Baruch Marzel

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Baruch Marzel (2007)

Baruch Meir Marzel (born April 23, 1959 in Boston ; Hebrew ברוך מאיר מרזל) is an Israeli politician and Kahanist activist . He was the leader of the religious Zionist party Chasit Jehudit Le'umit (Jewish National Front), which was merged into the Otzma Jehudit . He saw himself as the "right hand" of the murdered Rabbi Meir Kahane ; In this context, he acted as spokesman for the American branch of the Kach party for ten years , until it was banned as a terrorist organization in Israel and the United States. The majority of the Israeli press describes him as a " far-right activist".


The Israeli Supreme Court classified the Kach party as "racist" and excluded the party from the 1988 Israeli parliamentary election because it advocated the expulsion of most of Israel's Arab citizens from Israel.

Marzel was elected to head the Kach Movement Secretariat after Rabbi Kahane was murdered in New York in 1990. A splinter group of the Kach, Kahane Chai ("Kahane lives"), was led by Kahane's son Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane . In 1994, both groups in Israel and the United States were classified as terrorist organizations after the group gave support for the act of Baruch Goldstein ; Goldstein had killed 29 Palestinians in Hebron in February 1994.

In 2003 Marzel joined the right-wing populist party Herut - The National Movement and Yamin Yisrael , where he became the second candidate on the party list after Michael Kleiner . The election campaign featured him with the traditional Hebrew proverb “Hazak U ' Baruch” (literally “strong and blessed”, Hebrew חזק וברוך), a play on words with the first name Marzels. The Herut narrowly missed entry into the Knesset.

In 2004 he founded the Jewish National Front and headed its Knesset list in the 2006 elections . During the election campaign, he turned to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), saying they might " carry out a targeted killing of Uri Avnery and his left collaborators." This was in response to a radio interview with Avnery in which the latter compared the assassination attempt on the far-right Israeli politician Rechaw'am Ze'ewi to the targeted killings of militant Palestinians by the IDF. According to Gush Shalom, however, the radio station did not quote Avnery's next sentence, in which he disapproved of all such actions.

Marzel, an Orthodox Jew , lives with his wife and nine children in the "Jewish Community of Hebron" in Tel Rumeida.


Marzel has previously advocated violence against homosexuals in Israel and called for religious war during a radio interview. In 2006, days before a planned gay pride parade in Jerusalem , he reportedly stated that “the knife attack during last year's parade will appear small compared to what is expected this year. We have a holy war to proclaim ”. Marzel was also involved in the controversial flag parade by Umm al-Fahm . He led protests against the eighth Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade in 2010, arguing that "homosexuality is a choice disease and a man can change his tastes and ways. If someone has AIDS, they are told not to infect others - so why are these people allowed to march up here in Jerusalem and infect us with their disease? "

In 2017, Marzel again led a demonstration against the Gay Pride parade in Jerusalem. He stated that he only rejects the parade, but has nothing against the participants personally: “I am not fighting against these people personally, but against the parade and the phenomenon. The family is a sacred institution and it is important to protect it. "

In 2006 Marzel sent an open letter to Linor Abargil asking her to refrain from marrying the non-Jewish basketball player Šarūnas Jasikevičius ; a similar open letter was sent to Israeli model Bar Refaeli in March 2010 , also about marrying a non-Jew, in this case US actor Leonardo DiCaprio . Representing lehava organization that sees its task in mixed marriages to prevent tried, Rafaeli to remember Marzel because she was a descendant of grandparents who would not dream of it a non-Jew to see marry and thus assimilation to commit.

Individual evidence

  1. J'lem gay pride parade may be put on hold over security alert ., November 18, 2006
  2. 'You would never hold a gay parade in an Arab town'. Retrieved January 24, 2019 .
  3. No bar without a mitzvah . ( Memento from April 15, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) In: Jüdische Zeitung , April 2010