Benno Bulitta

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Benno A. Bulitta , artist name Hatz von Hatzenstein , (born November 3, 1950 in Würzburg ) is a German economist , university professor and local politician ( CSU ).


The father Josef Bulitta was a lawyer and judge. Erich Bulitta is one of his brothers. After graduating from high school in Neustadt an der Aisch in 1972 , Benno Bulitta studied at the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg and graduated in 1979 with a degree in economics. In 1982, as chairman of Aktion für das Leben e. V. the house for mother and child in Scheinfeld . He has been working in PR and marketing since 1986.

After the fall of the Wall in the GDR in 1990 , he founded the "Deutsche Private Finanzakademie Thüringen" and in the following years trained over 8,000 retrainers at 16 locations in Thuringia . From 1990 to 1997 he taught as a lecturer and was a visiting professor for marketing and management science at the University of Szczecin . In 1995 he received his doctorate (Dr. oec.) From the University of Szczecin .

Benno Bulitta joined the Junge Union in 1965 and became a member of the CSU in Bavaria in 1966. For over 20 years he was a local politician as a city ​​councilor in Scheinfeld and as a district councilor in the Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim district . From 1990 to 1994 he was one of the deputies of the mayor of Scheinfeld. For decades he was involved in the social field and is among other things honorary chairman of the swimming club in Scheinfeld. His hobby is medieval folk music and minnesang .

Publications (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Benno Bulitta: Dr. Benno Bulitta - CV. Retrieved September 16, 2018 .
  2. Benno Bulitta: Dr. Benno Bulitta - Political Activity. Retrieved September 16, 2018 .