Anna Jepifanovna Alichowa

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Anna Jepifanowna Alichowa ( Russian Анна Епифановна Алихова ; born July 1 . Jul / 14. July  1902 greg. In Moscow , † the 30th June 1989 ibid) was a Russian - Soviet historian , prehistorian and archaeologist.


Alichova's father was a bank clerk. Her mother ran a small sewing workshop. After attending grammar school, Alichowa began studying in the 1917 revolutionary year at the Moscow University (MGU) in the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics . From 1922 she took part in the expeditions of the Department of Anthropology and Ethnography under the direction of the archaeologist and ethnographer Boris Sergeyevich Zhukov . The subject of an expedition were field studies in Wetluga . In 1928 she led together with Anna Vasilyevna Sbrujewa excavations in Rajon navashino on the Malo-Okulowski- Kurgan the Bronze Age Posdnjakow- culture by. In 1930 she completed her studies as an external student at the Department of Anthropology at MGU.

After graduating, Alichowa worked in the Moscow Oblast Museum and from 1934 in the Moscow Department of the State Academy of the History of Material Culture (MOGAIMK). In 1935 she became a research assistant at the Moscow History Museum . In 1938 she became a laboratory assistant at the chair for archeology in the historical faculty of the MGU.

After the start of the German-Soviet War Alichowa was to Tashkent evacuated , where she worked as a secondary school teacher. After returning to Moscow in 1943 she began postgraduate in MOGAIMP. In 1947 she successfully defended her dissertation on the Mordovian graves of the 10th to 14th centuries for her doctorate as a candidate in historical sciences. She then became a research assistant at MOGAIMP, which in 1957 became the Moscow Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) . She now used excavations to investigate settlements from the early Iron Age in Kursk Oblast . 1950–1956 she led a group of the Kuibyshev expedition to build the Kuibyshev power station and examined the area intended for the flood. She later carried out an excavation in Penza Oblast in Narovchat Rajon, where the city of Mochschi of the Golden Horde was located in the 14th century . Even after her retirement in 1963, she was active in research and examined new archaeological sites in the Kursk Oblast.

Alichowa was married to the archaeologist Mikhail Wazlawowitsch Vojewodski .

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Воронина Р. Ф .: Анне Епифановне Алиховой 100 лет . In: Российская археология . No. 3 , 2003, p. 166-168 .
  2. ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННЫЕ ЭТНОГРАФЫ И АНТРОПОЛОГИ. XX ВЕК. МАЭ РАН, Русское географическое общество: Алихова Анна Епифановна (accessed August 6, 2020).
  3. a b Малая Курская Энциклопедия: Алихова, Анна Епифановна (accessed August 6, 2020).
  4. a b c d Центр палеоэтнологических исследований (ЦПИ): АННА ЕПИФАНОВНА АЛИХОВА (1902-1989) (accessed August 6, 2020).
  5. a b ИСТОРИКИ КУРСКОГО КРАЯ (Биографический словарь): АЛИХОВА (Воеводская) Анна Епифановна (1902–1989) (accessed August 6, 2020.
  6. Антропологическая комплексная экспедиция (1925-1929 гг.): ЗБРУЕВА Анна Васильевна (1894-1965гг.) (Accessed August 6, 2020).