Gothic brick buildings / distribution in North Jutland

from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is one of the six distribution maps to the list of Gothic brick structures in Denmark :

The regional division of Denmark was carried out in 2007 on the basis of technocratic points of view, the regional borders do not represent historical borders. That is why the neighboring municipalities of the southern neighboring region are shown here in North and Central Jutland.

In Denmark , churches make up the vast majority of buildings that were built or modernized in brick in the Gothic style . Most of the churches in this country have a Romanesque core, not just foundation walls but towering masonry as well. Often this does not consist of simple field stone, but of carefully worked stone blocks. In North and Central Jutland these are mostly granite blocks , in South West Jutland it is not uncommon for the Rhenish Eifel to be tuff .

Gothic brick buildings / distribution in North Jutland (DK 0B)
( Ryomgård )
Places with brick Gothic Denmark . There is no brick Gothic on Bornholm. If possible, the place name is linked to the building or to a particularly important one of several buildings, and where there is no German article about this building, with the corresponding Wikimedia Commons category.

Color coding of the location points

The various building histories and material combinations are each differentiated by strong color signatures, where the brick on the building is at least partially visible in its color. Signatures with a light or pale core differentiate them where the brick is completely muddy, i.e. only recognizable as a wall structure. Some ring signatures correspond to two different solid points.
In the case of many granite blocks that have been expanded or renewed with brick, only the brick is grouted. The signatures do not take into account whether the granite is plastered, plastered or stone-transparent.

  Gothic and later design: the signature on the left for visible brick, on the right for grouted brick
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on the stone
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with banding more stone
than brick
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very little
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started Gothic Location dot red.svg00000Location dot pink in red belt.png Location dot reddish magenta.png00000Location dot pink in red-magenta.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot blue in red.png00000Location dot pink magenta in red.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot light blue in red magenta.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg
Brick Location dot dark red200.png00000Location dot pink in dark red ring.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot pink in dark red magenta.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot dark red in sky blue.png00000Location dot pink in sky blue.png Location dot red in blue.png00000Location dot pink in cyan.png Location dot ocher200.png00000Location dot pink in dark red magenta.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg
Field stone Location dot lime.svg00000Location dot light green, green ring.png Location dot green in olive.png00000Location dot light green in olive.png Location dot green in brown.png00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Dot green in light blue in green.png Location dot lime in blue.png00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot green in dark blue.png00000Location dot light green in dark blue.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot dark green.png00000Location dot clear.svg
Field stone m. Brick Location dot lime in dark red.png00000Location dot light blue in dark red.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot olive in red.png00000Location dot light olive in red.png Location dot clear.svg00000Dot light blue in dark red magenta.png Location dot green in dark red & blue.png00000Location dot light green in dark red & cyan.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg
initially field stone,
later brick
Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot green in dark red & olive.png00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg
Cuboid: chalk,
lime, sandstone
Location dot sky blue.png00000Location dot light blue in sky blue.png Dot sky blue in turquoise.png00000Dot lemon in sky blue.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot sky in dark blue.png00000Location dot sky in cyan.png Location dot sky in red.png00000Location dot sky in cyan & blue.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot sky in cyan & ocher.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg
Cuboid u. Brick Location dot sky blue in dark red.png00000Location dot cyan in dark red.png Dot sky blue in turquoise.png00000Dot lemon in sky blue.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg
Granite cuboid Location dot teal.svg00000Location dot light blue, teal ring.png Location dot ocher in teal.png00000Location dot yellow in teal.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Dot teal in sky blue in teal.png00000Dot teal in light blue in teal.png Location dot teal in dark blue.png00000Location dot teal in cyan.png Location dot clear.svg00000Little light lilac in teal.png Location dot clear.svg00000Dot teal in yellow in teal.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg
Granite - cuboid u. raw Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Dot teal in light green in teal.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg
Granitq u. Brick Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Dot teal in light blue in dark red.png Location dot clear.svg00000Dot teal in light blue in dark red.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg
Tufa Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot gray, blue ring.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg
Tuff m. Brick Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot gray, dark red ring.png Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg Location dot clear.svg00000Location dot clear.svg

See also

All detailed distribution maps - Atlas of Brick Gothic:

All places in Europe with Gothic brick buildings are registered here, including less than 15% with Mediterranean brick styles.
The interactive maps are not well suited for mobile devices because the place names are not displayed there.
And the software only works up to a little over 300 location points, which requires subdivisions.
That is why there are also maps without a dialog function, created from screenshots of the interactive maps.
Where the cuts of the interactive and the non-interactive map are the same, the non-interactive map is only linked with the interactive one.