Bissau diocese

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Bissau diocese
Map of the Bissau diocese
Basic data
Country Guinea-Bissau
Ecclesiastical province Immediate
Diocesan bishop Sedis vacancy
Auxiliary bishop José Lampra Cà
Emeritus diocesan bishop José Câmnate na Bissign
founding 2001
surface 11,495 km²
Parishes 27 (2018 / AP2019 )
Residents 1,099,970 (2018 / AP2019 )
Catholics 172,575 (2018 / AP2019 )
proportion of 15.7%
Diocesan priest 16 (2018 / AP2019 )
Religious priest 56 (2018 / AP2019 )
Catholics per priest 2,397
Friars 81 (2018 / AP2019 )
Religious sisters 98 (2018 / AP2019 )
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language Portuguese
cathedral Sé Catedral de Nossa Senhora da Candelária

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Bissau ( lat. : Dioecesis Bissagensis ) is in Guinea-Bissau location Roman Catholic diocese based in Bissau .


The diocese of Bissau was on September 4, 1940 by Pope Pius XII. established with the Apostolic Constitution Sollemnibus Conventionibus from cessions of territory of the diocese of Santiago de Cabo Verde as a Mission sui juris Portuguese Guinea . The Mission sui juris Portuguese Guinea was founded on April 29, 1955 by Pius XII. raised to the Apostolic Prefecture . On January 1, 1975, the Apostolic Prefecture of Portuguese Guinea was renamed the Apostolic Prefecture of Guinea-Bissau .

The Apostolic Prefecture of Guinea-Bissau was founded on March 21, 1977 by Pope Paul VI. with the Apostolic Constitution Rerum catholicarum raised to the diocese and renamed the diocese of Bissau . On March 13, 2001, the Bissau diocese gave up parts of its territory to establish the Bafatá diocese .


Mission sui juris Portuguese Guinea

Apostolic Prefect of Portuguese Guinea

Apostolic Prefect of Guinea-Bissau

  • Amândio Domingues Neto OFM, 1975-1977

Bishops of Bissau

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Paul VI: Const. Apost. Rerum catholicarum , AAS 69 (1977), n.6, p. 321.