Arthur Siebelist

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Self-portrait, around 1900

Arthur Siebelist (born July 21, 1870 in Loschwitz near Dresden , † January 4, 1945 in Hittfeld near Hamburg-Harburg ) was a German painter and representative of Impressionist open-air painting .



Franz Nölken: The painters Clausewitz, Rosam and Siebelist (bottom right, 1902)

Arthur Siebelist grew up in Hamburg. In 1884 he did an apprenticeship at the Kunstgewerbehaus Hulbe and in 1890 began studying for a year at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Munich. Study trips to Holland, France, Italy and England followed.

The Hamburg Art Club

In 1897 the Hamburg Art Club was founded on the initiative of Alfred Lichtwark , the director of the Hamburg Art Gallery . In addition to Siebelist, members were the young Hamburg painters Julius von Ehren (1864–1944), Ernst Eitner (1867–1955), Arthur Illies , Friedrich Schaper , Julius Wohlers (1867–1953) and Thomas Herbst (1848–1915), who was twenty years older. .

Siebelists Hamburg painting school

Arthur Siebelist: wife of the artist , undated

A common concern was the establishment of a Hamburg painting school, which - in contrast to academic teaching - was to devote itself to outdoor painting. It was founded in Hamburg in 1899. Arthur Siebelist, whose educational ability Lichtwark had recognized, gathered students around him and went with them into nature to paint.

Arthur Siebelist: My students and I , painted in Hittfeld in 1902

In 1900 he took on Friedrich Ahlers-Hestermann , Franz Nölken , Fritz Friedrichs (1882–1928), Walter Alfred Rosam (1883–1916) and Walter Voltmer (1884–1972). In 1902 he painted the famous group portrait My students and I . The five most talented students were accepted into the artists' club in 1903, including Franz Nölken. In the same year he married his painting student Gertrud Bulcke. In 1904 Anita Rée , Paul Henle (1887–1962) and Edgar Bromberg (1883–1910) followed as students . The Hamburg merchant, art collector and patron Ernst Rump was one of the sponsors of the Siebelist students .

Arthur Siebelist, 1905

From 1905 Siebelist was a member of the Hamburg Artists' Association from 1832 , and later also in the German Association of Artists .


Arthur Siebelist: Boats on the Este , undated

In 1908 he moved to Hittfeld, which he had already chosen as the goal of his summer open-air painting with his students in earlier years, and had a studio in Hamburg's Mönckebergstrasse.

On his fiftieth birthday in 1920, an exhibition of over a hundred works was opened in the Hamburger Kunsthalle , including drawings, etchings and sketches of rural motifs. Eight of his paintings are still on display in the Kunsthalle after many of his paintings were destroyed in World War II.

Arthur Siebelist died in Hittfeld in 1945. Of his five children, his son Walter Siebelist (1904–1978) also chose a career as an artist.


In 1935 the Hamburger Kunsthalle put together a small presentation of its own Siebelist holdings, including the well-known group picture of Siebelist students. In 1997 she showed five of his most beautiful works in the anniversary exhibition 100 Years of the Hamburg Artist Club from 1897 . From April 12 to July 14, 2019, she showed in her exhibition Hamburg School - The 19th Century Rediscovered his oil painting Farmhouse on Dorfstrasse in Hittfeld from 1902.

Hamburger Sparkasse put together the most important and most extensive presentation to date in their special exhibition on Arthur Siebelist from April to June 2008. Around 60 graphics and excellent paintings were exhibited here, including:

  • Thomas Herbst at work (II) , Hamburger Kunsthalle (1895)
  • The painter Friedrich Ahlers-Hestermann with violin , Hamburger Kunsthalle (1900)
  • Returning fishermen , Hamburger Sparkasse Collection (around 1900)
  • Gertrud Siebelist with a parasol , private collection (1903)
  • Double portrait of Arthur and Gertrud Siebelist , Heimatverein Hittfeld (around 1905)
  • Landscape with horse and carriage , Hamburger Kunsthalle (around 1905)
  • The Outer Alster in summer , private property (1907)
  • Still life with pansies , private collection (around 1910)
  • Self-portrait by A. Siebelist , Hamburger Sparkasse Collection (1920)

Literature and source

Web links

Commons : Arthur Siebelist  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Arthur Siebelist in Hamburg personalities
  2. Ordinary members of the German Association of Artists since it was founded in 1903 / Siebelist, Arthur ( Memento from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) (accessed April 2, 2018)