Antoine-François Mauduit

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Antoine-François Antonowitsch Mauduit ( Russian Антуан Франсуа Антонович Модюи ; born August 10, 1775 in Paris ; † December 27, 1854 there ) was a French - Russian architect .


Mauduit's father Antoine-René Mauduit (1731-1815) was a professor of mathematics at the Collège Royal and a member of the Académie des Beaux-Arts . During the Revolution , Mauduit served in the engineering team .

In 1810, at the invitation of Armand de Caulaincourt , Mauduit went to St. Petersburg , where he was accepted into the imperial cabinet as an architect with a salary with the ukase of Alexander I. He traveled to Greece and studied ancient monuments . Mauduit was a member of the Committee for Structures and Hydraulic Works in St. Petersburg, which was headed by the Inspector General of the Transport Engineer Corps Agustín de Betancourt and to which the architects Carlo Rossi , Vasily Petrovich Stasov and Andrei Alexejewitsch Michailow as well as the engineers Wilhelm von Traitteur , Pierre-Dominique Bazaine and Andrei Danilowitsch Gotman belonged. Mauduit contributed to the planning for the central squares of St. Petersburg with his designs. The design of the surroundings of the Alexandrinsky Theater and the Anichkov Palace was of particular interest . Mauduit designs for St. Isaac's Cathedral were examined by a special commission at the Imperial Academy of Arts . Mauduit made suggestions for the redevelopment of St. Petersburg, which were later taken up by Bazaine.

Kamenny Theater (1886), St. Petersburg

A well-known work by Mauduit in St. Petersburg was the reconstruction of the Kamenny Theater , built by Antonio Rinaldi in 1775 , rebuilt in 1805 by Jean-François Thomas de Thomon and burned down in 1811. Mauduit won the competition against Thomas de Thomon and Giacomo Quarenghi . The new theater in the classicism style was opened in 1818. Mauduit's building was assessed as unsafe in 1886, demolished and replaced by the St. Petersburg Conservatory in 1891–1896 by the architect Vladimir Vladimirovich Nikolja .

In 1826 Maduit was dismissed from the service, after which he received a pension. He had not acquired any fortune or estate and eventually returned to France .

1830-1835 Mauduit was library secretary of the Académie française in Rome . He published a work on the discoveries in Troy in two volumes (Paris, 1840–1841) and made proposals for the completion of the Palais des Tuileries and the Palais du Louvre . He wrote a memorandum to Citizen Bonaparte and the French Constituent Assembly on the need for a program to carry out socially useful work (Paris, 1849).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ BnF: Antoine-François Mauduit (accessed on July 13, 2018).
  2. Alain Garric: Antoine François MAUDUIT (accessed on July 13, 2018).
  3. a b c d e f З. В. ЮРКОВА: АНТОН АНТОНОВИЧ МОДЮИ . In: РЕКОНСТРУКЦИЯ ГОРОДОВ И ГЕОТЕХНИЧЕСКОЕ СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО . No. 9 , 2005, p. 264–278 ( [PDF; accessed July 13, 2018]).
  4. ^ Mauduit, Antoine François: Découvertes dans la Troade (Volume 2): Réponses de l'auteur des découvertes dans la Troade aux observations critiques . Paris, London 1841.