Work plus

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Arbeit Plus is a job seal awarded nationwide since 1999. It is an award for socially sustainable company policy and innovative employment policy in the opinion of the lender. The carrier is the Evangelical Church in Germany . The chairman of the Council of Evangelical Churches in Germany chairs the awarding body.

Award procedure

The Institute for Economic and Social Ethics (IWS) at the Philipps University of Marburg is responsible for the test procedure . In addition to the evaluation of questionnaires that both management representatives and employee representatives work on, interviews are conducted.

The IWS submits a final report to the awarding body. This forms the basis for the decision of the members:

The commissioning company bears the costs for the test.


The seal is intended to identify and award future-oriented employment models. Indicators of above-average contributions to employment policy are seen, among other things, in the recruitment of older people or people with severe disabilities. In addition, health protection , the promotion of part-time employment or measures to promote women are assessed. Further indicators can e.g. B. the practice of corporate co-determination or the material employee participation . The award-winning companies can advertise with the seal for two years, after which they have to reapply for the seal and are extensively examined (20 indicators) by the IWS.

Church and Economy

The award of a job seal by the EKD also reflects, according to its own admission, its attempt to influence the (employment) policy of companies and to recommend itself as a long-term dialogue partner for business.

List of excellent companies

See also

Individual evidence


Web links