Bronislaw Ferdynand Trentowski

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Bronisław Ferdynand Trentowski

Bronisław Ferdynand Trentowski (born January 21, 1808 in Opole , † June 16, 1869 in Freiburg im Breisgau ) was a Polish philosopher , educator , journalist and main exponent of the messianic national philosophy of Poland.


Bronisław Trentowski graduated from the Piarist High School in Łuków , studied philosophy and philology at the Warsaw University and became a teacher of Latin language, history and Polish literature at the Szczuczyn High School . With the outbreak of the November uprising in 1830, he served in the Uhlan regiment and in 1831 fled as one of around 50,000 emigrants via Königsberg and Heidelberg to Freiburg im Breisgau , first as an assistant professor at the university there , then between 1836 and 1840 with a post-doctoral qualification . His intention to return to Poland failed when he was expelled from Poznan in 1843 and from Krakow in 1848 after a busy lecture . Back in Freiburg, he remained loyal to the city until his death in 1869 and wrote numerous philosophical works and magazines. In 1838 he was accepted into the Freiburg Freemasons' lodge Zur noble Aussicht , which subsequently shaped his work until the end of his life; there he held the positions of speaker and chairman.


Trentowski published his first work, Basics of Universal Philosophy, in German in 1837, while from 1842, beginning with his Chowanna , he wrote his first publications mainly in Polish. Based on a criticism of the theses of Hegelianism and Messianism, Trentowski created a new framework by interweaving and developing them , taking into account the Scottish and Schelling's philosophy. He also developed the concept of an idealistic, so-called National Philosophy , i.e. H. a philosophy that should take into account the special characteristics of the respective people. He was supported in this by Cieszkowski , Liebelt and Kremer , but especially by the messianist Hoëné-Wronski . One focus of his philosophy was universality , i.e. the dissolving of one-sided interpretations, in particular the one-sidedness of the philosophical structures of realism versus idealism , of objectivism versus subjectivism , of experience versus reflection and of empiricism versus metaphysics . In the spirit of his Masonic experiences, he tried to build bridges between the apparent opposites and to achieve syntheses.

Works (selection)

  • 1837, basis of the universal philosophy , Karlsruhe
  • 1838, De vita hominis aeterna , Freiburg
  • 1840, preliminary studies for the science of nature , Leipzig, vol. 1–2
  • 1842, Chowanna, czyli system pedagogiki narodowej ( Chowanna , or the system of national pedagogy , Vol. 1–2, Posen), 2nd edition 1846
  • 1843, Stosunek filozofii do cybernetyki, czyli sztuka rządzenia narodem (The connection between philosophy and cybernetics , or the art of leading a nation)
  • 1844, Myślini, czyli całokształt logiki narodowej ( Myślini , or the complete national logic , vol. 1–2) ( digitized version )
  • 1845, Urywki polityczne , publisher Księgarnia Słowiańska, Paryż, place of discovery '' Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu ''
  • 1847, Wizerunki duszy narodowej z końca ostatniego stulecia (Pictures of the National Soul of the Past Century)
  • 1847–48, Wiara słowiańska, czyli etyka piastująca wszechświat (The Slavic Faith - or the Ethics that Rule the Universe)
  • 1848, Przedburza polityczna (The Approach of the Political Storm)
  • 1866–1867, with Aug. Ficke: Freemasonry system of the lodge “To the noble view” in Freiburg im Breisgau. HM Poppen & Sohn, Freiburg im Breisgau 1866–1867 ( digitized version )
  • 1873 posthumously, Freemasonry in its essence and mischief
  • 1873–81 posthumously, Panteon wiedzy ludzkiej ... (The pantheon of human knowledge, vol. 1–3)
  • 1965 posthumously Bożyca (The Book of God, Fragments )


  • Hugo Ficke: History of the Masonic Lodge for the noble view in Freiburg in Baden. Freiburg i. Br. 1874 ( digitized version )
  • Otto Harrassowitz: German-Polish Relations Past and Present . Volume 2. Wiesbaden 2000
  • Stefan Harrassek: Trentowski o filozofii narodow europejskich (Trentowski on the philosophy of European nations), 1936, pp. 122–155, pp. 201–235, pp. 313–341
  • Wladyslaw Horodyski: Bronislaw Trentowski (1808–1869) , Krakau 1913, 532 p. (Subject, inter alia. Trentowski and the philosophy of Hegel and Kant)
  • Wladyslaw Horodyski: New Voices on Trentowski's Philosophy , 1916, pp. 141–158
  • Jerzy Ladyka: Filozoficzne podstawy Trentowskiego koncepcji pedagogiki narodowej (The philosophical foundations of the conception of a national pedagogy by Trentowski), pp. 212–244
  • Eugen Lennhoff, Oskar Posner: International Freemason Lexicon , 1932
  • Otto Liebmann (philologist):  Trentowski, Ferdinand Bronislaw . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 38, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1894, p. 573 f.
  • Władysław Tatarkiewicz : Zarys dziejów filozofii w Polsce (= Historia nauki polskiej w monografiach; 32). Polska Akademia Umiejętności, Kraków 1948, pp. 20–21
  • Karl Vorländer: History of Philosophy (Extended Edition) , Chap. XX §79.5 Poland, Bohemia and Hungary, Jürgen Beck Verlag, 2012
  • Trentowski, Bronisław Ferdynand , in: Encyklopedia Powszechna PWN . Vol. 4. Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warsaw 1976, p. 483.
  • Trentowski, Bronisław Ferdynand , in: Encyklopedia Polski , Krakau , Wydawnictwo Ryszard Kluszczyński, 1996, ISBN 83-86328-60-6 , p. 698.

Web links

Commons : Bronisław Ferdynand Trentowski  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Digital copies in the Kujawsko-Pomorska Biblioteka Cyfrowa

Individual evidence

  1. Trentowski, Bronisław Ferdynand, Encyklopedia Powszechna PWN , chap. 4, p. 483.
  2. Władysław Tatarkiewicz , Zarys ... , pp. 20–21.
  3. ^ Hugo Ficke, 1874
  4. ^ Karl Vorländer, 2012