Anna Wassiljewna Sbrujewa

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Anna Vasilyevna Sbrujewa ( Russian Анна Васильевна Збруева * June 25 . Jul / 7. July  1894 greg. In Moscow , † 6. September 1965 ibid) was a Russian - Soviet prehistorian and archaeologist.


After graduating from high school at the age of 16, Sbrujewa became a primary school teacher, first in Moscow Oblast and then in Moscow.

After the October Revolution , Sbrujewa continued her education and began studying at Moscow University (MGU) in the Department of Archeology and Art History of the Faculty of Social Sciences in 1922, graduating in 1925 with the archaeologist and ethnographer Boris Sergeyevich Zhukov .

After graduation, Sbrujewa initially worked as a non-scheduled employee at the Moscow Historical Museum , before becoming a research assistant at the Museum of Folklore and the Museum of Anthropology of the MGU in 1931 . In 1928 she led together with Anna Jepifanowna Alichowa excavations in Rajon navashino on the Malo-Okulowski- Kurgan the Bronze Age Posdnjakow- culture by. Together with Alexander Jakowlewitsch Brjussow and Alexei Petrowitsch Smirnow she went on expeditions to the Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic of the Komi and the Arkhangelsk and Kostroma Oblasts . 1932-1934 she worked in the archaeological expedition of the Moscow Department of the State Academy of the History of Material Culture (GAIMK) on the construction of the Moscow Canal and the first section of the Moscow Metro . 1933-1937, she led a group of the Kama expedition for excavations in Perm and led excavations at the rivers Chusovaya , Tui by and Garewaja. In 1936 she took part in the work of the MGU's paleoanthropological Crimean expedition.

In 1936 Sbrujewa moved to the GAIMK, which in 1957 became the Moscow Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) . 1938–1940 she participated in the excavation of the settlement complex at Jelabuga . In 1941 she successfully defended her dissertation on settlements of the Ananino culture for her doctorate as a candidate in historical sciences.

During the German-Soviet war , Sbrujewa worked in the evacuation . After the war she led the 2nd group of the Kuibyshev expedition to build the Kuibyshev power station and investigated the area intended for the flood. Then she dealt with the problem of the origin of the Ananino tribes and examined settlements of the late Bronze Age in northwest Bashkiria . For several years she led the expedition of the Institute of Archeology and the Bashkir branch of the AN-SSSR. She examined settlements of the Kurmantau, Balanbasch and Srubna cultures . In 1953, after defending her dissertation on the history of the settlement of the Kama area in the Ananino period, she received her doctorate in historical sciences.

Sbrujewa worked at the Institute of Archeology until she retired in 1962. She died in 1965 after a long illness.


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Individual evidence

  1. a b c Антропологическая комплексная экспедиция (1925-1929 гг.): ЗБРУЕВА Анна Васильевна (1894-1965гг.) (Accessed August 5, 2020).
  2. a b c d Збруева Анна Васильевна (1894-1965) (accessed August 5, 2020).
  3. Большая энциклопедия российская: ЖУКОВ Борис Сергеевич (accessed on August 5, 2020).
  4. Мыс Стрелка, Камская ГЭС и Камское море (accessed August 6, 2020).
  5. Большая Советская Энциклопедия: Конецгорское селище (accessed August 6, 2020).
  6. Sbrujewa AW: История населения Прикамья в ананьинскую эпоху . In: Материалы и исследования по археологии Урала и Приуралья . tape 5 , no. 30 , 1952.
  7. Sbrujewa A. W: История населения Прикамья в Ананьинскую эпоху [ Текст ]: Автореферат дис. на соискание учен. степ. д-ра ист. наук . Ин-т истории матер. культуры Акад. наук СССР, Moscow 1952.