
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Breitenau or Breitnau stands for:

  • Objects or people, according to a wide floodplain are named

Breitenau is the name for:


  • Breitenauriegel or Breitenauer Riegel , mountain in the Bavarian Forest, in the areas of the city of Deggendorf, district of Deggendorf, and the municipality of Bischofsmais, district of Regen, Bavaria
  • Oberbreitenau , also called Breitenau , plateau in the area of ​​the municipality of Bischofsmais, Regen district, Bavaria


  • Brotenau (valley) , on old maps Breitenau , valley of the Brotenaubach in the districts of Rastatt and Calw, Baden-Wuerttemberg



Districts in Germany:


  • Court of Breitenau , former judicial district of the court of the same name in the municipality of Guxhagen, Hesse

Districts in Austria:

Breitenau is the name of the following structures:

Breitenau is the family name of the following people:

Breitnau is the name of the following geographical objects:

  • Breitnau , municipality in the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, Baden-Württemberg

See also: