Ann McKim

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Ann McKim (clipper) .png
Ann McKim p1
Ship data
flag United States 31United States United States
Ship type Freighter
Shipyard Kennard & Williamson, Baltimore
building-costs 50,000 dollars
Launch June 4, 1833
Commissioning 1833
Whereabouts Canceled in 1852
Ship dimensions and crew
43.6 m ( Lüa )
width 8.38 m
measurement 494 GRT
crew 18 men
Rigging and rigging
Rigging Full ship
Number of masts 3

The Ann McKim , a three-masted full ship with clippers lines, ran on June 4, 1833 in Baltimore in the US state of Maryland for the shipowner Isaac McKim, a rich merchant from Baltimore, launched, named after his wife Ann McKim .

No expense was spared and only the best building materials were used ( mahogany , teak , brass , copper ). Their length-to-width ratio was over 5: 1, which corresponds to an extreme clipper. Some consider them to be the first real clipper, although this attribute is more the Rainbow , as their construction was even more similar to the subsequent clipper ships. She first drove on the South America trip via Cape Horn to Callao (port of Lima , Peru ) and Chile . After the death of the owner in 1837, it changed hands. The new owners, William E. Howland and William H. Aspinwall from New York, commissioned Wm. Griffith and Donald McKay , the most famous clipper builders of the time, to appraise the ship as a second hand. Both were delighted. The Ann McKim made remarkable voyages on her old courses. From 1839 their sailing area changed to East Asia ( tea trade ). After initial problems (150-day voyage), the ship achieved first-class results in the tea voyage (79-day voyage from New York to Anjer (Sunda Strait)). After being sold to a Chilean shipping company in 1847, its area of ​​operation moved to the Pacific (47-day trip San Francisco - Valparaíso 1850).

In 1851 the left Ann McKim under Captain Van Pelt, the United States with course Chile. Then it was launched and canceled a year later in Valparaíso.

Ship data

  • Construction: wooden hull in clipper construction as smooth decker
  • Rigg : Vollschiff, trad. Mars and bram sails, royal and sky sails on all masts; Leeward sails; all masts with Mars, Bram and Royal stiffeners
  • Launched : June 4, 1833
  • Maiden voyage : 1833 to Callao, Peru (89 days), via Huasco (Reg.Atacama), northern Chile, back to Baltimore (72 days)
  • Shipyard : Kennard & Williamson, Baltimore, Maryland (MD), USA
  • Shipping company: Isaac McKim, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
  • other shipping companies: 1837 Howland & Aspinwall, New York ; 1847 Chilean shipping company
  • Home port : Baltimore, USA; New York, USA; Valparaíso
  • Figurehead : yes
  • Length Galion - Stern (fuselage length): 43.6 / 41.8 m (143 '1 "/ 140' 7")
  • Width: 8.38 m (27 '6 ")
  • Room depth : 4.16 m (13 '8 ")
  • Measurement : 494 GRT (gross register tons)
  • Auxiliary machines: none
  • Construction costs: approximately $ 50,000
  • First Skipper : James Curtis
  • other captains: J. Martin, Van Pelt
  • Crew: approx. 18 men
  • Sister ships: none

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. La Grange, Helen .: Clipper ships of America and Great Britain. 1833-1869 . 1937, OCLC 906252584 .