Hogweed | ||||||||||||
![]() Meadow hogweed ( Heracleum sphondylium ), illustration |
Systematics | ||||||||||||
Scientific name | ||||||||||||
Heracleum | ||||||||||||
L. |
Bear claw ( Heracleum ), also called bear paw , is a genus of plants in the umbelliferae family (Apiaceae). The term Bärenklau (from Middle High German klā : 'claw') is used in German as a masculine and (with reference to Bärenklaue , from Middle High German klāwe ) as a feminine. This genus should not be confused with the genus Akanthus ( Acanthus ), which is also called "hogweed".

The hogweed species are mostly perennial , rarely annual or biennial herbaceous plants . Their stems are knotty, hollow, mostly ribbed and often branched. The alternate leaves are large, broad-lobed and one to three leaflets . The lower leaves are petiolate.
The compound inflorescences are compound umbels: umbels made up of small cones. Cases are usually missing or fall off early. The flowers are mostly hermaphroditic, the outer flowers of the small cones are often purely male. They have tiny calyx teeth. The petals are white to pink, of unequal size and often bent at the base. The flowering period extends from July to September. The pollination is done by insects.
The structure of the flower is described using the following flower formula :
The fruits are strongly compressed.
All parts of the plant, especially the sap, are poisonous. The juice triggers a phototoxic reaction, especially when exposed to sunlight . These phototoxic reactions are particularly pronounced in the giant hogweed ( Heracleum mantegazzianum ).
Systematics and distribution
The genus Heracleum was established by Carl von Linné . The botanical genus name Heracleum refers to Heracles . Synonyms for Heracleum L. are: Pastinaca sect. Heracleum (L.) Calest. , Sphondylium Hill , Tetrataenium ( DC. ) Mandenova , Wendia Hoffm. , Barysoma Bunge , Wendtia Ledeb.
The areas are mainly in Asia and Europe ; few species are found in eastern Africa and one species is found in North America .
There are around 70 Heracleum species, here is a selection of species:
- Heracleum aconitifolium Voronov : It occurs in Georgia.
- Heracleum albovii Grossh. : It occurs in the Caucasus region.
- Heracleum amanum Boiss. : It occurs in Syria.
- Heracleum angustisectum (Stoj. & Acht.) Peev : It occurs in Bulgaria.
- Heracleum antasiaticum Manden. : It occurs in Turkey, Armenia and Georgia.
- Heracleum apiifolum Boiss. : It occurs in Turkey and Georgia.
- Heracleum arganeum Boiss. & Balansa : It occurs in Turkey.
- Heracleum asperum (Hoffm.) M.Bieb. ( Syn .: Sphondylium asperum Hoffm. ): It iswidespreadin the Caucasus , Azerbaijan and Georgia.
- Austrian hogweed ( Heracleum austriacum L. ): It thrives in the Eastern Alps of Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Austria and Slovenia.
- Heracleum bivittatum H. de Boissieu : It is common in Vietnam, Laos and China.
- Heracleum cachemiricum C.B. Clarke : It is distributed in the Himalayan region of India and Pakistan.
- Heracleum calcareum Albov : It occurs in Georgia.
- Heracleum candicans Wall. ex DC. : It is common in Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, India and the Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan and Tibet.
- Heracleum canescens Lindl. (Syn .: Heracleum hirsutum Edgew. ): It occurs in the Himalayan region of India and Pakistan.
- Heracleum carpaticum Porcius : It occurs in Romania and the Ukraine.
- Heracleum chorodanum (Hoffm.) DC. : It occurs in Turkey, the Caucasus, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.
- Heracleum crenatifolium Boiss. : It occurs in Turkey.
- Heracleum dissectifolium K.T.Fu : It thrives at altitudes of 1900 to 3200 meters in the Chinese provinces of Gansu and Sichuan.
- Heracleum dissectum Ledeb. : The wide distribution area is Central Asia, Siberia, Russia, Mongolia and China.
- Heracleum egrissicum Gagnidze : It occurs in Georgia.
- Heracleum fargesii H. de Boissieu : It thrives in mountain forests at altitudes of 1500 to 2000 meters only in Sichuan.
- Heracleum forrestii H.Wolff : It thrives at altitudes of 2700 to 3900 meters in the Chinese provinces of Chongqing and Yunnan.
- Heracleum franchetii M.Hiroe : It thrives at altitudes of 2500 to 4500 meters in the Chinese provinces of Hubei, Qinghai, Sichuan and Yunnan.
- Heracleum freynianum Sommier & Levier : It occurs in Georgia.
- Heracleum grande (Dalzell & A.Gibson) PKMukh. : The home is India.
- Heracleum grossheimii Manden. : It occurs in Georgia.
- Heracleum hemsleyanum Diels : It thrives at altitudes of 2000 to 3000 meters in the Chinese provinces of Hubei and Sichuan.
- Heracleum henryi H.Wolff : It only thrives in Yunnan at altitudes of 1,300 to 2,300 meters.
- Heracleum humile Sm . : It occurs in Greece, Turkey, Syria and Lebanon.
- Heracleum idae Kulieva : It occurs in Azerbaijan.
- Heracleum kingdonii H.Wolff : It occurs in China and Myanmar.
- Heracleum lallii C.Norman (Syn .: Tetrataenium lallii (Norman) A. M.Cauwet-Marc, J.Carbonnier & M.Farille )
- Heracleum leskovii Grossh. : It occurs in the Caucasus region, in Armenia and in Georgia.
- Heracleum leucocarpum Aitch. & Hemsl. (Syn .: Heracleum afghanicum Kitam. )
- Heracleum ligusticifolium M. Bieb. : It occurs in the Crimea.
- Heracleum mandenovae sentence type. : It occurs in Georgia.
- Giant hogweed or giant umbel ( Heracleum mantegazzianum Sommier & Levier ; Syn .: Heracleum giganteum Hornem. ): The home is the Caucasus region and Georgia. The highly poisonous plant is a neophyte found in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand.
- Heracleum millefolium Diels : It occurs in China and Bhutan.
- Heracleum moellendorffii Hance : It is widespread in China, Korea and Japan.
- Heracleum nanum sentence type. : It occurs in the Caucasus region.
- Heracleum nepalense D.Don : It is common in India, Bhutan, Nepal and Yunnan.
- Heracleum nyalamense R.H.Shan & TSWang : It occurs only in the southern part of the Tibet Autonomous Region .
- Heracleum olgae Regel & Schmalhausen : It is widespread in Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Pakistan.
- Heracleum oreocharis H.Wolff : It thrives at altitudes of 2800 to 4200 meters only in northwestern Yunnan.
- Heracleum orphanidis Boiss. : It occurs in Greece, Macedonia and Serbia.
- Heracleum ossethicum Manden. : It occurs in Georgia.
- Heracleum paphlagonicum Czeczott : It occurs in Turkey.
- Heracleum pastinaca Fenzl : It occurs in Turkey.
- Heracleum pastinacifolium K. Koch : The homeland is Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
- Heracleum persicum Desf. : The homeland is Iran and eastern Turkey.
- Heracleum peshmenianum Ekim : It occurs in Turkey.
- Heracleum pinnatum C.B. Clarke : It occurs in the Himalayas in India and Pakistan.
- Heracleum platytaenium Boiss. : It occurs in the Aegean Sea and Turkey.
- Heracleum polyadenum Rech. F. & Riedl : It occurs in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
- Heracleum ponticum (Lipsky) Shishk. ex Grossh. (Syn .: Heracleum cyclocarpum var. Ponticum Lipsky ): The home is Georgia.
- Heracleum pubescens (Hoffm.) M.Bieb. (Syn .: Sphondylium pubescens Hoffm. ): The home is the Caucasus region, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
- Heracleum pumilum Vill. : It occurs in France.
- Heracleum rapula Franchet : It only thrives in Yunnan at altitudes of 2000 to 2200 meters.
- Heracleum rigens Wall. ex DC. : The home is southern India.
- Heracleum roseum Steven : It occurs in the Caucasus region, in Armenia and in Azerbaijan.
- Heracleum scabridum Franchet : It occurs only in the Chinese provinces of Sichuan and Yunnan.
- Heracleum scabrum Albov : It occurs in Georgia.
- Heracleum sommieri Manden. : It occurs in Georgia.
- Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden. : The homeland is Azerbaijan, Georgia and Dagestan.
- Heracleum souliei H. de Boissieu : It only thrives at altitudes of 2600 to 3500 meters in western Sichuan.
Meadow hogweed ( Heracleum sphondylium L. ): It is common in Eurasia and North Africa, including the subspecies (selection):
- Heracleum sphondylium subsp. elegans (Crantz) Schübl. & G.Martens (Syn .: Heracleum sphondylium subsp. Montanum (Schleich. Ex Gaudin) Briq. , Heracleum lanatum Michx. , Heracleum maximum W.Bartram , Heracleum montanum Schleich. Ex Gaudin )
- Heracleum sphondylium subsp. sibiricum (L.) Simonk. (Syn .: Heracleum sibiricum L. )
- Heracleum sphondylium subsp. ternatum (Velen.) Brummitt (Syn .: Heracleum ternatum Velen. )
- Heracleum sphondylium subsp. transsilvanicum (Schur) Brummitt (Syn .: Heracleum palmatum Baumg. , Heracleum transsilvanicum Schur )
- Heracleum stenopteroides Fedde ex H.Wolff : It only thrives in western Yunnan at altitudes of 2000 to 2300 meters.
- Heracleum stenopterum Diels : It thrives at altitudes of 2700 to 4300 meters in the Chinese provinces of Sichuan and Yunnan.
- Heracleum stevenii Manden. (Syn .: Heracleum laciniatum auct., Heracleum villosum auct .; this species is also known as the Tromso palm in Northern Norway): The home is the Caucasus region and the Crimea .
- Heracleum subtomentellum C.Y.Wu & MLSheh : It thrives at altitudes of 4400 meters only in the northwestern part of the Tibet Autonomous Region .
- Heracleum tiliifolium H.Wolff : It thrives at altitudes of around 1000 meters in the Chinese provinces of Hunan and Jiangxi.
- Heracleum trachyloma fish. & CA Mey. : It occurs in Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
- Heracleum tuberosum Molina ex Willd. : It occurs in Chile, its yellow “rhizome” tastes good.
- Heracleum vicinum H. de Boissieu : It only thrives in Sichuan at altitudes of 2600 to 3100 meters.
- Heracleum wallichii DC. : It is common in Bhutan, Nepal and India.
- Heracleum wenchuanense F.T.Pu & XJHe : It only thrives in Sichuan at altitudes of around 3500 meters.
- Heracleum wilhelmsii fish. & Avé-Lall. : The home is Georgia.
- Heracleum wolongense F.T.Pu & XJHe : It only thrives in Sichuan at altitudes of 1900 to 2200 meters.
- Heracleum xiaojinense F.T.Pu & XJHe : It only thrives in Sichuan at altitudes of 3500 to 4000 meters.
- Heracleum yungningense Handel-Mazzetti : It thrives at altitudes of 2700 to 4500 meters in the Chinese provinces of Sichuan and Yunnan.
- Heracleum yunnanense Franchet : It thrives at altitudes of 3600 to 4100 meters only in northern Yunnan.
- Pu Fading, Mark F. Watson: Heracleum. In: Wu Zheng-yi, Peter H. Raven, Deyuan Hong (Eds.): Flora of China . Volume 14: Apiaceae through Ericaceae . Science Press / Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing / St. Louis 2005, ISBN 1-930723-41-5 , pp. 194 (English, online - PDF file ). (Sections Description and Distribution)
- Hans Ernst Hess, Elias Landolt, Rosemarie Hirzel: Key to the flora of Switzerland . 3. Edition. Birkhäuser, Basel 1991, ISBN 3-7643-2606-9 .
Individual evidence
- ^ Manfred A. Fischer, Wolfgang Adler, Karl Oswald: Excursion flora for Austria, Liechtenstein and South Tyrol . 2nd, improved and enlarged edition. State of Upper Austria, Biology Center of the Upper Austrian State Museums, Linz 2005, ISBN 3-85474-140-5 .
- ^ Rudolf Schubert , Klaus Werner, Hermann Meusel (eds.): Exkursionsflora for the areas of the GDR and the FRG . Founded by Werner Rothmaler. 13th edition. tape 2 : vascular plants . People and knowledge, Berlin 1987, ISBN 3-06-012539-2 .
- ↑ see debate on grammatical gender
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Heracleum in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Retrieved May 22, 2014.
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa Pu Fading, Mark F. Watson: Heracleum. In: Wu Zheng-yi, Peter H. Raven, Deyuan Hong (Eds.): Flora of China . Volume 14: Apiaceae through Ericaceae . Science Press / Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing / St. Louis 2005, ISBN 1-930723-41-5 , pp. 194 (English, online - PDF file ).
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak Ralf Hand (2011): Apiaceae. - In: Euro + Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. Heracleum data sheet
Web links
- Heracleum information website as the result of a thesis. (in German and English)
- Entries about Heracleum in Plants For A Future