Bergen office near Celle

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Former office building in Bergen

The office of Bergen bei Celle was a historical administrative area of ​​the Principality of Lüneburg , later of the Kingdom of Hanover and the Prussian Province of Hanover .


In the parish of Bergen , an old central town on the Lüneburg Heath , a separate judicial system with counts was established in the 15th century. Official bailiffs are documented for the first time in the 16th century, who were under the supervision of the Celle grand bailiff until 1772.

From 1795, the Bergen and Hermannsburg district bailiffs were jointly administered from Bergen, initially provisionally and finally from 1802. In the course of the administrative reform of 1852, the districts of Bergen and Hermannsburg were merged to form the Bergen office. In addition, there were the villages of Poitzen and Schmarbeck and the farmers' Ohöfe of the Ebstorf district . At the same time, the Wietzendorf bailiwick, which had previously belonged to Bergen, was separated with the villages of Marbostel, Meinholz, Reddingen, Suroide and Wietzendorf. From 1867, the office with the offices of Ahlden , Fallingbostel and Soltau formed the Fallingbostel steering committee . In 1885 it was abolished and incorporated into the Celle district.


When it was abolished (1885), the office comprised the following municipalities:

(*) From the former Hermannsburg District Bailiwick; (**) from the Ebstorf office


  • 1815–1821: Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst August von Meding, Drost
  • 1822–1836: Carl Ernst von Drechsel, Drost
  • 1837–1852: Ernst Friedrich Neuhaus, bailiff
  • 1853–1862: Carl August Kirchhoff, bailiff
  • 1862: August Friedrich Heinrich von Bothmer, bailiff (by order)
  • 1863–1868: Melchior Christoph Ludolph von der Betten, bailiff
  • 1868–1884: Bruno von Hohnhorst, bailiff


  • Iselin Gundermann , Walther Hubatsch : Outline of the German administrative history 1815-1945 . Row A: Prussia, Volume 10: Hanover. Marburg (Lahn) 1981
  • Manfred Hamann : Overview of the holdings of the Lower Saxony Main State Archives in Hanover. Third volume: Central and subordinate authorities in the Landdrostei and administrative districts of Hanover, Hildesheim and Lüneburg until 1945. Göttingen 1983, pp. 198–201.