Augustin Hadelich

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Augustin Hadelich, 2012

Augustin Hadelich (born April 4, 1984 in Cecina , Italy ) is a German-American violinist .


Augustin Hadelich was born in 1984 to German parents in Cecina (Italy) and grew up in Italy. He started playing the violin at the age of five. His father and later Uto Ughi, Christoph Poppen , Igor Ozim and Norbert Brainin were among his first violin teachers . In his youth, Hadelich was seriously injured in a fire. Hadelich began his violin studies at the Instituto Mascagni in Livorno and then went to the Juilliard School in New York , where he studied with Joel Smirnoff.

Augustin Hadelich has lived in New York City since 2004 and has had both German and American citizenship since 2014.


Augustin Hadelich gives concerts internationally as a soloist and chamber musician.

As a soloist he has worked with all the major orchestras in North America, including a. with the symphony orchestras of Boston , Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Minnesota, San Francisco, Saint Louis and Toronto, with the New York Philharmonic , Los Angeles Philharmonic , Philadelphia Orchestra and Cleveland Orchestra .

In Europe he has given concerts with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra , BBC Philharmonic , London Philharmonic , Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra , Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, Norwegian Radio Orchestra, Finnish Radio Orchestra, Spanish National Orchestra , and with the radio symphony orchestras of WDR, HR, NDR and SWR, Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg , ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra Vienna, and the Philharmonic Orchestras in Dresden, Hamburg and Munich. From 2019 to 2022 he is Associate Artist with the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester Hamburg.

Hadelich's repertoire is diverse. It ranges from the standard repertoire of violin concertos (Beethoven, Brahms, Sibelius, Tchaikovsky and many more) to contemporary music (e.g. the violin concertos by Thomas Adès , Henri Dutilleux and György Ligeti or duo works by Brett Dean , David Lang , György Kurtág , Tōru Takemitsu or Bernd Alois Zimmermann .)

Prizes and awards

  • Instrumentalist of the Year, Musical America, 2018
  • Honorary Doctorate from the University of Exeter (UK), 2017
  • Grammy Award "Best Classical Instrumental Solo" for the recording of Henri Dutilleux 'Violin Concerto with the Seattle Symphony Orchestra, 2016
  • Warner Music Prize, 2015
  • Fellowship of the Borletti-Buitoni Trust, London, 2011
  • Avery Fischer Carrer Grant, New York, 2009
  • 1st prize of the Indianapolis International Violin Competition, 2006. Special prizes for the best interpretations of romantic concerto, classical concerto, Beethoven sonata, romantic / modern sonata, Bach work, contemporary commissioned work and for the best Paganini Caprice


Augustin Hadelich played on the "Ex-Kiesewetter" Stradivari from 1723, on loan from Clement and Karen Arrison through the Stradivari Society in Chicago.

Since 2020 the "Leduc" - Guarneri del Gesù from 1744, which was once the property of Henryk Szeryng , has been made available to him by the Tarisio Trust .


As a child

  • Augustin Hadelich · 12 years · plays his own works for violin and piano (1996)
  • Augustin Hadelich: Portrait of a musical child prodigy of 12 years as a violinist, pianist and composer Plays violin sonatas by Beethoven , C. Franck as well as his own piano and violin compositions The duo works are accompanied by Prof. Rainer Hoffmann (1996)
  • Augustin Hadelich plays his own compositions for piano (Heroes and Legends; Encounters; Walks) (1996)
  • Anniversary concert 40 years of Festival Strings Lucerne “Festival Strings times two”, conductor: Rudolf Baumgartner ; with Andrea Bacchetti, piano (1996)
  • Augustin Hadelich 13 years old plays works for violin solo by Bach , Ysaÿe , Bartók (1997)

As an adult

Web links

Individual evidence

  4. -hall-20140112,0,4684966.story
  5. ^ NDR: Associate Artist: Augustin Hadelich. Retrieved December 9, 2019 .
  7. 2019-04-01T11: 21: 00 + 01: 00: Augustin Hadelich on the similarities and contrasts of Brahms and Ligeti. Retrieved December 9, 2019 .
  8. Post. Retrieved December 9, 2019 (American English).
  9. ^ Musical America - Instrumentalist of the Year: Augustin Hadelich. Retrieved January 15, 2018 .
  10. ^ Augustin Hadelich | Honorary graduates | University of Exeter. Retrieved January 15, 2018 .
  11. Augustin Hadelich - Konzertdirektion Schmid ( Memento of the original from February 3, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  12. ^ Antonio Stradivari, Violin, Cremona, 1723, the 'Kiesewetter' | Tarisio. Tarisio, accessed February 12, 2020 (American English).
  13. Bartolomeo Giuseppe Guarneri 'del Gesù', violin, Cremona, c. 1744, the 'Leduc' | Tarisio. Tarisio, accessed February 12, 2020 (American English).
  14. Important Guarneri 'del Gesù' violin returns to the stage after 30 years. The Strad, February 12, 2020, accessed February 12, 2020 .