Antonio de Castro y Casaléiz

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Antonio de Castro y Casaléiz (born March 30, 1856 in Havana , † October 3, 1918 in Vienna ) was a Spanish diplomat and businessman.


In 1876 he became an attaché at the Spanish embassy to the Holy See . In 1894 he belonged to the Spanish delegation to the funeral of Tsar Alexander III. in the Peter and Paul Fortress . In 1897 he was attached to the embassy in Caracas and operated the expulsion of the Canarian nationalist Secundino Delgado from Venezuela . In 1898 he was consul in Cairo . He was a member of the Partido Liberal-Conservador . In the elections in 1901, 1905, 1907 and 1910 for the Congreso de los Diputados , he won a seat in the Albocácer constituency. In July 1903 he won a mandate in the constituency of Guadalajara and was appointed senator for the province of Castellón from 1903 to 1904 . From 1903 to 1905 he represented Faustino Rodríguez-San Pedro as Foreign Minister in his absence. From 1905 to January 1914 he represented the political line of Antonio Maura Montaner in the Congreso de los Diputados . In 1905 King Alfonso XIII appointed him . to his ambassador to Victor Emanuel III. and in 1909 to his ambassador to Franz Joseph I . In 1910 he was the agent of The Great Central Railway of Spain Limited which had received the concession for a railway line from Madrid to Fuente el Saz de Jarama . On March 12, 1914, he was accredited in Vienna ( Austria-Hungary ), where he was promoted to ambassador in 1916 and contracted the Spanish flu in 1918 . ABC reported his recovery on July 8, 1918 and the matriculation book 11, Folio 216, of the parish of the Augustinian Church in Vienna , of his passing on October 3, 1918

During the First World War , Spain was the protective power for Belgium and the Russian Empire in Austria-Hungary


Guía práctica del Diplomático Español, Establecimiento tipográfico de El Correo, Madrid, 1886

Individual evidence

  1. José Ramón de Urquijo y Goitia, Gobiernos y ministros españoles en la Edad Contemporánea, p. 89
  2. ^ The Great Central Railway of Spain Company, Limited, has been formed in London to acquire the Vasco Castellana Company which owns concessions covering the route for a more direct and shorter line between Bilbao and Madrid than the existing Norte Railway. Angel Sánchez Carbonell, Curiosa historia del fallido proyecto del ferrocarril entre Madrid y Fuente el Saz, July 9, 2015, [1]
  3. ABC (Spain) , ECOS DE VIENA, Viena 4, 10 manana. (Radiograma de 206 palabras, depostado por nuestro corresponsal y recibido anoche.) La epidemia de gripe o influenza española como la denominan aquí ea Alemania, continúa estacionada én Budapest. Hasta ahora no se ha registrado un solo caso en provincias; en Viena hay unos 300 enfermos, número insignificate si se tiene en cuenta quel capital de Austria cuenta en la actualidad incluidos figitivos y soldados, unos tres millones de habitantes. El célebre médico y profesor de la Universidad doctor Vilta dice que hasta hoy esa enfermedad no ha ocasionado ninguna defunción. La dolencia presenta los mismos caracteres que el catarro pulmonar, y los casos nuevos son más benignos que los anteriores. Los pacientes se restableceren un plazo de cuartro días. Interrogado el sabio profesor acerca del oreigen de la epidemia, lo atribuyó a los cambios bruscos de temperatura, ya las lluvisa, y anadió que predispone al mal la actividad excesiva de los vecinos en los grandes centros de población. Esta manana se iauguró el servicio postal aéreo Viena y Budapest. A partier de hoy, saldrá iariamente de Viena un aeroplano, que emprenderá la travesia a laas cinco de la manana, para transportar correspondencia de los principales puntos de Austria a la capital de Hungría. Hoy ha experimentado mejoría el embajador de España - Danubio. Madrid, July 8, 1918, [2]
  4. ^ Death of Castro in Vienna, October 3rd, 1918: Don Antonio de Castro y Casaleiz Excellenz, royal Spanish ambassador. born and in charge of Havana, Cuba at the age of 62., [3]
  5. On 3 September 1914, the, Neue Freie Presse reports the actions of Don Antonio de Castro y Casaléiz for the sake of Russian and Belgian citizens in the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The ambassador asked the following announcement to be published: "The Spanish embassy in Vienna asks Russian citizens living in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy to inform the embassy about their residence so that it can inform family members of the concerned". P. 62 ; Modesto Sánchez de los Santos, Simón de la Redondela, Las Cortes españolas: las de 1910, por Modesto Sánchez de los Santos y Simón de la Redondela, A. Marzo, 1910 - 936 p., P. 622
predecessor Office successor
Juan Valera Spanish ambassador in Vienna
March 12, 1914 - October 3, 1918
Eduardo García Comin