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Domain : Bacteria (bacteria)
Department : Proteobacteria
Class : Alphaproteobacteria
Order : Rhizobiales
Family : Xanthobacteraceae
Genre : Ancylobacter
Scientific name
Raj 1983

Ancylobacter is a genus of bacteria .


The cells of many species of the genus are strongly curved ("Vibrionen"). Ancylobacter oerskovii forms pleomorphic cells . The not yet recognized species "A. abiegnus" is cocci- shaped . A. aquaticus is vibrion-shaped and occasionally forms ring-shaped cells before dividing.

Some species form gas vesicles such as Ancylobacter vacuolatus , A. polymorphus and some strains of A. aquaticus . The species are usually not motile, a strain of Ancylobacter aquaticus is motile by a polar, single flagella.

Ancylobacter aquaticus is morphologically very similar to the Bacteroidetes genera Spirosoma , Flectobacillus and Runella due to the curved cells . To differentiate u. a. serve the coloring pigmentation of the colonies. Ancylobacter aquaticus is colorless, while Spirosoma is yellow, Flectobacillus and Runella are pink. The phototrophic species Rhodocyclus purpureus also has a similar morphological structure. It belongs to the family of the Rhodocyclaceae , physiologically it belongs to the non-sulfur purple bacteria .


Ancylobacter is aerobic , the metabolic pathway is breathing with oxygen as the electron acceptor. They use a wide range of organic compounds such as various sugars or salts as an energy source. Some strains are also optionally methylotrophic, for example methanol can be used as an electron donor . These include B. Ancylobacter aquaticus and A. dichloromethanicus strains . The latter can also use dichloromethane (CH 2 Cl 2 ). Some strains of the methylotrophic species are also able to grow completely chemolithoautotrophically . Hydrogen (H 2 ) serves as the electron donor . The C1 components are assimilated via the Calvin cycle .


The most common fatty acid from Ancylobacter is C 18: 1 ω-7c.

C 18: 1 ω-7c ( cis -vaccenic acid)

In A. aquaticus , C 16: 0 , C 18: 0 and C 19: 0 cyclo are still present . Ubiquinone-10 is the most common quinone in A. aquaticus ; Q-9 and Q-11 are also found in smaller quantities.


In 2005, the genus Ancylobacter was added to the newly established family of Xanthobacteraceae due to the investigated 16S rRNA phylogeny . Previously it was in the Hyphomicrobiaceae family . The genus was originally listed as Microcyclus , first described by J. Ørskov in 1928. However, since a genus of fungi with the same name already described in 1904 exists, the bacterial genus was later renamed Ancylobacter . The species "Ancylobacter abiegnus" is still under discussion.

Here is a list of some types:

Ecology and use

The species Ancylobacter aquaticus occurs in freshwater habitats , such as B. ponds, streams and lakes. It was also found in rice fields and in soil. The facultative methylotrophic bacterium A. dichlormethanicus , which can grow on dichloromethane, was isolated from contaminated soil in Russia. A. rudongensis was isolated from the roots of the sweet grass species salt silt grass ( Spartina anglica ) in Jiangsu , China . This species also shows the ring-like cell shape like A. aquaticus . The salt mud grass originally comes from Europe and is now widespread on the beaches of China.

Bacteria of the genus Ancylobacter are of interest for the bioremediation of various pollutants in ecosystems, e.g. B. of arsenic , dichloromethane and sulfonylurea herbicides . Various strains of Ancylobacter aquaticus are able to use toxic chlorinated hydrocarbons , such as 1,2-dichloroethane, as the only source of carbon and energy. As already mentioned, A. dichloromethanicus can use dichloromethane.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Eugene Rosenberg, Edward F. DeLong, Stephen Lory, Erko Stackebrandt and Fabiano Thompson: The Prokaryotes . Alphaproteobacteria and Betaproteobacteria ISBN 978-3-642-30197-1
  2. Yu Hua Xin, Yu Guang Zhou and Wen Xin Chen: Ancylobacter polymorphus sp. nov. and Ancylobacter vacuolatus In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2006), 56, pp. 1185-1188 doi : 10.1099 / ijs.0.64118-0
  3. a b c d George M. Garrity: Bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology . 2nd Edition. Springer, New York, 2005, Vol. 2: The Proteobacteria Part C: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteabacteria ISBN 0-387-24145-0
  4. Michael T. Madigan, Thomas D. Brock, John M. Martinko, David P. Clark and David A. Stahl: Brock - Mikrobiologie . 13th updated edition. Pearson Studies, 2013, ISBN 978-3-8689-4144-9 .
  5. a b Christian Suarez, Stefan Ratering, Johanna Schäfer and Sylvia Schnell: View Affiliations Ancylobacter pratisalsi sp. nov. with plant growth promotion abilities from the rhizosphere of Plantago winteri In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. (2017), Volume 67, Issue 1. doi : 10.1099 / ijsem.0.002320
  6. Kyung-Bum Lee et al.: The hierarchical system of the 'Alphaproteobacteria': description of Hyphomonadaceae fam. nov., Xanthobacteraceae fam. nov. And Erythrobacteraceae fam. nov. In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology , Volume 55, 2005, pp. 1907-1919 ( online ).
  7. HD Raj: Proposal of Ancylobacter gen. Nov. as a substitute for the bacterial genus Microcyclus Orskov 1928. In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. (1983), 33: pp. 397-398. doi : 10.1099 / 00207713-33-2-397
  8. ^ Jean Euzéby, Aidan C. Parte: Genus Ancylobacter . In: List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN). Retrieved March 19, 2020 .
  9. Yu Hua Xin et al .: Ancylobacter rudongensis sp. nov., isolated from roots of Spartina anglica In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2004), Volume 54, pp. 385-388 doi : 10.1099 / ijs.0.02466-0


  • George M. Garrity: Bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology . 2nd Edition. Springer, New York, 2005, Vol. 2: The Proteobacteria Part C: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteabacteria ISBN 0-387-24145-0
  • Eugene Rosenberg, Edward F. DeLong, Stephen Lory, Erko Stackebrandt and Fabiano Thompson: The Prokaryotes . Alphaproteobacteria and Betaproteobacteria Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2014, ISBN 978-3-642-30197-1