Carla Reemtsma

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Reemtsma as a speaker at a Fridays for Future demonstration in Berlin 2019

Carla Reemtsma (born  April 3, 1998 in Berlin ) is a German climate protection activist and co-organizer of the Greta Thunberg- inspired school strike Fridays for Future ("climate strike ") in Germany. As a spokesperson, she represents the movement nationwide and in the media .


Reemtsma grew up in Berlin and attended the Werner-von-Siemens-Gymnasium in Berlin-Nikolassee , where she was active as a class representative and head girl . After graduating from high school in 2015, she moved to Münster to study politics and economics at the Westphalian Wilhelms University . She is a scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation . Reemtsma is a cousin of Luisa Neubauer and, according to her own information, “relatives of the umpteenth degree” of the previous owners of the Reemtsma cigarette factories .

She already had experience with climate activism before she started organizing Fridays for Future demonstrations in Münster. She is also a youth ambassador for the international organization " One ", which works against extreme poverty in Africa.

Public work

Since January 2019, Carla Reemtsma has been a co-organizer of demonstrations and other activities of the Fridays for Future movement. For her, the impetus for this commitment was the speech given by Greta Thunberg at the UN climate conference in Katowice in 2018 . Because she is eloquent, she was responsible for nationwide press work.

She represented her positions on talk shows, such as Maybrit Illner , tough but fair and in the Munich group . She was interviewed by the news broadcasts of ARD and ZDF as well as various print media. In September 2019 Richard David Precht discussed the topic of "Revolution for the climate - a generation stands up" with her in his philosophy program . In the Spiegel conversation live in the Thalia Theater , she discussed the question of whether the global Fridays for Future movement would strengthen our democracy with Hamburg's First Mayor Peter Tschentscher . In July 2020, the television broadcaster Phoenix broadcast the live stream of a discussion with Carla Reemtsma and Frans Timmermans , Vice President of the EU Commission, on the European Union's climate policy and the “ European Green Deal ” on its website .


Carla Reemtsma sees politics and society as having an obligation to ensure fairness for the future and intergenerational justice in resource management and through the preservation of the natural foundations of life . It is clear to them that the previous economic method caused the climate crisis and that a restructuring is pending in this regard. “Whether we have to completely rethink the economic system, however, arises from the question of which measures we have to take in order to meet our climate targets - and how these measures affect. You can't play that out for the next 30 years. ”The need for economic growth, however, had not yet been made plausible to her when she was studying economics.

She did not consider the reduction in global CO 2 emissions as part of the measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic to be sustainable. “We haven't changed our transport system, invested in renewable energies, made production less energy-intensive.” Politicians lack the speed and will to change direction. “We are stuck in a catastrophic health crisis that will trigger an economic crisis that threatens the livelihood of many people and grossly increases social injustice. We continue to protest in order to solve these crises together. ”In the Corona crisis, the climate protection movement must become more creative and develop new forms of protest. With the protest on the Internet and poster campaigns one can counteract the loss of meaning.


According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , Carla Reemtsma is one of the “most formative faces” of the Fridays for Future climate protection movement in Germany . The Taz counted the non-party Reemtsma with Gyde Jensen (FDP) and Philipp Wesemann (SPD) to the "exceptional politicians" under 30 years of age, who are a minority in classical politics.

In the Maybrit Illner talk show in January 2020, she discussed with Arndt G. Kirchhoff , an automotive supplier and representative of the German industry associations. In the TV criticism of the FAZ Frank Lübberding wrote: “In this conversation it became clear why these young activists develop such an effect even without a democratic mandate. You contrast your own expectations with the practical implementation. No matter how often Kirchhoff was able to emphasize the common goals or to point out the progress already made in the transformation process. It was never enough because always too little and far too slow to implement. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation , Werner-von-Siemens-Gymnasium
  2. a b c “We're just a tad more radical than the Greens”, June 3, 2020
  3. Fridays for Future. Climate activist Carla Reemtsma fights for a better world , Deutschlandfunk Nova, July 14, 2019
  4. Carla Reemtsma , ARD website for the program “Hart aber fair”, May 8, 2020
  5. ^ Climate activist Reemtsma. “I want to be in a kind of extra-parliamentary opposition” Proclaimed by Leonie Feuerbach ,, September 27, 2019
  6. Maria Mercedes Hering: On the streets with Greta Thunberg in Berlin. Swedish climate activist is in the capital on Friday. In: Der Tagesspiegel , March 28, 2019; accessed on June 1, 2020.
  7. ^ Pjer Biederstädt: Carla Reemtsma Remarkable appearance on ZDF. In: Westfälische Nachrichten , March 29, 2019; accessed on June 1, 2020.
  8. TV review: ZDF talk on Maybrit Illner: Young climate activist finds clear words , Frankfurter Rundschau , January 24, 2020
  9. ARD-TALK , , May 12, 2020
  10. Münchner Runde: Improving technology instead of demonizing cars , BR24, October 30, 2019
  11. / ZDF today: Fridays-for-Future on aid package: - "No catastrophe, but missed opportunity" (Interview with Carla Reemtsma on June 4, 2020) Interview with Carla Reemtsma, "Fridays for Future" -Activist, on the network strike (April 24, 2020)
  12. a b Economic growth is not what everything is based on - it is an intact planet. GEO interview with Carla Reemtsma and Luisa Neubauer in: GEO , June 6, 2019; accessed on June 1, 2020.
  13. Fridays For Future IN Corona times: Carla Reemtsma: "We must not leave the field to the lobbyists" , Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung , April 23, 2020
    Climate activists: "We will continue to cause the hustle and bustle for a long time!" Interview by Joachim Käppner and Rainer Stadler, Süddeutsche Zeitung, September 27, 2019
  14. Revolution for the climate - A generation stands up. Richard David Precht in conversation with Carla Reemtsma , ZDF, September 15, 2019 (media library, 37 min.)
  15. ^ "Fridays for Future" activist on TV. Carla Reemtsma discusses with Richard David Precht , Westfälische Nachrichten, September 16, 2019
  16. Spiegel Climate Debate. All or nothing? January 12, 2020
  17. "We have to talk about the climate." Online discussion with Frans Timmermans and Carla Reemtsma ,, July 10, 2020 (approx. 45 min.) Accessed July 21, 2020
  18. Climate activist Reemtsma: “We have to come up with new forms of protest” , NZZ, April 24, 2020
  19. ^ Johanna Christner: Fridays for Future and Corona. Suddenly offside , FAZ, April 24, 2020
  20. Daniel Godeck: Young people in politics. The exceptional politicians , TAZ, June 4, 2019
  21. ^ Frank Lübberding: TV review: Maybrit Illner. Dystopia meets pragmatism , FAZ, January 24, 2020