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An assessment is a value judgment about a fact , about situations or properties , objects or about a person .


The word component is the judgment in the psychological sense. Participants are the assessor and the assessment object . The assessor is a natural person who assigns an assessment object (fact, situation, person, etc.) a value on a judgment dimension. The judgment dimension is a graduated scale (good - bad, goal-hindering - goal-promoting; serious - harmless). Applied scales are in particular grades of all kinds, school grades , sports grades , ratings or credit scoring . Assessment is therefore the assessment of an object to be assessed.

The appraiser must be able to assess the appraisal object accurately and comprehensively in terms of his perception and professional competence . For this purpose, there are certain superordinate assessment criteria that are to be applied by the assessor, depending on the assessment object. Evaluation criteria is before judging - not by the assessor - defined characteristics , which the beings are intended to cover the evaluation object completely. The more and the better the assessment criteria are met by the assessment object, the more favorable the assessment dimension will be.


Facts, situations, people and objects are explained as assessment objects:

Further assessment objects such as materials , actions (film plot, plot of a play), weak points or abstract constructs ( structural or process organization , risk ) can also be the subject of an assessment. Risks are subjected to a risk assessment by the risk taker or a third party .


Assessments always remain subjective despite the assessment criteria used, because there can never be objectivity in the scientific sense in assessments made by and by people. When people judge other people, it is always about subjective opinions. The selection of the assessment criteria and their (permissible) weighting already contain subjective elements. At most, relative objectivity can be established. The relative objectivity of an assessment is fulfilled if it does not depend on the personal assessment criteria of the assessor. Science speaks of “controlled subjectivity” as an important prerequisite for reducing assessment errors.

Error of judgment

Error of assessment can be found at the missing or incorrect perception of the evaluation object ( perception error ) about through selective perception of the assessor, wherein said missing or incorrect application of the evaluation criteria as well as the incorrect application of the judgment dimension. A lack of professional competence is also a mistake in assessment. It may happen in the staff assessment that the participants already with certain imprints and settings used in the assessment situation that mutual perceptions of people who significantly affect the assessed facts and finally the results of the performance evaluation.

Misjudgments can have far-reaching consequences. An unjustifiably bad assessment - for example due to the halo effect - can lead to demotivation among employees and possibly result in a deterioration in overall work performance . An incorrect assessment that is too good - for example because of a logical error - can lead to an incorrect appointment . Both are with the company's objectives in the Human Resources incompatible.

See also

Web links

Wiktionary: Assessment  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Larenz, Methods of Law , 1979, p. 262
  2. ^ Markus Müller: The reduction of asymmetrically distributed information in electronic commerce , 2006, p. 56.
  3. Sonja Schustereit / Jochen Welscher, job references and staff assessment according to the TVöD , 2008, p. 33
  4. ^ Eduard W. Kleber: Diagnostics in pedagogical fields of action , 1992, p. 138 f.
  5. Andrea Fried / Christof Baitsch / Ralf Wetzel, When Two Do the Same ... Discrimination-Free Personnel Assessment , 2000, p. 9