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Bulanık (Turkey)
Red pog.svg
Basic data
Province (il) : Must
Coordinates : 39 ° 6 '  N , 42 ° 16'  E Coordinates: 39 ° 5 '42 "  N , 42 ° 16' 0"  E
Height : 1480  m
Residents : 26,971 (2018)
Telephone code : (+90) 436
Postal code : 49 500
License plate : 49
Structure and administration (as of 2019)
Structure : 9 Mahalle
Mayor : Adnan Topçu ( HDP )
Bulanık County
Residents : 80,540 (2018)
Surface: 1,948 km²
Population density : 41 inhabitants per km²
Kaymakam : Dr. Hacı Arslan Uzan
Website (Kaymakam):
Template: Infobox location in Turkey / maintenance / district

Bulanık ( Kurdish Kop , of Armenian kop - "Mineral") is a city and capital of the district of the same name (İlçe) in the eastern Anatolian province of Muş . Bulanık is located in the east of the province about 75 km northeast of the provincial capital Mus . The place received the status of a municipality ( Belediye ) in 1929 and is partly inhabited by Karapapaks .



The district borders in the southwest on the district of Korkut , in the west on the central district ( Merkez ) Muş and the district Varto , in the north on the province Erzurum , in the east on the district Malazgirt and in the south on the province Bitlis . The district is crossed in the north by the D280 highway, which also connects Bulanık with Mus. The population density of the second most populous district (41.3) is slightly below the provincial value of 47.2 inh. Per km².

Bulanık has been a county since 1927. From 1884 to 1927 Bulanık was part of the Vilâyets Bitlis .


The second largest district in the province consists of the district town (2018: 33.5% of the district's population) and another six municipalities (Belediye):

  • Erentepe (4,029)
  • Armaments (2,608)
  • Elmakaya (2,604)
  • Uzgörür (2,111)
  • Sarıpınar (2,107)
  • Yoncalı (2,015 pop.)


Furthermore, there are still 56 villages ( Köy ) in the district with an average of 680 inhabitants. 14 villages have over a thousand inhabitants:

  • Kırkgöze (2,539)
  • Balotu (2,003)
  • Karaagil (1,750)
  • Örenkent (1,457)
  • Yokuşbaşı (1,381)
  • Adivar (1,344)
  • Esenlik (1,308)
  • Yemişen (1,267)
  • Yazbaşı (1,257)
  • Mollakent (1,252)
  • Köprüyolu (1,144)
  • Gölyanı (1,107)
  • Oğlakkaya (1,099)
  • Demirkapı (1,098 pop.)


In the 2014 local elections, Figen Yaşar and Rahmi Çelik were elected co-mayors. Celik was arrested on February 11, 2016 and Yasar on April 23, 2016. In September 2016, Yaşar and Çelik were replaced by an ordinance of the Ankara government-nominated administrator Ömer Şahin for supporting a terrorist organization.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Türkiye Nüfusu İl ilçe Mahalle Köy Nüfusları , accessed on July 9, 2019
  2. HDP: Detained Kurdish Co-Mayors. Retrieved August 19, 2018 .
  3. HDP: Detained Kurdish Co-Mayors. February 14, 2018, accessed August 19, 2018 .
  4. ^ HDP: List of State Commissioners Appointed to Democratic Regions Party Municipalities as of 12/02/2018. February 12, 2018, accessed August 19, 2018 .