Anna-Liese Kornitzky

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Anna-Liese Kornitzky (* 1909 ; † 2000 ) was a German translator of Swedish and English-language literature. She is best known for her translations of twenty Astrid Lindgren books from Swedish. She wrote most of her translations in the 1950s and 1960s. Word creations like "Donnerdrummel" or "Potz Pestilenz" (from the novel Ronja the robber's daughter ) are typical of her style.


Adult literature

  • with Hansgeorg Kornitzky : Eyvind Johnson : Here you have your life. Tessloff, 1951 (original title: Romanen om Olof ).
  • with Christian E. Lewalter : Frank Wilson Kenyon : She became empress. The romantic life of Josephine Beauharnais. Krüger, 1954 (original title: The Emperor's Lady ).
  • Gerald Hanley : The Year of the Lion. Krüger, 1955 (Original title: The Year of the Lion ).
  • Frances Gray Patton : Good morning, Miss Fink. Krüger, 1956 (Original title: Good morning, Miss Dove ).
  • Herman Wouk : Marjorie Morningstar. Krüger, 1956 (original title: Marjorie Morningstar ).
  • with Werner Peterich : Daphne du Maurier : Kiss me again, stranger. Fischer Bücherei, 1957 (original title: The Apple Tree ).
  • Joan Grant : Sekhet-a-ra, daughter of the Pharaoh. Krüger, 1957 (original title: Winged Pharao ).
  • Richard P. Powell : The Man from Philadelphia. Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1958 (original title: The Philadelphian ).
  • Herman Wouk: Big City Boy. Krüger, 1958 (Original title: The City Boy ).
  • John Dennis Fitzgerald : Our house has many guests. Krüger, 1959 (original title: Mamma's Boarding House ).
  • Albert Viksten : You were looking for new land. Fretz & Wasmuth, 1959 (original title: De sökte nytt land ).
  • Edith Caroline Rivett : The Man in the Shadows. Desch, 1960 (original title: Long Shadows ).
  • Herman Wouk: Rosa is Aurora or The True Story of Andrew Reale. Krüger, 1960 (original title: Aurora Dawn ).
  • Cordelia Edvardson : Burned child seeks fire. Hanser, 1986, ISBN 3-446-14260-6 (original title: Bränt barn söker sig till elden ).
  • with Jörg Scherzer : Cordelia Edvardson: Put the world together. Hanser, 1989, ISBN 3-446-15498-1 (original title: Viska det till vinden ).
  • Cordelia Edvardson: Jerusalem's Smile: Poems. Hanser, 1993, ISBN 3-446-17015-4 (Original title: Jerusalems Leende ).

Children's and young people's literature

  • Lennart Hellsing : In the funny magic forest. Illustrations by Edward Lindahl . Oetinger, 1960 (original title: Det är så roligt i kråkelund ).
  • Astrid Lindgren: Sounds my linden tree . Illustrations by Ilon Wikland . Oetinger, 1960 (original title: Sunnanäng ).
  • Astrid Lindgren: Christmas in the stable . Illustrations by Harald Wiberg . Oetinger, 1961 (original title: Jul i stallet ).
  • Astrid Lindgren: Madita . Illustrations by Ilon Wikland. Oetinger, 1961 (original title: Madicken ).
  • Edor Burman : On the trail of the brown bear. Illustrations by Harald Wiberg. Oetinger, 1962 (original title: Björnarna i storädalen ).
  • Hans Peterson : Here comes Petter. Illustrations by Margret Radich . Oetinger, 1963 (original title: Här kommer Petter ).
  • Hans Peterson: Petter is coming back. Illustrations by Margret Radich. Oetinger, 1964 (original title: Här kommer Petter igen ).
  • Edor Burman: The bears from the far north. Illustrations by Harald Wiberg. Oetinger, 1964 (original title: Storbjörnen ).
  • Hans Peterson: Petter and the rope band. Illustrations by Margret Radich. Oetinger, 1965 (original title: Petter klarar allt ).
  • Edor Burman: Wolf in the Mountains. Illustrations by Harald Wiberg. Oetinger, 1965 (original title: Varg i fjällen ).
  • Astrid Lindgren: The sheep on Kapela . Illustrations by Ilon Wikland. Oetinger, 1965 (Original title: Tu tu tu ).
  • Ruth Moore : The Evolution. Time-Life International, 1969 (Original title: Evolution ).
  • Astrid Lindgren: The Lionheart Brothers . Oetinger, 1974, ISBN 3-789-12935-6 (original title: Bröderna Lejonhjärta ).
  • Gunilla Bergström : Hurry up, Willi Wiberg. Oetinger, 1976, ISBN 3-789-15557-8 (original title: Raska på Alfons Åberg ).
  • Astrid Lindgren: More from Michel from Lönneberga. Illustrations by Björn Berg . Oetinger, 1976, ISBN 3-789-16139-X (Original title: När Emil skulledra ut Linas tand ).
  • Astrid Lindgren: Madita and Pims. Illustrations by Ilon Wikland. Oetinger, 1976, ISBN 3-789-11939-3 (original title: Madicken och Junibackens Pims ).
  • Astrid Lindgren: The vanished land . Oetinger, 1977, ISBN 3-789-11940-7 (original title: Samuel August från sevedstorp och Hanna i hult ).
  • Inger Brattström : Girls from back then. Oetinger, 1979, ISBN 3-789-11711-0 (original title: Jungfrurna ).
  • Astrid Lindgren: Ronja the robber's daughter . Illustrations by Ilon Wikland. Oetinger, 1982, ISBN 3-789-12940-2 (original title: Ronja rövardotter ).
  • Charles Kingsley : The Water Children. Tailor's book, 1984, ISBN 3-505-08748-3 (Original title: The Water-babies ).
  • Astrid Lindgren: Michel's nonsense number 325. Illustrations by Björn Berg. Oetinger, 1986, ISBN 3-789-11855-9 (original title: Emils hyss nr 325 ).
  • Astrid Lindgren: When little Ida wanted to do mischief once in a while. Illustrations by Björn Berg. Oetinger, 1986, ISBN 3-789-11854-0 (Original title: När lilla Ida skulle göra hyss ).
  • Astrid Lindgren: Just don't skimp, said Michel from Lönneberga. Illustrations by Björn Berg. Oetinger, 1987, ISBN 3-789-11856-7 (original title: Inget knussel, sa Emil i Lönneberga ).
  • Astrid Lindgren: Rupp Rüpel: the most gruesome ghost from Småland . Illustrations by Ilon Wikland. Oetinger, 1987, ISBN 3-789-16038-5 (original title: Skinn Skerping hemskast av alla spöken i Smȧland ).
  • Astrid Lindgren: The Robber Assar Bubbla or By a Hair there would have been no book about Pippi Longstocking . Illustrations by Marika Delin . Oetinger, 1988, ISBN 3-789-11857-5 (original title: Assar Bubbla eller det var nara ögatt att det inte blev nȧgon bok om Pippi Lȧngstrump ).
  • Astrid Lindgren / Margareta Strömstedt / Jan-Hugo Norman : My Smȧland . Oetinger, 1988, ISBN 3-789-16039-3 (original title: Mitt Smȧland ).
  • Astrid Lindgren: No, I don't want to go to bed yet! Oetinger, 1989, ISBN 3-789-16141-1 .
  • Astrid Lindgren: Of course Lotta is a happy child. Illustrations by Ilon Wikland. Oetinger, 1991, ISBN 3-789-16802-5 (Original title: Visst är Lotta en glad unge ).
  • Astrid Lindgren: When Lisabeth put a pea up her nose. Illustrations by Ilon Wikland. Oetinger, 1992, ISBN 3-789-14117-8 (Original title: När Lisabet pillade in en ärta i näsan ).
  • Astrid Lindgren: How good that there are Christmas holidays, said Madita. Illustrations by Ilon Wikland. Oetinger, 1994, ISBN 3-789-14125-9 (original title: Jullov är ett bra påhitt, sa Madicken ).
  • Marit Törnqvist : A little love story. Oetinger, 1996, ISBN 3-789-17153-0 (original title: Klein verhaal over liefde ).
  • Astrid Lindgren: Britt-Mari eases her heart . One-time special edition of Astrid Lindgren's first book on the occasion of her 90th birthday. Oetinger, 1997, ISBN 3-7891-4134-8 (original title: Britt-Mari lättar sitt hjärta ).

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