Bernhard the good

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Bernhard the Good (* around 1170 ; † July 28, 1227 in Ane near Coevorden ) was a knight , crusader and diplomat from the Horstmarer family .

He was the son of Wigbold von Horstmar , but had no inheritance claims as the second born after his brother Wilhelm . He joined the Third Crusade under Friedrich Barbarossa and was involved in the conquest of Acre in 1191. He later fought in the Battle of Sidon during the 1197 crusade .

In 1214 he became an advisor to Emperor Otto IV after saving his life in the Battle of Bouvines . Afterwards he was a diplomat under Emperor Friedrich II and contributed to the reconciliation of various European parties. This career ended with the assassination of the Reich Administrator Engelbert von Köln .

At the age of about 60 he acted as a diplomat for counts and prince-bishops in his home region. During a peasant war in the Drenthe , he came to the aid of the prince-bishop of Utrecht with an army of knights. In the battle of Ane (near Coevorden ), however, he was ambushed (1227) and slain by the farmers of Drenthe.


Individual evidence

  1. Heimatverein Horstmar: History of the City ( Memento of the original from November 29, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /