Old Meissner Strasse

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Old Meissner Strasse in Seifersdorf
Alte Meißner Straße near Borlas near Seifersdorf

The Old Meissner Strasse is about six kilometers, historical trade route from butter road between Somsdorfer height at the freitalischen Somsdorf and Viehweghöhe at Borlas after the village Seifersdorf in District Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains .


On the Berlin miles sheets , which were created around 1800, their course is drawn and is referred to as "Tharander Sträsgen also Sträschen". According to a document written in 1838, material was transported daily from Döhlen to the Eisenhammer in Obercarsdorf by road. In the winter months there were problems getting along the steepest section of the path in Seifersdorf . Since the existence of the road, other goods were also transported to or from the Butterstrasse, which made the road a real traffic and importance. With the opening of the Weißeritztalbahn from Hainsberg to Schmiedeberg on October 20, 1882 and the opening of the railway line to Frauenstein on September 14, 1898, the road slowly lost its importance as a trade route. The construction of the Malter dam in the years 1908 to 1913 created a new parallel street, the "Neue Straße", from the town center in Seifersdorf to the intersection at the lido in Seifersdorf next to the Alte Meißner Straße, which lost its importance here and of the LPG was plowed away around 1960. The section to Seifersdorf has remained as a hiking and agricultural trail as well as a road to this day.


Old Meißner Strasse near Seifersdorf

Starting from the Butterstraße between Somsdorfer Höhe and Viehweghöhe, it runs along the boundaries of Lübau and Borlas on Borlas Flur over a field path that exists today. It then meets the road from Lübau to Borlas and runs with it to Borlas. Past a stone signpost from 1812, it runs along the road from Borlas to Spechtritz to the Seifersdorfer district over the Borlasbach . Then it leaves the road leading to Spechtritz and runs along a field path through the Seifersdorfer Bauernwald up over fields. It unites with the "Spechtritzer Straße" (a field path) opened in 1839, which leads with the Alte Meißner over the Langegrundbach to Seifersdorf and ends after reaching the " Kleine Straße " (formerly Salzstraße , today Bergstraße). The road used to go further above Neue Straße over the fields through the Gründel over the Gründelbach to Dippoldiswalder Straße.

Old Meißner Straße in Lange-Grund

The entire route to Seifersdorf is marked as a hiking trail , the street section of the same name is a dead end .

Outgoing, crossing paths

  • The Butterstrasse at the beginning
  • The road from Lübau to Borlas
  • The road from Borlas to Spechtritz
  • The Spechtritzer Straße from Spechtritz to Seifersdorf (today Feldweg)
  • The Bergstrasse in Seifersdorf (formerly Kleine Strasse / Salzstrasse)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Günter Rapp: Oberreit'sche Karte, Sect. Dresden, Höckendorf – Borlas. Cutout. In: Mühlenarchiv Rapp - Maps. Deutsche Fotothek , 1822, accessed on June 12, 2020 .
  2. ^ Dresden State Archives (ed.): Differences between Karl Gottlieb Fritzsche and Christian Gottlob Wolf from Seifersdorf and Samuel Christoph Bormann because of the creation of a path called Alte Meißner Straße . Dresden 1838.
  3. ^ Miles sheets of Saxony, Berlin copy - sheet 260, Tharandt, Somsdorf, Kurort Hartha, Lübau, Obernaundorf, Kleinopitz. Deutsche Fotothek, 1800, accessed on June 12, 2020 .
  4. ^ Miles sheets of Saxony, Berlin copy - sheet 181, Hainichen, Gersdorf, Cunnersdorf. Deutsche Fotothek, 1800, accessed on June 12, 2020 .
  5. ^ Miles sheets of Saxony - 5047 Freital. Deutsche Fotothek, 1942, accessed on June 12, 2020 .