Pierre-Dominique Bazaine

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Pierre-Dominique Bazaine

Pierre-Dominique Bazaine ( Russian Пьер-Доминик Базен) ; (Born January 13, 1786 in Scy-Chazelles , † September 29, 1838 in Paris ) was a French military engineer , mathematician , physicist and university professor .


Bazaine attended the École polytechnique in Paris with a degree in 1803 and then studied at the École nationale des ponts et chaussées . He then began to work as an engineer in Italy and the south of France . 1808-1810 he was a member of a Paris Masonic lodge . When Alexander I planned to establish an institute for traffic engineering in St. Petersburg , Napoleon I recommended the engineers Bazaine, Alexandre Fabre , Maurice Destrem and Charles Michel Potier to him . The four engineers were then invited to St. Petersburg.

Bazaine had in France with Marie-Madeleine Josèphe (called Mélanie) Vasseur a daughter Melanie (1808-1852), who married the physicist Émile Clapeyron , and two sons, the engineer and director of the railway of Alsace Pierre-Dominique (Adolphe) Bazaine and the Marshal of France François-Achille Bazaine .

In July 1810, Bazaine entered the Russian service and was Podpolkownik in the traffic engineer corps . He immediately became a member of a St. Petersburg Masonic lodge. Together with Destrem, he was sent to the Chersonese governor Armand Emmanuel du Plessis to carry out a project for the construction of a port in Yevpatoria and to build hydraulic engineering systems in the port of Odessa .

At the beginning of the Franco-Russian War in 1812 , the four French engineers were exiled to Yaroslavl , Poschechonje and finally Irkutsk . Bazaine spent more than two years there, writing his treatise on differential calculus and a series of papers on planimetry .

After the end of the war in 1815, the four engineers returned to St. Petersburg. Polkownik- grade Bazaine headed the Department of Advanced Analysis and Theoretical Mechanics at the Institute of the Transport Engineers Corps .

Bazaine married the emigrant daughter Sonovert-Ostrowski and had the daughter Mathilde Elisabeth Pauline Bazaine (1819–1899), who married Pépin Lehalleur.

In 1820 Bazaine was major general and in 1823 inspector general and member of the transport council. In January 1824 he succeeded Agustín de Betancourt as director of the Institute of the Transport Engineering Corps and chairman of the Committee for Structures and Hydraulic Works in St. Petersburg. He was responsible for many bridges in St. Petersburg including the light bridge in the Summer Garden . In 1828 he was sent to France and on his return in 1830 promoted to lieutenant general. The Obvodny Canal was one of his many works . Bazaine examined the proposals made to the government for new technical projects, including the Kasimir Gavrilowitsch Tschernowskis submarine project .

For health reasons, Bazaine gave up the direction of the Institute of Transport Engineers in 1834. His successor was Charles Michel Potier. Bazaine was accepted into the military engineer corps, where he was accompanying Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich . However, his heart problems eventually forced him to leave Russia. He and his wife returned to France, where both became enthusiastic supporters of Charles Fourier . Bazaine was buried on the Cimetière de Montmartre in Paris .



Works (selection)

  • Traité élémentaire de calcul différentiel : a l'usage des élèves de l'Institut des voies de communication (1817)
  • Traité élémentaire de calcul intégral à l'usage des élives de l'institut des voies de communication (1825)
  • Démonstration du principe des vitesses virtuelles, consideré comme base fondamentale de la mécanique (1832)
  • Mémoire sur l'état actuel du système de Vychni-Volotchok , ou de la principale communication artificielle établie entre la mer Caspienne et la Baltique
  • Mémoire sur la théorie du mouvement des barques à vapeur et sur leur application à la navigation des canaux, des fleuves et des rivières (1817);
  • Mémoire sur l'impossibilité de ramener par un simple approfondissement le niveau du canal de Ladoga , à la même hauteur, que celui du lac du même nom
  • Notice on un nouvel artifice propre à diminuer la dépense d'eau des canaux en général et sur un nouveau système de petite navigation
  • Mémoires sur les méthodes de raccordement à employer pour les alignements des routes
  • Notice on the construction of the paratonnerres
  • Notice on un nouvel appareil gazogène
  • Mémoire sur la construction des Chaussées, et sur la détermination des distances moyennes pour le transport des matériaux
  • Introduction à l'étude de la statique synthétique, à l'usage des élèves de l'institut des voies de communications
  • Notices sur la composition des reliefs
  • Memoire sur un nouveau système relatif à l'établissement d'un chantier général destiné à la construction, au radoub et à la conservation des vaisseaux
  • Mémoire sur les machines à vapeurs en général
  • Mémoire sur la détermination de la force expansive de la vapeur, et des avantages qu'on en peut retirer sous le rapport industriel
  • Mémoire sur les moyens de preserver les machines à vapeur des exploisions auxquelles elles sont exposées
  • Mémoire sur la fabrication, et en particulier sur le séchage de la poudre à canon

Individual evidence

  1. Information on Pierre-Dominique Bazaine in the database of the Bibliothèque nationale de France , accessed on July 11, 2018.
  2. Базен (Pierre-Dominique Bazaine, по русски Петр Петрович) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . IIa, 1891, p. 693 ( Wikisource [accessed July 11, 2018]).
  3. a b c d e f g Базен, Петр Петрович (Pierre Dominique Bazaine) . In: Русский биографический словарь А. А. Половцова . tape 2 , 1900, p. 412-413 ( Wikisource [accessed July 11, 2018]).
  4. Серков А. И .: История русского масонства 1845–1945 . Изд-во им. Н. И. Новикова, St. Petersburg 1997, ISBN 5-87991-015-6 .
  5. Pierre-Dominique Bazaine: Traité élémentaire de calcul différentiel: a l'usage des élèves de l'Institut des voies de communication . A l'Imp. de la Marine, St. Petersburg 1817 , Пьер-Доминик Базен: Начальные основания дифференциального исчисления (Перевод свиты его императорского величества по квартирмейстерской части капитана Галямина ) . St. Petersburg 1819.
  6. Николай СТАРОДЫМОВ: СУБМАРИНА ИЗ КАЗЕМАТА (accessed July 10, 2018).
  7. Проект подводной лодки К. Черновского (accessed July 10, 2018).
  8. Russian Academy of Sciences: Базен Петр Петрович (Пьер-Доминик) (accessed July 11, 2018).