Carl Haber (mining engineer)

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Carl Kaspar Franz Haber (born January 8, 1833 in Worbis ; † May 17, 1914 in Bonn ) was a German mining engineer and mining and steel works director in Ramsbeck .


His father came from the family of the Kurmainzer Amtvögte and died as a senior registrar in Worbis. Two of his sons studied law while Carl studied mining. When Carl was born, his mother died, the father, Joachim Haber, (born December 31, 1787), had already died on July 5, 1832. He grew up as an orphan in the house of his grandfather, the district physicist Dr. med. Gremler, up.

After passing the mountain trainee examination, Haber entered private service, initially as a mining inspector in Mechernich , then as a deputy director of the Eschweiler Mining Association . After the war (1870/71) he headed the Westende and Ruhr & Rhein mines in Duisburg-Meiderich . After an educational trip to the United States of America, he joined the public limited company for mining, lead and zinc production in Stolberg and in Westphalia.

From 1875 to 1907 Haber was director of the " Actien-Gesellschaft für Bergbau, Lead- und Zinkfabrikation zu Stolberg and Westphalen, Department Ramsbeck ".

He had done his military service in Berlin. In the war of 1866, Haber was deployed as an officer in the Landwehr Infantry Regiment 25 near Langensalza . In 1870/71 he was the commander of a prison camp on the Wahner Heide .

In addition to numerous honorary positions, he was also chairman of the Arnsberg Chamber of Commerce . He spent his old age in Bonn .

In his honor, a show tunnel in Andreasberg was named Carl Haber tunnel. A street in Andreasberg bears his name: "Carl-Haber-Straße".


He was married to Elisabeth Meiring. The following children were born from the marriage:

  1. Johann Carl Emil Eduard Haber , born October 1, 1866, in Risa near Mechernich , † January 14, 1947 in Tübingen-Lustnau , mining engineer, civil servant in the Reich Colonial Office (including governor of German New Guinea ), honorary professor
  2. Carl Hubert Haber, born February 28, 1868 in Eschweiler , † April 30, 1908 in Ramsbeck , mining engineer in Ramsbeck
  3. Engelbert Albrecht Haber, born May 21, 1870 in Duisburg-Meiderich , † autumn 1912 (drowned), Cuxhaven , Lieutenant captain a. D.


  • Genesis of the lead ores in the red sandstone d. Bleibergs b. Kommern, in: The Berggeist newspaper for mining, metallurgy and industry, 1866, Cologne 1866, XI. Volume, p. 281 f. and 289
  • About underground dewatering machines in England, in: Journal of the Association of German Engineers, 1872, Vol. XVI p. 225.
  • The mechanical drilling operation on the pits of the Ramsbeck department of the Actien-Gesellschaft for mining, lead and zinc production in Stolberg and in Westphalia, in: Zeitschrift für das Berg-, Hütten und Salinenwesen in dem Prussischen Staate, Vol. 30 (1882), Pp. 43-65


  • Prein, F.-Engelbert, C. Haber, the mine director from Worbis and Ramsbecker Bergbau, in the yearbook Hochsauerlandkreis 1993 ( ISBN 3-923448-98-8 )
  • Serlo, Walter, Mining Families in Rhineland and Westphalia, in Rheinisch-Westfälische Wirtschaftsbiographien, Volume 3, 1937
  • Marcon, Helmut u. Strecker, Heinrich, 200 years of economics and political science at the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, life and work of professors, 2004 ( ISBN 3-515-06657-8 )