2 , 1950, p. 78–81 (English, [PDF; 225 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • with Robert William Dickerman: Notes on the Song Sparrows of the Mexican Plateau . In: The Auk . tape 74 , no. 3 , 1957, pp. 376–382 (English, [PDF; 376 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • The subspecies de la Codorniz de Gambel y the problema de los climatic conditions in Sonora . In: Anales del Instituto de Biología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México . tape 29 , 1959, pp. 361-374 .
  • with Jackson Dan Webster: Grace's Warbler in Mexico . In: The Auk . tape 78 , no. 4 , 1961, pp. 551–553 (English, [PDF; 143 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • with William Joseph Schaldach, Jr .: The Eared Poor-Will . In: The Auk . tape 78 , no. 4 , 1961, pp. 567–572 (English, [PDF; 311 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • Notas sobre aves mexicanas I. In: Anales del Instituto de Biología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México . tape 32 , 1962, pp. 333-381 .
  • Notas sistematicas sobre aves Mexicanas . In: Anales del Instituto de Biología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México . tape 33 , 1962, pp. 331-372 .
  • Joe Truesdell Marshall, Jr., Gale Wendell Monson, George Miksch Sutton, Eliot Furness Porter: The birds of Arizona . University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona 1964, ISBN 0-8165-0012-6 .
  • with Warren Rook: A New Race of the Spotted Nightingale-Thrush from Oaxaca, Mexico . In: The Condor . tape 67 , no. 1 , 1965, p. 3–5 (English, [PDF; 212 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • with Robert William Dickerman: A New Subspecies of Icterus Prosthemelas From Panama and Costa Rica . In: The Wilson Bulletin . tape 77 , no. 3 , 1965, p. 298–299 (English, [PDF; 102 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • with Robert William Dickerman: A New Subspecies of the Boat-Tailed Grackle From Mexico . In: The Wilson Bulletin . tape 78 , no. 1 , 1966, p. 129–131 (English, [PDF; 131 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • Notas sistemáticas sobre aves mexicanas, III . In: Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural . tape 25 , 1966, pp. 217–242 (Spanish, [PDF; 193 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • Further systematic notes on Mexican birds . In: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club . tape 86 , no. 5 , 1966, pp. 86-94 ( [accessed January 3, 2016]).
  • Further systematic notes on Mexican birds . In: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club . tape 86 , no. 6 , 1966, pp. 103–112 ( [accessed January 3, 2016]).
  • Further systematic notes on Mexican birds . In: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club . tape 86 , no. 7 , 1966, pp. 125-131 ( [accessed January 3, 2016]).
  • Further systematic notes on Mexican birds . In: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club . tape 86 , no. 8 , 1966, pp. 148–159 ( [accessed January 3, 2016]).
  • with Kenneth Carroll Parkes: A New Subspecies of the Yucatan Flycatcher, Myiarchus Yucatanensis . In: The Condor . tape 69 , no. 1 , 1967, p. 78–81 (English, [PDF; 274 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • An Ornithological Comedy of Errors: Catharus Occidentalis and C. Frantzii . In: The Auk . tape 86 , no. 4 , 1969, p. 605–623 (English, [PDF; 987 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • A northern race of Lark supposedly breeding in México . In: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club . tape 90 , no. 4 , 1970, pp. 115–116 ( [accessed January 3, 2016]).
  • with Robert William Dickerman: Taxonomy of the Common Meadowlark (Sturnella Magna) in Central and Southern Mexico and Caribbean Central America . In: The Condor . tape 72 , no. 3 , 1970, p. 305–309 (English, [PDF; 528 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • with Kenneth Carroll Parkes: Two new Caribbean subspecies of barn owl (Tyfo alba) with remarks on variation in other populations . In: Annals of the Carnegie Museum . tape 47 , 1978, p. 479-492 .
  • with Gale Monson: Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Arizona . University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona 1981, ISBN 0-8165-0753-8 .
  • The known birds of North and Middle America. Distributions and Variation, Migrations, Changes, Hybrids, etc. 1 (Hirundinidae to Mimidae; Certhiidae). Roberts Rinehart Publisher, Denver 1986, ISBN 0-9617402-0-5 .
  • The known birds of North and Middle America. Distributions and Variation, Migrations, Changes, Hybrids, etc. 2 (Bombycillidae; Sylviidae to Sturnidae; Vireoni). Published by the Author, Denver 1991, ISBN 0-9617402-1-3 .
  • The northern races of Icterus pustulatus (Icteridae), scarlet-headed or streaked-backed oriole . In: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club . tape 115 , no. 2 , 1995, p. 98-105 ( [accessed January 3, 2016]).
  • with Kenneth Carroll Parkes: A new subspecies of the Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet Camptostoma imberbe . In: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club . tape 119 , no. 1 , 1999, p. 59-62 ( [accessed January 3, 2016]).


  • Robert William Dickerman: Biography of Allan R. Phillips 1914-1996. The Era of Allan R. Phillips: a Festschrift . Horizon Communications, Albuquerque, New Mexico 1997, ISBN 0-913945-58-7 , pp. 1–8 (English, [PDF; 3.3 MB ; accessed on January 3, 2016] a).
  • Robert William Dickerman, Amadeo Michael Rea: In Memoriam: Allan R. Phillips, 1914-1996 . In: The Auk . tape 114 , no. 3 , 1997, p. 496–499 (English, [PDF; 298 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016] b).
  • Robert William Dickerman: A review of the boat-billed heron Cochlearius cochlearius . In: Bulletin of The British Ornithologists' Club . tape 93 , no. 3 , 1973, p. 111-114 ( [accessed January 3, 2016]).
  • Robert William Dickerman, Dwain Willard Warner: A New Orchard Oriole From Mexico . In: The Condor . tape 64 , no. 4 , 1962, pp. 311–314 (English, [PDF; 212 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • Robert William Dickerman: Geographic variation in Southwestern US and Mexican Spotted Owls, with the description of a new subspecies. The Era of Allan R. Phillips: a Festschrift . Horizon Communications, Albuquerque, New Mexico 1997, ISBN 0-913945-58-7 , pp. 45-48 (c).
  • Amadeo Michael Rea in Robert William Dickerman: The Indeterminate Parrot of Nuevo Leon. The Era of Allan R. Phillips: a Festschrift . Horizon Communications, Albuquerque, New Mexico 1997, ISBN 0-913945-58-7 , pp. 167-176 .
  • John Patrick Hubbard, Richard Stanley Crossin: Notes on Northern Mexican Birds an Expedition Report . In: Nemouria; occasional papers of the Delaware Museum of Natural History . No. 14 , 1974, p. 1-41 ( [accessed January 3, 2016]).
  • Mario Alberto Ramos Olmos in Allan Robert Phillips: The known birds of North and Middle America. Distributions and Variation, Migrations, Changes, Hybrids, etc. 2 (Bombycillidae; Sylviidae to Sturnidae; Vireoni). Published by the Author, Denver 1991, ISBN 0-9617402-1-3 .
  • Kenneth Carroll Parkes in Allan Robert Phillips: The known birds of North and Middle America. Distributions and Variation, Migrations, Changes, Hybrids, etc. 2 (Bombycillidae; Sylviidae to Sturnidae; Vireoni). Published by the Author, Denver 1991, ISBN 0-9617402-1-3 .
  • Kenneth Carroll Parkes in Robert William Dickerman: The northern Cardinals of the Caribbean slope of Mexico, with the description of an additional subspecies from Yucatan in The Era of Allan R. Phillips: a Festschrift . Horizon Communications, Albuquerque, New Mexico 1997, ISBN 0-913945-58-7 , pp. 129-138 .
  • Philip Unitt, Amadeo Michael Rea in Robert William Dickerman: Taxonomy of the Brown Creeper in California. The Era of Allan R. Phillips: a Festschrift . Horizon Communications, Albuquerque, New Mexico 1997, ISBN 0-913945-58-7 , pp. 177-185 .
  • Adriaan Joseph van Rossem: Two Races of the Bridled Titmouse . In: Fieldiana. Zoology. tape 31 , no. 10 , 1947, pp. 87-92 ( [accessed January 3, 2016]).
  • Marvin Ralph Browning: Taxonomy of the blue-crested group of Cyanocitta stelleri (Steller's jay) with a description of a new subspecies . In: Bulletin of The British Ornithologists' Club . tape 133 , no. 1 , 1993, p. 34–41 ( [accessed January 3, 2016]).
  • Marvin Ralph Browning: A Taxonomic Review Of Dendroica petechia (Yellow warbler) (Aves, Parulinae) . In: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington . tape 107 , 1994, pp. 27–51 ( [accessed January 3, 2016]).
  • Gary Russell Graves, John Seddon Weske: Tangara Phillipsi, a New Species of Tanager From the Cerros Del Sira, Eastern Peru . In: The Wilson Bulletin . tape 99 , no. 1 , 1987, pp. 1–6 (English, [PDF; 416 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).
  • Alexander Wetmore: A Fossil Rail from the Pliocene of Arizona . In: The Condor . tape 59 , no. 4 , 1957, pp. 267–268 (English, [PDF; 212 kB ; accessed on January 3, 2016]).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Robert William Dickerman (1997a), p. 1.
  2. a b c d e Robert William Dickerman (1997a), p. 3.
  3. ^ Title in the Cornell Library
  4. a b c Robert William Dickerman (1997a), p. 7.
  5. a b c Robert William Dickerman (1997a), p. 5.
  6. ^ Robert William Dickerman (1997a), p. 8.
  7. ^ Robert William Dickerman (1997b), p. 496.
  8. Amadeo Michael Rea, p. 497.
  9. John Patrick Hubbard et al. a., p. 56.
  10. ^ Adriaan Joseph van Rossem, p. 88.
  11. Mario Alberto Ramos Olmos, p. 92.
  12. ^ Robert William Dickerman (1973), p. 113.
  13. ^ Robert William Dickerman et al. a. (1962), p. 312.
  14. ^ Marvin Ralph Browning (1993), p. 37.
  15. ^ Marvin Ralph Browning (1994), p. 45.
  16. ^ Gary Russell Graves, p. 2.
  17. Kenneth Carroll Parkes (1991), p. 170.
  18. Kenneth Carroll Parkes (1997), p. 133.
  19. Amadeo Michael Rea (1991), p. 169.
  20. Alexander Wetmore, p. 267.
  21. Robert William Dickerman (1997c), p 47th