Alphons Žák

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Alphons Žák (also Alphons Zak , born February 15, 1868 in Horaschdowitz , Böhmen , † January 20, 1931 in Kirchberg an der Wild ) was a priest of the Premonstratensian choirs and historians.


Alphons Žák was the fourth of a total of ten children. He attended the kk grammar school in Písek , where he passed the Matura on July 13, 1886 . While still at school, he made the decision to become a clergyman like his older brother Karl. His father Karl Žák - senior teacher at the girls' school in Horazdowitz / Horazdóvice - would have preferred a "civil" career as an officer or lawyer.

After Alphons Žák had tried in vain to be accepted into several monasteries of the Premonstratensian Order of Choirs, he was accepted into the Geras Abbey in the Waldviertel ( Lower Austria ) on August 5, 1886 , and took his vows here on August 15, 1890 in the presence of his father . In Klosterneuburg , he studied from 1887 to 1891 theology and was on July 12, 1891 Sankt Pölten to priests ordained.

The young priest was used in pastoral care:

In Kirchberg an der Wild he not only worked as a pastor, but also during the First World War as an administrator for the internment camp in Kirchberg an der Wild and for the Ukrainian private high school and orphanage. He published his work for the internment camp and spoke out in favor of collecting documents about the camp in archives .

As a historian, Alphons Žák dealt primarily with the history of the Geras and Pernegg monasteries, with the history of the Premonstratensian order and with the history of Austrian monasteries in general. On the other hand, he also wrote about the history of the Horn district.


  • Adolf Brinnich, pastor of Groß-Siegharts († January 23, 1928) A picture of life. - Groß-Siegharts, Eggenburg 1928
  • Contributions to the history of the parish of Kirchberg an der Wild , Sankt Pölten, 1916
  • The Canons' Monastery of Pernegg - Vienna, Verein f. Regional studies of Niederösterr. 1900
  • The Pernegg women's monastery - Vienna, (Jasper) 1899
  • Saint Norbert. Mr. von Gennech. Founder of the Premonstratensian Order and Archbishop of Magdeburg. A picture of life. - Vienna, "St. Norbertus" Dr. 1900
  • The Premonstratensian order in the old German metropolises. As a commemorative publication for the anniversary of the order (1120-1920) Edited by the Geras monastery. O. Praem. - Vienna, Reichspost i. K. 1919
  • Blessed Hugo von Fosses, first Abbot of Premontre and Abbot General of the Premonstratensian Order. On February 10, 1928. - Vienna, Herold 1928
  • The hiker in the Waldviertel. A diary (from 1815) for friends of Austrian regions. After the l. Edition in Brno 1823 reworked. by Alphons Žák --- Eggenburg 1929
  • The parish and pilgrimage church Maria im Gebirge near Salapulka N.-Öst., VOMB For the 600th anniversary of this place of grace at the St. Vitus Festival, June 15, 1899. -Wien, (Norbertus) 1899
  • Eibenstein and Primersdorf. 2 castles and places on the Thaja in the north east. Waldviertel. -Wien, (Jasper) 1895
  • Le retablissement de l'abbaye de Geras. -Tongerloo, printing house d. Abbey 1927
  • Maria Schnee-Bründl. Pilgrimage chapel near Drosendorf, Nieder-Österr. - Horn, Berger 1908
  • Odiot de Benoit de la Pailonne, Marie de la Croix
  • Austrian monastery book. Statistics of the orders and congregations of the Catholic Church in Austria. - Vienna, Kirsch 1911 Internet Archive .
  • Sister Rosa and the holy ones. Atonement Mass. From the venerable Mother MDLC, O. Praem. From the French. trans. and edit by Alphons Zak. Vienna 1895
  • Works of St. Norbertus in our day. Travel memories of a Norbertine. -Wien, "St. Norbertus" 1895
  • On the founding history of the Premonstratensian Monasteries Geras and Pernegg. - Vienna, (Jasper) 1891

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