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Arki fishing port
Arki fishing port
Waters Aegean Sea
Archipelago Dodecanese
Geographical location 37 ° 23 '1 "  N , 26 ° 44' 6"  E Coordinates: 37 ° 23 '1 "  N , 26 ° 44' 6"  E
Arki (Greece)
length 6 km
width 2 km
surface 6.697 km²
Highest elevation Botos
114  m
Residents 44 (2011)
6.6 inhabitants / km²

Arki ( Greek Αρκοί [ arˈkʲi ], also Arkii , Greek Αρκιοί ( m. Pl. )) Is a small Greek Dodecanese island and at the same time the main island of the archipelago of the same name, which is administered by the municipality of Patmos within the South Aegean region ( Περιφίρειο Νότιοο γγιου γγτιου γγιου Αγιου Αγιου Αγιου γιου γιου becomes.


The only 114 m high island is located in the eastern Aegean Sea and has an area of ​​6,697 km². Lipsi is about 5 km south, Patmos about 16 km west, Samos 27 km north and the Turkish mainland 38 km east. The coastline is very rugged, on the west side there is the small fishing and yacht harbor Avgusta (Αυγούστα), a little to the south is the double bay Steno (Στενό) and Glipapas (Γλίπαπας). The small rocky islands Tiganakia (Τηγανάκια ‚pans') are in front of the south. To the south-west there is also a group of smaller islands, of which Marathos is the only inhabited one about 600 m away. The depth of the sea between the islands does not exceed 60 m.

The individual islands

Surname Greek name Area km² location
Arki Αρκοί ( m. Pl. ) 06.697 37 ° 23 ′ 1 ″  N , 26 ° 44 ′ 6 ″  E
Agreloussa Αγρελούσσα ( f. Sg. ) 01.326 37 ° 21 ′ 48 "  N , 26 ° 42 ′ 21"  E
Strongyle Στρογγύλη ( f. Sg. ) 00.207 37 ° 22 ′ 21 "  N , 26 ° 42 ′ 59"  E
Marathos Μάραθος ( f. Sg. ) 00.355 37 ° 22 '4 "  N , 26 ° 43' 31"  E
Spalathronisi Σπαλαθρονήσι ( n. Sg. ) 37 ° 21 '50 "  N , 26 ° 43' 55"  E
Σμηνερονήσι ( n. Sg. ) 00.021 37 ° 21 ′ 28 "  N , 26 ° 44 ′ 32"  E
Αβάπτιστος ( f. Sg. )
00.042 37 ° 21 '56 "  N , 26 ° 44' 53"  E
Tsouka Τσούκα ( f. Sg. ) 00.028 37 ° 21 ′ 32 "  N , 26 ° 44 ′ 57"  E
Tsoukaki Τσουκάκι ( n. Sg. ) 00.008 37 ° 21 ′ 36 "  N , 26 ° 44 ′ 49"  E
Macronisi Μακρονήσι ( n. Sg. ) 00.261 37 ° 21 ′ 40 "  N , 26 ° 45 ′ 12"  E
Kalovolos Καλόβολος ( f. Sg. ) 00.307 37 ° 21 ′ 19 ″  N , 26 ° 45 ′ 57 ″  E
Psathonisi Ψαθονήσι ( n. Sg. ) 00.052 37 ° 21 ′ 3 ″  N , 26 ° 45 ′ 24 ″  E
Komaros Κόμαρος ( m. Sg. ) 00.1 37 ° 24 '18 "  N , 26 ° 43' 28"  E

Source: Island information from, except Arki and Spalathronisi


Neolithic pottery was found in Tiganaki in the south. The first inhabitants were Karer followed by Dorians . Later Ioni from Miletus used the island as a stop between Samos and Kos . The previous building of a small fortified Kastro dates from this time. In the following period, this system was probably expanded twice. The north-west tower dates from the 4th century BC. After his capture on Farmakonisi , Julius Caesar had the castle destroyed. The Kastro was rebuilt in early Byzantine times.

Together with several small islands, Arki came into the possession of the monk Christodoulos in May 1087 through a gift from the Byzantine emperor Alexios I Komnenos and thus later came into possession of the monastery of Patmos . In the centuries that followed, the island served the monastery as grazing land.

Arki today

In 2011, Greek authorities gave Arki a population of 44 residents. The vast majority live around the island's fishing port and marina.

In addition to the income from goat and sheep farming, fishing is the main income. Additional income in summer is provided by private accommodation for individual tourists and the operation of the three taverns, which are also visited by excursion guests from Lipsi and Patmos . A periptero and a mini market offer a very small range of goods. Although a 25 kW photovoltaic system installed in the late 1980s is functional, it is currently powered by diesel generators. The drinking water comes from Rhodes by tanker .

On Arki there is neither a doctor nor a priest, but a small school with two schoolchildren in 2007 and four in 2009. However, teachers always leave Arki prematurely, as do other small islands, which means that lessons are missed for weeks, sometimes months .

Population development of Arki
year 1947 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011
Residents 93 92 97 46 68 50 54 44


Arki has a ferry port, about 600 m outside the only settlement, as well as a fishing port and a yacht port. About 2.5 km of the already small network of trails are paved.

In summer Arki can be reached several times a week by ferry via Samos or Kos . In addition, the island is approached twice a week by a supply ship from Patmos, as well as irregularly by excursion ships from the neighboring islands of Lipsi and Patmos.


The northeast of Arki

The island consists of limestone from the Oligocene . The vegetation of Arki and the surrounding small islands is characterized by drought and grazing and is located in the thermo-Mediterranean highlands . According to the traditional management, the plots are divided into two parts and are grazed every one to two years. Phrygana populations with thorn beaver nella ( Sarcopoterium spinosum ), head thyme ( Coridothymus capitatus ), thorn bush spurge ( Euphorbia acanthothamnos ), small-flowered rockrose ( Cistus parviflorus ), Daphne gnidioides and head germander ( Teucrium ) in the shape of a single cap Mastic bushes ( Pistacia lentiscus ) and wild olive trees largely determine the landscape. Only in a few places do the latter two bushes and the carob tree ( Ceratonia siliqua ) join together to form denser maquis .


So far 340 species of fern and seed plants have been found on Arki and the surrounding islands, 259 on the main island alone. These relatively small numbers can be explained by the small size of the island and the limited diversity of biotopes. Notable species are Aristolochia parvifolia , Dioscorides arum ( Arum dioscoridis ), Campanula lyrata subsp. lyrata , Galium brevifolium subsp. insulare , Garidella nigellastrum , large-fruited grape hyacinth ( Muscari macrocarpum ) and Romulea tempskyana . On the small islands, the composition of the flora has a greater random component than on larger land masses. This creates life opportunities for small island specialists who are weak. Such species on the small islands around Arki are Arenaria aegaea , Allium commutatum and the tree poplar ( Lavatera arborea ).


Since Eleanor's falcons visit the islands every year as a breeding area, the Greek Bird Conservation Organization (Ελληνική νρνιθολογική Εταιρεία), partner of BirdLife International , Arki with the surrounding islands is one of the ten most important bird sanctuaries in Greece. Other protected birds that visit the islands to breed are the coral gull and the Mediterranean shearwater, and the eagle buzzard and shag live on the islands all year round .

Compared to the nearby mainland of Asia Minor, the reptile community is severely impoverished and is viewed as the result of an ongoing process of extinction. Arki and its surrounding islands, only the two gecko species are cyrtopodion kotschyi ( Mediodactylus kotschyi ) and European fingerless ( Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus ) known. There is an inverse relationship between the frequency of the two types. On islands where Mediodactylus kotschyi is common, Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus is very rare and vice versa. On the small island of Tsouka there is a population of the St. John's Lizard ( Ablepharus kitaibelii ).

natural reserve

Because of the peculiarities of flora and fauna, Arki, together with the islands of Lipsi and Agathonisi and the adjacent marine area, was integrated into the Natura 2000 network of the European Union as GR 4210010 Arkoi, Leipsoi, Agathonisi kai Vrachonisides (Αρκοί-Λεδοίη-Αγαεθονήσι & Βσαχονς) and Parts of it are also classified as the European Bird Area GR 4210017 Northwest Arki & Islands (Βορειοδυτικό τμήμα Αρκιών & Νησίδες) or as IBA ("Important Bird Area") area GR 160 Islets of North Dodekanisa (Νηηεσίδες κων κ ββεσίδωανσν κ κίρεσαχωανοδην κήρεσαςωανσδην κεβεεσαςωανοην κΒρεσαχωανσδην κεβεσεοανωσν κδη κ βεσίανανδην.

PARC project

In the Aegean there are some of the most important seagrass meadows ( Posidonia oceanica ) in the Mediterranean . Since the conservation of this rare habitat is of high ecological value and there is still no efficient method of population monitoring available, the PARC (Park Advanced Remote Cognition) Service Project (Υπηρεσία PARC Αρχιπέλαγος) was started. The aim is to provide an efficient method for monitoring seagrass beds on a large scale for the entire Mediterranean region. Arki was selected as the study area for the pilot phase of the surveillance, which is based on satellite images from the European Space Agency esa and a web GIS application.

Web links

Commons : Arki  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Ελληνική Στατιστική Αρχή [ΕΛΣΤΑΤ] (Ed.): Στατιστική Επετηρίδα της Ελλάδος (Statistical Yearbook of Greece) 2009 & 2010 . Piraeus 2011, p. 47 .
  2. a b Maria Panitsa, Dimitris Tzanoudakis: A floristic investigation of the islet groups Arki and Lipsi (East Aegean area, Greece) . In: Folia Geobotanica . tape 36 , no. 3 , 2001, ISSN  1211-9520 , p. 265-279 , doi : 10.1007 / BF02803180 .
  3. no information
  4. Alexandra Stefanidou: Imperial monasteries of Alexios I Komnenos on islands of the Byzantine Empire . In: Wolfram Hörandner - Martin Hinterberger (Hrsg.): Yearbook of Austrian Byzantine Studies . tape 56 . Publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 2006, ISBN 978-3-7001-3697-2 , p. 400 . , P. 155
  5. Franz Dölger, Peter Wirth: Regest of the imperial documents of the Eastern Roman Empire from 565-1453 . Ed .: Franz Dölger. CH Beck, 1995, ISBN 3-406-37020-9 , pp. 381, 114 .
  6. Results of the 2011 census, Greek Statistical Office (ΕΛ.ΣΤΑΤ) ( Memento from June 27, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) (Excel document, 2.6 MB)
  7. Δάσκαλε που δεν δίδασκες σε άγονη γραμμή ..., Ελεύθερος Τύπος, November 27, 2007 (PDF, 229 kB), Greek
  8. Population development of Arki 1947–2001, Greek Statistical Office ELSTAT, digital library (Greek)
  9. IGME (ed.) (1983). Geological map of Greece 1: 500,000. Athens, Inst. Of Geology and Mineral Exploration: 1 map on 2 sheets
  10. Maria Panitsa 1997: Συμβολή στη γνώση της χλωρίδας και της βλάστησης των νησίδων του ανατολικού Αιγαίου (Contribution to the Vegetation of the Greek Aegean) Islets. XIV + 345 p .; Diss. Univ. Patras Online
  11. cf. Satellite image and Panoramio photos in Google Earth
  12. ^ Program for the Conservation of Eleonora's Falcons in Greece, English Falco eleonorae - Conservation Measures for Falco eleonorae in Greece - Hellenic Ornithological Society
  13. John Foufopoulos: The reptile fauna of the Northern Dodecanese (Aegean Islands, Greece) . In: Herpetozoa . tape 10 , no. 1/2 . Vienna July 1997 ( PDF on ZOBODAT ).
  14. Natura 2000 area GR4210010 ( Memento of the original from January 18, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Greek) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  15. SPA GR 4210017  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. European Environment Agency@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  16. IBA GR 160, Σημαντικές περιοχές για τα πουλιά της Ελλάδας (Greek)
  17. Posidonia WebGis application Archipelago  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /