Anton Velleman

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Anton Velleman (born May 15, 1875 in Vienna , † February 16, 1962 in Geneva ) was a Swiss Romance scholar , interpreter , grammarian and lexicographer .

life and work

Anton (also: Antoine ) Velleman, who was of Flemish and Cologne origin, studied economics and languages ​​in London, Bonn, Vienna, Halle, Madrid and Zurich. At the University of Halle-Wittenberg he received his doctorate in 1898 with a dissertation in economics. From 1904 to 1917 he was rector of the newly opened Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz in the Upper Engadin , from 1931 Associate Professor for Romansh language and literature at the University of Geneva , from 1937 Professor of Hispanic Studies there . From 1941 to 1951 he was the founding director of the Geneva Interpreting School, later: École de traduction et d'interprétation (ETI), today: Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at the University of Geneva . From March to July 1952 he was the first director of the Language and Interpreting Institute in Munich .

From 1919 onwards, Velleman worked as an interpreter at international conferences, at the League of Nations , the International Court of Justice , the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris, the International Agricultural Institute in Rome, the International Institute for Statistics in The Hague, the International Alliance for Cooperation, the International Union for telecommunications, the Bank for International Payments and the Conferences on Disarmament (1932) and reparations payments (1933). After the Second World War he was u. a. Secretary General of the Commission for the referendum in Saarland and interpreter at the UN in Lake Success and Flushing Meadow .

Velleman published (with the help of Clementina Gilly ) an extensive grammar of the Upper Engadin language as well as a trilingual dictionary Upper Engadin-German-English with 10,000 entries.

Velleman was married to the translator Ethel Ireland, daughter of the composer John Ireland . The marriage was divorced during the First World War . Velleman had been an honorary citizen of Zuoz since 1913 .


  • The luxury in its relationship to the social economy. Part I: The Theory of Luxury Consumption. Part II: The economic and financial treatment of luxury consumption. In: Journal for the entire political science / Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics. 55, 1899, pp. 1 to 56; 56, 1900, pp. 498 to 549.
  • Alchünas remarchas davart l'ortographia e la grammatica della lingua ladina. Engadin Press, Samedan 1912.
  • Frammaint della Grammatica Ladina publichô specielmaing pels cuors academics da vacanzas del 1913. Orell Füssli, Zurich 1913–1915.
    • 1. Il substantive e l'artichel nella lingua ladina d'Engiadin'Ota. 1913.
    • 2. L'aggetiv e il pronom nella lingua ladina d'Engiadin'Ota. 1915.
  • Grammatica teoretica, pratica ed istorica della lingua Ladina d'Engadin'Ota. 2 vols. Orell Füssli, Zurich 1915–1924.
  • Ladin emergency dictionary with German, French and English translation and numerous topographical and demographic information. Dicziunari scurznieu de la Lingua Ladina pustüt d'Engiadin'Ota cun traducziun tudais-cha, francesa ed inglaisa e numerusas indicaziuns topograficas e demograficas. Engadin Press, Samaden 1929.
  • (Ed.) Alphonse de Lamartine : Christophe Colomb. Geneva 1942.


  • Artur Caflisch (1893–1971): Le Professeur Antoine Velleman 1875–1962. Geneva 1964 (Ladin in Fögl Ladin 1962).
  • Lexicon of Romance Linguistics III. The individual Romance languages ​​and linguistic areas from the Renaissance to the present: Romanian, Dalmatian / Istra-Romance, Friulian, Ladin, Graubünden Romance. De Gruyter, Berlin 1989, pp. 886 and 897.

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