Alois Vojtěch Šembera

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Alois Vojtěch Šembera, lithograph by August Strixner , around 1850
Alois Vojtěch Šembera around 1870

Alois Vojtěch Šembera (born March 21, 1807 in Hohenmauth , Bohemia , † March 23, 1882 in Vienna ) was a Czech historian , translator from German and philologist . He also used the pseudonym Mudromil Mýtský .


Already during his studies in Litomyšl he attracted attention with his humorous epigrams . During his studies in Prague he was enthusiastic about the National Rebirth of the Czechs and he soon made friends with leading figures of the movement, including Václav Hanka , František Palacký and Josef Jungmann . He supported the movement primarily through his patriotically written newspaper articles. After moving to Moravia in 1830, he toured archives in Bohemia, Moravia, Moravian-Silesia and Austria and collected source material on Czech history, but also on the history of Bohemian and Moravian noble families. In 1840 he married Františka Ševčíková, with whom he had four children, including Vratislav Bedřich Šembera, a Viennese journalist and friend of the writer Jan Neruda . After the revolution he left Moravia in 1849 and taught at the University of Vienna . At the same time he was also entrusted with the editing of the Czech collection of imperial laws.

Professional background

Šembera attended the primary school in Vysoké Mýto from 1815 to 1817, then the German secondary school in Moravská Třebová for a year . From 1819 to 1826 he attended the high school in Litomyšl . In 1827 he finished his philosophical studies and then studied at the law faculty in Prague . In 1830 he resigned his position as legal adviser to the magistrate in Brno and taught next in Brno noble families. In 1839 he was appointed professor of Czech language and literature, moved to Olomouc and taught there until 1847 at the Estates Academy there. In 1847 he returned to Brno and, in addition to teaching, managed the state archive. In the same year he was appointed translator of the state council . In 1848 he joined Moravské noviny as an editor, until he was finally appointed professor of Czech language and literature at the University of Vienna in 1850.

In 1868 he was accepted as a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg .


In his works, Šembera mainly dealt with questions about the Czech language and national enlightenment. His contributions were also closely related to his teaching activities. This included articles on linguistics , art history and politics. In addition to his books, he wrote numerous magazine articles, especially in the papers Česká včela , Květy , Časopis Matice moravské , Časopis Českého muzea and the weekly newspaper Moravské noviny , which he also edited together with František Matouš Klácel . He was the publisher of his own calendar and, alongside Josef Dobrovský , took a decisive stand against the Grünberger and Königinhofer manuscripts . During his stays in Moravia he tried to get Czech street names in Brno and Olomouc. He also advocated performing and singing in Czech in the Brno theater. He founded numerous libraries and is one of the founders and active members of Jednota moravská and Matice moravská .

Reference books

  • Bohemian spelling. 1841
  • Staroturecké popsání Slovanův a Rusův i jejich zemí. 1844
  • History starších moravských desek zemských, desek opavských a krnovských. 1846
  • About the equality of the two national languages ​​in Moravia, 1848
  • Magistri Joannis Hus Orthographia bohemica . 1857
  • Dějiny řeči a literatury československé. Věk starší. Od r. 58 př. Kr. Do r. 1409 po Kr., 1858
  • Paměti a znamenitosti města Olomouc. 1861
  • Základové dialektologie československé. Vienna 1864
  • Dějiny řeči a literatury československé. Věk novější. Od r. 1409 až do r. 1868, 1868
  • Libušin soud, domnělá nejstarší památka řeči české, jest podvržen, též zlomek Gospel sv. Jana. 1879

Technical articles

  • Stav jazyka slovanského v Němcích před třemi sty lety. 1830
  • Český zpěv v cizině. 1830
  • Všímání moravčiny. 1830
  • History pánů z Boskovic. 1836
  • Prznění jazyka českého jest starý již našim předkům vytýkaný hřích. 1840
  • Vpád Mongolů do Moravy, 1841
  • Jazyk moravský v pruském Slezsku. 1842
  • Výjimky z dějin ruskomongolských dle Hammera z Purgstallu. 1842
  • O Slovanech v Dolních Rakousích. 1844
  • Paměti a znamenitosti města Olomouc, Vídeň 1861
  • Obyvatelstvo české a německé na Moravě, 1873
  • Mnoho-li jest Čechů, Moravanů a Slováků a kde obývají. 1877


Web links

Commons : Alois Vojtěch Šembera  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Foreign members of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1724. Alois Vojtěch Šembera. Russian Academy of Sciences, accessed February 27, 2016 (in Russian).