Björn Kern

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Björn Kern (born April 22, 1978 in Lörrach ) is a German writer .


Björn Kern was born in Lörrach ( South Baden ) in 1978 , grew up in Schopfheim and attended the Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasium there . After working in a home for the mentally ill and old in southern France , he studied in Tübingen , Passau and Aix-en-Provence as well as at the German Literature Institute in Leipzig . In 2007 he was invited to the competition for the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize in Klagenfurt .

In his novels he primarily deals with his experiences as a community service provider, for example in Die Erlöser AG , which was filmed for ZDF in 2012 . Since 2016 he has been focusing on the topics of minimalism , nature writing and post-growth in an essay-narrative form .

He lives in Berlin and in the Oderbruch .


Other publications


Film adaptations


  • Once again Marseille was adapted for the theater by Alexander Ritter in 2013 and premiered at the Rottstraße 5 Theater in Bochum

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ ZDF press release from March 18, 2011