Carl Arend

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Carl Arend , also Karl Arend , (born September 12, 1870 in Hannoversch Münden ; † 1938 ) was a German architect .


Design for the Humboldt School and adjoining residential buildings, signed Carl Arend
Jewish hospital in Hanover

Carl Arend worked as a freelance architect in the industrial town of Linden, which was independent until 1920 . Arend received - as well as z. B. the Linden architect Alfred Sasse - also orders from the municipal building administration of the city of Linden. He was involved in urban school buildings , in which he cooperated with the Linden city planning officer Georg Fröhlich .

Arend was a member of the Association of German Architects founded in 1903 .

The book “ The Magic Flute , the Song of Songs of Freemasonry ”, published in 1925 by the “ Zum Schwarzen Bärlodge in Hanover, contains a lecture by Oskar Schütte and a “supplementary lecture ” by Carl Arend - there is no clear evidence that both authors were Freemasons.

Buildings and designs

  • 1900: Draft for the Humboldt School and adjoining residential houses on both sides in (Hannover-) Linden, Beethovenstraße (not executed)
  • 1901: Jewish hospital for the Israelite Association for Old Age Provision and Nursing in Hanover Zoo , Ellernstrasse / Vereinstrasse (under monument protection)
  • 1901: Villa Osmers for the rector of the middle school on Lindener Berg in (Hanover-) Linden, Am Lindener Berge 36 ("most elaborate of a series of villas in the street"; under monument protection)
  • 1909: Drafts for the eastern front of Bethlehemplatz at the Bethlehem Church in (Hanover-) Linden
  • 1907: Competition design for the new Linden main cemetery (called Stadtfriedhof Ricklingen after 1920 ; together with Paul Kubach; awarded and commissioned to carry out the project)
  • 1910–1912: Facades of the secondary girls' school ( Friederikenschule , later Ihme-Schule ) in (Hannover-) Linden, Badenstedter Strasse 14 (floor plans by Georg Fröhlich; listed)
  • around 1918: Design for the Weißer Berg family pool in Mardorf (commissioned by Hermann Bahlsen ; probably not carried out because of Bahlsen's death in 1919)


Web links

Commons : Carl Arend (architect)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

References and comments

  1. a b c d e Hans-Herbert Möller (Ed.): Carl Arend (see literature)
  2. Compare the "Germanized" spelling in the Architectural Character Pictures with C arl Aren despite recognizable signature
  3. a b c Entry on Carl Arend in the historical register of architects “archthek” , section Aman - Arft , last accessed on August 4, 2015
  4. Publication data set in the OPAC of the German National Library
  5. Compare the documentation at Commons (see under the section Weblinks )
  6. Helmut Knocke , Hugo Thielen : Am Lindener Berge. In: Hannover Art and Culture Lexicon , p. 81
  7. ^ Deutsche Bauzeitung , 41st year 1907, No. 15 (from February 20, 1907), p. 108. (Note on the competition result)
  8. Horst Kohlmann, Friedrich Dankenbring (ed.): A - Chronik für Mardorf am Steinhuder Meer (from there via subsection A7 in the download of the PDF document A7 Die Zeit 1918 - 1932 ), last accessed on December 9, 2013